this is not a joke

Chapter 266 Huimin School

Chapter 266 Huimin School
The main task of Wei An entering this strange talk is to bring Zhang Zuxia out of the strange talk, and prevent him from spoiling the strange talk after entering here, and further harming other investigators.

And now this task is basically completed, one of the investigators died, Zou Yun and Huang Zhanpeng survived, and Zhang Zuxia failed to destroy the mall.

In other words, he failed to destroy this strange talk.

If that guy finishes the interloper mission now and leaves the ghost story, there will be a lot of people from the Administration and Sheriff's Bureau waiting for him near the mall in the outside world.

As long as Zhang Zuxia leaves the ghost talk, there is a high probability that he will not be able to escape in the real world.

There is no need for Wei An to go out with him now.

Back at the cinema on the fourth floor, Wei An found a No. [-] screening room, and pulled out Zou Yun's special flashlight from his tool belt. After turning it on, the strong light emitted by the flashlight dispelled the darkness here.

It is necessary to find a remote place that is not easy to be found.

Wei An walked to the lower right corner of the No. [-] projection hall near the big screen, where there was a safety escape door, opened the door and walked in.

This is a slightly narrow escape passage for spectators. Usually, except for the cleaning staff, no one will pass through here.

The aisle is clean, and this location is remote enough. Even if Zhang Zuxia returns to the shopping mall to look for Wei An, he will not immediately know that he has returned to the fourth floor and re-entered the movie theater. The auditorium, and can also know that the spell drawn by Wei An is in the safe passage of this auditorium.

After calming down, Wei An took out a cinnabar pen, dipped it in some special ink, and began to carefully recall the details of the spells that Professor Xiong Shihai and his assistants told him, and he also had some experience in drawing symbols during this time.

Not long after, Wei An drew a frame of a traveling spell, and then he began to dig out various details of traveling to the target ghost story.

For example, the strange talk that Zhou Xin was in was a strange talk given by many people, and the place was a school. The main form of the strange appearance was in the aspect of spiritualism.

These details are completely different when they are reflected in the traveling spell. According to the experience notes Xiong Shihai gave him, Wei An has memorized more than 40 different drawing methods, and he has specially made the strokes of strange talks about entering the school and related to spiritualism Researched and practiced.

However, this is the first time he has formally drawn the traveling spell, so he is not fully sure that it will be successful.

If it is determined that it cannot be successful, then choose to complete the intruder mission of this strange talk as soon as possible, and leave here to talk.

It took more than half an hour to finally draw the travel spell that he was satisfied with. Wei An lay down on the ground and carefully looked at the detailed strokes of the spell with a flashlight.

After confirming, he took a deep breath, stood above the traveling spell, and then began to read silently according to the words Xiong Shihai had researched.

These syllables sounded very awkward to others, and they didn't know what they were talking about. Even Wei An himself didn't know what he was talking about.

When he recited it for the second time, he suddenly felt light and floating. When he looked down, he was still stepping on the walking spell, but he felt that his legs had no strength, and his whole body was suspended.

In the next second, the feeling of being suspended suddenly disappeared, replaced by a feeling of swift and violent falling. Wei An was unprepared, and suddenly sank into the ground, the traveling spell.

The safe passage became dead silent again, leaving only an extremely monotonous pattern on the ground.


Huimin Junior High School.

All buildings were covered by a thick layer of dark clouds.

There was no sound in the huge school, and even the ground was covered with weeds and rotting leaves.

Three women and one man stood in the woods behind the school.

Almost all the trees in this grove are withered, the branches are bare, and there is not a single leaf. On the contrary, there are rotten leaves everywhere on the ground, and water can be squeezed out by stepping on it with both feet, and a rotten smell fills the nose .

These four people stood around a dry well, two of the girls were closer to each other and deliberately kept a certain distance from the other two, while the third girl was holding the boy's arm. It seems to be a couple.

In front of the four of them was a dry well that was not too big. There was no water below the dry well, but there were a lot of rotten leaves.

"Zhuang Meixue, you go down first." The man said in a rather stern tone.

"Why me?" A chubby girl named Zhuang Meixue looked terrified and hurriedly said, "I move very slowly, and walking ahead may delay everyone."

After saying that, she gripped a thin girl beside her even tighter, not daring to let go.

The thin girl's eyes were full of anger, and she said to the boy: "Fei Yufeng, are you a man? The four of us got into the strange talk together. Just now we were looking for the exit at the teaching building and we just went our separate ways. Now this The dry well looks weird, but you want a girl to go ahead?"

"Su Ya, you know what a fart, I'm doing it for Zhuang Meixue's sake!" Fei Yufeng sneered, "Think about it, she's as fat as a pig, if we all enter the dry well later and leave this pig behind , in case something chases from behind, will she not be able to run at all? Will she be killed first? So letting her go ahead is definitely for her sake."

"Then why didn't you let Ke Ying go down first?" Su Ya asked.

"She's my girlfriend, and she followed me behind the line. What's wrong with such a reasonable arrangement? Can't it?" Fei Yufeng hugged the woman beside him into his arms.

This woman named Ke Ying lay on his chest, and retorted to Su Ya with a sarcasm on her face: "If you want to leave, hurry up and find the way ahead, and that faceless woman will chase after you later, and no one will survive!"

Su Ya was about to say something, Zhuang Meixue stopped her, and said softly: "I'll go first, it's nothing, you follow me. If something happens to me, it will block the danger ahead. It should be safest for you to walk in the middle of."

"Damn it, Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying, why don't they usually see that they are so heartless!" Su Ya scolded in a low voice.

"Don't dawdle, hurry up!" Fei Yufeng said, "There is a dry well behind the school. It's impossible at first glance, so this is probably our escape route. It's definitely right to go out from here."

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly subconsciously looked behind him in the direction of entering the grove.

Others followed him and looked at the entrance of the grove, and saw a figure standing there, wearing a gray and white dress, with long hair shawl, but looking from this direction, you can see the other person's facial features and what? None, that face is like a blank sheet of paper.

"Come here, come in, come in, come in!" Fei Yufeng hurriedly urged.

Zhuang Meixue and Su Ya were also surprised, without saying anything more, Zhuang Meixue immediately took off her coat, wrapped a blackened thick hemp rope at the mouth of the well with her coat, and was the first to slide down from the mouth of the well.

Originally, she planned to hold on to the rope and slide down, but she overestimated the strength of her arms. Zhuang Meixue's arms couldn't bear the weight of her body at all, so she fell directly after sliding down a few steps.

Su Ya was startled, and when she was about to quickly slide down to the bottom of the well, she was pushed away by Fei Yufeng.

Fei Yufeng glanced back and saw that the faceless woman was still standing where he was just now, so he quickly pulled Ke Ying over and slid down the second, and he was the third.

"Fei Yufeng!" Su Ya was so angry that she almost vomited blood.

Turning his head to look at the faceless woman, he saw that the other party had already started to move, coming towards this side without touching his feet.

She didn't have time to think about it, so she was the last one to slide down the dry well.

(End of this chapter)

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