Chapter 265
Wei An dared to eat this thing directly because he knew very well that the biggest problem that troubled Zhang Zuxia at the moment was spiritual.

But Wei An knew that in order to solve the problem of mental trauma, there was no other way but to build mental barriers.

Yin Siyuan from the Internal Investigation Division also said that Zhang Zuxia still has great research value for the Administration, because this guy seems to be able to communicate with the world through dreams.

Although Wei An did not reveal it, Zhang Zuxia was very similar to himself in this regard.

Then the thing he has been looking for may also want to communicate with dreams, and after the black pearl appeared just now, although Zhang Zuxia was very scared, he still showed desire.

Just when Wei An deliberately threw the black pearl to him, he immediately opened his mouth to swallow it, which shows that the black pearl cannot bring out strange stories, but it can be swallowed directly.

The opportunity was not lost, so Wei An chose to swallow it for himself.

The black pearl melted away as soon as it entered the throat, without even the feeling of entering the stomach, as if it just disappeared.

But Zhang Zuxia stared blankly at this scene, feeling regretful, frustrated and unwilling in his heart, but soon these emotions were overwhelmed by fear again, and he dared not approach.

I don't know what the function of this black pearl is, but in Wei'an's view, it is mostly related to the dream after being traumatized, and he can only find out after leaving the strange story.

So far, all the main tasks of this ghost talk have been completed.

Text prompts appeared in front of all participants, but the text messages of Wei An and Zhang Zuxia were different from those of Zou Yun and Huang Zhanpeng.

Because both of them are intruders.

【congratulations,……!You have completed the C-level ghost story - Escape. 】

[Personal result evaluation: super completed. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points. 】

[Superior completion, an additional reward of 400 energy points. 】

[Props obtained: None. 】

[Hidden mission not completed. 】

Wei An knew that he was rated as super completed because he solved the last invisible weirdness, but because the hidden task of this strange talk was not completed, the final result was not rated as super first-class.

It's just that as usual, as an intruder, he still has intruder tasks to complete, and Zhang Zuxia is exactly the same as him.

When completing the intruder mission, it is possible to complete the hidden mission at the same time. Wei An has done this before when he experienced other strange stories.

Even got some rewards.

At this time, Zou Yun and Huang Zhanpeng also saw the text prompts to complete the ghost talk, and all they got was the conclusion that it was completed normally.

However, as investigators of the Brahma City Administration, Zou Yun and Huang Zhanpeng knew very well that they would quit the ghost talk first, while Wei An and Zhang Zuxia had to complete the intruder mission before they could quit.

At this time, the effect of the "fear image" emanating from Wei'an has begun to fade rapidly.

Although Zou Yun still felt a little afraid of Wei An, she realized that this might be a powerful skill of Wei An, and shouted to him: "Be careful, we will wait outside!"

After saying that, she quickly threw away her tool belt.

Wei An reached out to take it, and the two disappeared in the next second.

Of course, the corpse of another investigator lying in the No. [-] projection hall of the movie theater was also forced out of the ghost story at this time.

In front of Wei'an and Zhang Zuxia, a new text reminder of strange talk popped up at the same time.

[Intruders, please continue to explore other areas of this ghost story, and you can only leave after the exploration is complete. 】

Both texts are the same.

Wei An raised his head to look at Zhang Zuxia, and saw Zhang Zuxia, who was also looking at him with red eyes, his eyes were full of unwillingness and anger.

The fear of Wei'an dissipated a lot again, but Zhang Zuxia didn't want to continue to attack him. Although he didn't have the fear just now, he was not a fool, and he was still very afraid of Wei'an's ability.

With a beast-like growl in his throat, he turned around and jumped down to the first floor.

Wei An fastened his tool belt and approached the guardrail on the second floor. He saw that he had already walked directly to the gate of the mall, and quickly left through the entrance and exit with an alloy stick.

"This guy may not dare to provoke me now, but he might be ambushing somewhere later." Wei An murmured to himself.

When he swallowed the black pearl just now, he felt very strange, and it disappeared before it entered his stomach, but at this moment, he didn't feel anything else, and he didn't know what the effect of that thing was.

If you can later, see if you can get some useful information about the black pearl from Zhang Zuxia's mouth.

But Wei An knew that it might be very difficult, because now that guy wanted to eat his flesh raw.

Looking back at the invisible monster, although this guy is dead at this time, he is still invisible. If Wei An loses the naughty boy in his hand, he will still not be able to see him.

This shows that this weirdness is inherently invisible. This is his original ability, even after death.

"Explore all the area of ​​this ghost story?" Wei An said to himself.

The area coverage of this strange story is wider than other strange stories, including not only this shopping mall, but also areas outside the shopping mall, so Zhang Zuxia just walked out just now.

At present, there is nothing to explore in this mall, but the unknown areas outside the mall will be dangerous.

However, Wei An still went down to the first floor, pried open all the glass doors of the shops on the first floor that had not been opened, and then searched all the areas inside, but found nothing worth noting.

He quickly left the mall, stood at the entrance and exit of the mall he just walked in, and looked elsewhere.

There is an intersection outside the shopping mall, but it is dark on the opposite side of the intersection and on both sides. You need to get close to observe it. There are dim street lights on the side of the road, and no pedestrians or cars can be seen.

At the left rear of the shopping mall is a residential building, and a row of stores next to the street are used for renting out by merchants. At the right rear of the shopping mall is the entrance to a square with a basketball court and several table tennis tables.

Zhang Zuxia didn't know where he went after he came out just now.

Wei An came to the shopping mall and took a look at the left and right back, but he didn't get close to the residential buildings and squares, but returned and walked into the shopping mall again.

This is a rare opportunity, and he is already considering whether to draw a traveling spell in a secret place in the mall now, so that he can directly travel to the strange talk of "Calling Souls" where his friend Zhou Xin is.

The original plan was the same, first enter a ghost story, and then use this ghost story as a springboard to draw a travel spell and enter the ghost story.

And the current strange story that has come to an end can just be counted as the first strange story, the only thing Wei An has to consider is whether he can draw this passing spell.

If the passage is successful, he will directly enter the ghost story of summoning spirits, and when he comes out, he will still be in the current "escape" ghost story.

Because the passage of time is not the same, it is possible that when Wei An returned from finishing the ghost talk, the time here had just passed one second, that is, in the blink of an eye.

Of course, 10 minutes or half an hour may have passed.

But it is impossible for this "escape" strange talk to end, because there is no specified end time for the intruder mission, that is, as long as Wei An does not complete the interloper mission, it will always exist until it is completed, otherwise Wei An will been trapped inside.

Of course, if Zhang Zuxia finishes first, he will leave first, and Wei An will continue to be left until it is completed.

So for Wei An, he doesn't need to think about time at all, as long as he can draw the complete first traveling spell at the moment.

(End of this chapter)

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