this is not a joke

Chapter 246 Get through the two worlds

Chapter 246 Open up the two worlds (please subscribe!)

The assistant nodded and said: "This is the complexity of the traveling spell. If we want to enter a certain strange story, we must use this traveling spell unless we can determine the time and area where the strange talk will appear. The world has reached the target ghost story, but you have to enter a ghost story first, and use this ghost story as a springboard to enter the target monster story.”

Wei An said: "This is understandable. After all, there must be some common mechanism between ghost stories and ghost stories that we haven't mastered yet. Traveling between the two is easier than traveling from the real world to the world of ghost stories."

Xiong Shihai may have a bad throat and has been drinking hot water. At this time, he took over the conversation and said: "We are also studying a few more spells, because the effect is not yet certain, and the specific stroke direction needs to be further proved, so this I won't show it again."

Wei An asked, "Can your computer draw pictures directly?"

Ma Tao shook his head, "This is for projection, there is no drawing tool installed."

"Then please bring me a piece of paper and a pen." Wei An said.

Not long after, the service personnel put the pen and paper in front of Wei An, and Wei An picked up the pen and began to draw.

When he finished his first stroke, Xiong Shihai's eyes lit up slightly, and he immediately focused on Wei'an's brushwork without making any other movements.

After a while, Wei An drew the second spell he wrote down, which was a bit similar to the spell he had written down before that was later confirmed to be an assimilation spell, but the other strokes were different.

After he finished drawing, Xiong Shihai immediately took it over, observed and thought about it, and nodded after a while, "Did you... remember correctly?"

Wei An shook his head, "I can't remember wrong, I only remember three, one is the Annihilation Curse, one is the Assimilation Curse, and the other is this. You just mentioned the first two, and I don't know about the third one." What effect."

"Let's take it and study it." Xiong Shihai said with a smile: "In addition, take the three spells just now and write them down carefully. They are not like the Annihilation Curse. No side effects have been found so far, and now the management bureau to which Brahma City belongs You are the only one who has a cinnabar pen, so who will use it if you don’t use it?”

Immediately, Xiong Shihai's assistant handed the printed paper with three spells to Wei An.

"Are there investigators in other places who obtained cinnabar pens?" Wei An asked.

"Yes." Ma Tao nodded, "However, the Central City Administration Bureau will know the exact figures. If you want to know, I can ask for you."

"Just curious." Wei An said.

Xiong Shihai put down the teacup, his expression became solemn, "As far as we know, these spells are not the source of our world, but come from a strange story. And this strange story should have been discovered abroad and captured by local investigators, Then a set of mechanisms gradually formed after studying the spell."

"Akimoto Miko also got it through that strange story?" Wei An frowned.

"Not necessarily." Ma Tao shook his head. "Akimoto Miko may have encountered other strange stories similar to spells. That was her opportunity. After being fully utilized and studied by her, the current situation was formed."

Wei An sighed: "After she was killed, I found an animal skin on her body, which recorded a large number of spells. It's a pity that because she entered the ghost story through the travel spell, everything is not recognized by the ghost story. As a result, this spell skin cannot be exchanged, so I can only memorize those two."

Speaking of this, Wei An suddenly froze for a moment.

At this moment, he remembered that if Akimoto Miko had not been recognized by the "three rumors", that is, the animal skin that recorded the spell was still on the rooftop.

Now I know that Lin Rui is also in the building. This kid has a good relationship with me. Next time, let him put away the animal skin. that thing?
I just heard Ma Tao say: "As we know now, some weirdness in the strange stories may be trying to find a way to enter the human world, such as the strange story about the 'hospital mortuary' that you experienced last time, Wei An. At that time, your The partner should have been mentally infected by the weird hair in the ghost talk, that is, left a trauma, so he was obsessed with devouring hair after returning to reality."

After a pause, Ma Tao said again: "We don't know if we leave it alone and let him eat too much hair, will it be used as a way to connect a channel between the real world and the world of ghost stories. But I I think this is the same as the implementation of the walking spell, but the method is different."

Wei An tapped his forehead with the knuckles of his index finger, "It's true when it's connected. I've met that girl with weird hair. She's an ordinary-looking woman who doesn't stand out in the crowd. I speculate that she has Maybe you want to let your consciousness or something else enter our world first in this way, which is somewhat similar to the traveling spell."

Then Wei An said again: "There are also the tauren, the slender black shadow, and a super fat man in the strange talk. They should all be in the same group. These weird strengths are very terrifying. With my current ability, I can If you encounter them alone in the ghost story, there is almost no possibility of defeating them."

While analyzing, Ma Tao said: "So they are all assisting that weird hair, let this woman bring her consciousness to our world through Yu Changshun as the carrier, is this the first step of the plan?"

"It may be so." Wei An said: "Of course, if they knew that there was a chance to connect the two worlds through spells, they would probably do so too. It's just that spells are not an ability they can master, so even if they know I can’t even do it.”

The young man named Yin Siyuan finally spoke at this time, "Actually, not only Weird wants to enter us from the world of ghost stories, but some people in our world also want to connect the human world to the world of ghost stories..."

As soon as these words came out, Wei An was taken aback for a moment, and the figures of Xue Wanxing and others involuntarily appeared in his mind.

"Could it be that the purpose of these people is to open up the channel between the human world and the world of ghost stories?" This idea came to his mind.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Yin Siyuan's gaze was on him, and he took it away after a while.

Xiong Shihai didn't know what Yin Siyuan and Wei'an were thinking here, he only focused on the spell he had researched, and said again: "Wei'an, if you want the first one of the traveling spell, we can give it to you, that is, Akimoto Miko The one completed in the building was also seen by your father. However, because we found that this spell was related to the latitude and longitude of the building at that time, we made some adjustments and changes to it, that is to say, it must conform to the current latitude and longitude and other variables."

Wei An's eyes brightened slightly, "That is to say, I can use the first travel spell now?"

Xiong Shihai's assistant took the words, "Yes, it can be used. But we can't confirm the second transfer spell, that is, from now on you need to understand the rules and drawing methods of the entire travel spell, and then come to the first strange talk Finally, figure out the second transfer spell there, and then draw it, so that it is possible to enter the second target ghost story."

"It's too difficult to do so, we don't recommend you to do it." Ma Tao said immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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