this is not a joke

Chapter 245 Analysis of Spells

Chapter 245 Analysis of Spells
The two of them didn't get up until eight o'clock the next day.

The appointment with the Vatican City Administration is to meet in the conference room of the Administration at [-]:[-] am.

Wei An and Pei Na sorted out yesterday's report first, and sent a copy to Meng Yibo, then went out to have breakfast, and then went to the opposite side of the management office.

Part of the reason for those who wanted to kill them yesterday was that they were worried that their secrets would be leaked in the report, but in fact they could not be tracked down through this report, only Liangcheng Investigation Team [-] could be found.

Another part of the reason may be that Wei An and Pei Na knew too much to avoid future troubles, so they had to kill them directly.

Wei An also mentioned the matter of being ambushed last night to Meng Yibo in the morning. Meng Yibo's guess was the same as theirs, and he said that he would report to the Brahma City Administration immediately, so that Wei An and the two of them should be more careful.

Come to Fancheng Weitan Administration Bureau, the office space here is much larger than that in Zhoucheng.

Wei An had learned beforehand that Liangcheng had a lot more staff than Zhoucheng, and the office location was larger than Zhoucheng, not to mention that it was located in Fancheng, the largest in the jurisdiction.

There are three buildings here that belong to the Administration Bureau, and there are more than 20 investigation teams, and the distribution mode of the investigation team is the same as Liangcheng's. Instead of one investigator being a group, four investigators are assigned from top to bottom according to the investigator's level. Investigators from the first level to the first level, and some assistants.

The first five investigation teams in Fancheng have more than ten members, and each has a fourth-level investigator as the team leader. The other investigation teams are basically in groups of five.

So sometimes when they encounter some uncomplicated and low-level cases, they will be split into two groups or even three groups to deal with them separately, and the efficiency will be greatly improved.

Having said that, the area of ​​Fancheng is more than four times larger than that of Zhoucheng, and its jurisdiction is wider, so it is normal to have a large number of staff, and the management office here is also responsible for handling difficult cases reported by other nearby cities. Guaitan cases, these are extra work.

In addition, the management bureau on the side of Brahma City is also equipped with a research room and a team of experts, who are responsible for researching some mysterious things worth exploring encountered in strange talks, especially the research and collection of things that can be used by humans .

When Wei An and Pei Na arrived at the meeting room of the office building, no one had arrived yet, but the uniform staff were already waiting in the meeting room.

After Wei An and Pei Na were seated, the service staff immediately poured them two cups of tea, and turned on and adjusted the projector in the conference room.

A few minutes before nine o'clock, two men came in one after another, one was a little older, and the other seemed to be his assistant, or a student.

The older man is called Xiong Shihai. Weian has seen his introduction before. Xiong Shihai's main occupation is a professor at Brahmaputra University, a linguist, and has studied ancient prose and semiotics for a long time.

Just before nine o'clock, two people from the administration came in again, one was a staff member Ma Tao, not an investigator.Wei An is very familiar with him. When they were in Zhoucheng, the two usually communicated by phone and mobile social software. Back then, Ma Tao sent him a lot of information about the Brahma City Administration.

The other person is Yin Siyuan, who looks very young, but he can feel that he is very experienced in doing things.

This was the first time for Wei An to meet Yin Siyuan, and he didn't know his identity, and Ma Tao didn't introduce too much, but only introduced Xiong Shihai and his assistant to Wei An and Pei Na in detail.

Wei An noticed that Yin Siyuan was sitting next to Xiong Shihai in the middle, while Ma Tao, like the assistant, sat next to the two.

The four of them were sitting opposite Wei An and Pei Na, with a conference table in the middle, and one end of the conference table was an already turned on projection screen.

After a few words, Xiong Shihai signaled his assistant to insert a USB flash drive into the projection computer, clicked the mouse a few times, and soon a picture appeared on the projection screen.

This is a huge spell map, which seems to have been enlarged.

Wei An recognized at a glance that this was the first time he saw the spell drawn by Haruki Nakata outside the elevator in the strange talk of "Three Rumors", and it was also the circle spell he was most familiar with.

It's just that he only knows that this spell can kill monsters, and it can also backfire the caster. As for what the spell is and whether it has other uses, he doesn't know.

"This spell is called the Extinction Curse." Xiong Shihai said to Wei An: "At the beginning, we obtained this spell pattern when we secretly investigated the investigators Haruki Nakata and Miko Akimoto of the Bureau of Strange Tales of the Setting Sun Country. In a solo escape story, I got the description of this spell from the mouth of the participants again, and knew its name."

Immediately, Xiong Shihai gave his assistant a wink and asked him to continue the introduction, while he took the teacup, blew on the steaming rim, and took two sips of hot water.

The assistant took over the conversation and said: "The life-killing curse can actually not only kill the living body, whether it's a living person or other living creatures, it can also kill monsters, and even kill yourself, so we list it as a universal killing talisman." series."

After saying that, Xiong Shihai put down his teacup and asked Wei An: "Did you see the most talisman in the strange talk at that time, right?"

Wei An nodded, "Not only have I seen the most, but I can also draw."

"If you can not paint, try not to paint." Xiong Shihai waved his hand, "It is not just talking about this spell that can destroy oneself. According to our current statistics, including Haruki Nakata, there have been at least two investigators from the Sunset Kingdom because of painting. This spell was destroyed by backlash. We haven't found a way to break it yet, so if we can use it, try not to use it."

"By the way." Speaking of this, Xiong Shihai continued: "You should have obtained a cinnabar pen in the ghost talk. The cinnabar pen is a key tool for drawing spells. Not only can you draw the death spell, but you can also draw these spells."

While he was speaking, the assistant next to him had already projected more spell patterns.

This time, there are three spells appearing side by side in the picture. One of them, Wei An, has written down the pattern on the rune paper left by Akimoto Miko. It can also be drawn, but I don't know what the meaning of this spell is.

The other two talismans seemed to have been seen before, presumably they should have appeared on the pattern of the talisman paper, but I couldn't remember it at the time.

"These three are the invisibility spell, the assimilation spell, and the isolation spell." Xiong Shihai explained: "The invisibility spell, as the name suggests, as long as you stand on top of this spell, you will be invisible for a period of time. It should be effective for people and weirdness. After all, we still have It has not been tested in ghost stories."

Pointing to the spell in the middle, he said: "This assimilation spell means that as long as you step on the spell, you can make your breath the same as that of the object closest to you. For example, if there is a monster next to you, then in its eyes, you It's also weird. If the one closest to you is a living dead, that is, a half-corpse, then you are also a half-corpse in its eyes. You can also assimilate into other weird forms. In short, whoever is closest to you, you can assimilate into the breath of the other party. "

Immediately, Xiong Shihai pointed to the spell on the far right, "This is an isolation spell. When you step on the spell, you and the other party will be in two different spaces, and the other party will not be able to touch you no matter what."

"But you can still see it?" Wei An asked.

"Well, I can see it, but I can't touch it or hurt it." Xiong Shihai nodded, and continued: "This isolation spell is similar to half of the strokes of the travel spell we are studying, but the travel spell is much more complicated, and there is more than one. Instead, it requires at least three different travel spells to work together, and we are temporarily unable to get a complete picture of this set of spells."

Wei An replied: "That's true. Back then, I saw the pattern of the traveling spell left by Akimoto Miko on the rooftop in the strange story, but at that time it was already soaked in the blood in the basin where the clothes were placed, so I couldn't see it clearly."

Xiong Shihai's assistant said: "This spell needs to draw the first one in the real world as the starting point, then draw the second one in the first ghost story entered as the transition point, and then use the place where blood appears in the target ghost story to make it Forming a third pattern becomes the destination point."

Wei An was surprised and said: "That is to say, it is not the target ghost story that you enter directly from the real world, but you have to enter other ghost stories first, and build a transfer spell in this ghost story before you can finally enter the target ghost story?"

He didn't expect that Akimoto Miko actually entered the three rumors through such a complicated way.

Back then, his father Wei Zhengdong was almost dragged into the strange story by Akimoto Miko, but the strange story was not just three rumors!

(End of this chapter)

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