this is not a joke

Chapter 267 Traveling failed?

Chapter 267 Traveling failed?
In the dry well.

Sure enough, Fei Yufeng guessed right, there is a hole in the bottom of the well, and there is a hole next to it that you can crawl into after you go down to the bottom of the well.

Zhuang Meixue's chubby body was just able to pass.

At this time, Zhuang Meixue also knew that her good friend Su Ya was at the bottom. This must have been an impromptu idea of ​​Fei Yufeng and his girlfriend Ke Ying.

Because the weird faceless woman who had been chasing them just now appeared, Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying did not dare to fall at the back of the team.

After climbing into the hole, the space inside began to gradually expand, and the person who entered could already bend down and stand up.

Su Ya walked at the end alone. When she just went down to the bottom of the well, she looked up and saw a faceless head hanging down at the mouth of the well, with long black hair still dangling faintly. It looked extremely terrifying.

Su Ya was so frightened that she didn't dare to look up again, and quickly got into the hole at the bottom of the well.

At this time, no one dared to delay, and they all walked quickly after getting into the hole.

When Zhuang Meixue was able to stand up and bend over to walk, she immediately shouted worriedly behind her: "Su Ya, did you follow?"

As Suya crawled forward, she hurriedly replied: "I'm behind, I'm behind, hurry up, that woman...maybe...maybe coming down..."

Zhuang Meixue, who was walking in the front, had spider webs all over her face. She could even feel bugs crawling on her neck and face, but the situation was too urgent at this moment. The woman might catch up to Su Ya who was at the back, so she didn't have time to pull herself, she just reached out and covered her head and rushed forward quickly.

There seemed to be less oxygen in the cave at the bottom of the well. After a while, Zhuang Meixue felt that she was starting to lose her breath, and the sound of panting gradually became louder.

However, although it was very dark here, there was no danger along the way.

Su Ya heard a rustling sound coming from behind her, she immediately trembled with fright, and as she walked forward quickly, she shouted: "Go... hurry up, it seems that the woman... is chasing you!"

At this time, the space for everyone to walk is getting wider and wider. Although they can't see what the surroundings look like, there seems to be some light in the front, and it should be almost to the end.

"Get out of the way!" Fei Yufeng suddenly overtook Ke Ying, then grabbed Zhuang Meixue who was walking in front, and dragged her behind him.

Ke Ying took the opportunity to overtake Zhuang Meixue, and rushed to the front with her boyfriend.

Before Zhuang Meixue could curse, she quickly turned around and grabbed Su Ya's hand, dragging her to run quickly.

The rustling sound behind her was getting louder and louder, it sounded like the sound of a dress being dragged on the ground, and the skirt of the faceless woman who was chasing after her might still be dragging many rotten leaves.

Not long after, Zhuang Meixue and Su Ya saw that the two people in front had rushed to the place where the light appeared, and their figures seemed to be climbing up, and soon disappeared from sight.

The two girls held hands, not daring to look behind, but just running forward as hard as they could.

Although Su Ya has a hot temper, she is too thin. At this moment, her physical strength has begun to run out, and she was dragged forward by Zhuang Meixue.

The rustling sound behind her was getting closer and closer, and Su Ya suddenly felt something touch her back, which made her yelp in fright.

Zhuang Meixue ran out of the cave ahead, came to the bright place, and immediately yanked Su Ya, who was screaming, to her side.

Standing in the light, the two turned around and looked back, only to see a thin and long hand with fair skin stretched out from the cave, with five fingers grabbing in mid-air, but nothing was caught.

Then the hand slowly retracted into the cave.

The two girls were so frightened that their whole bodies trembled, their lips were trembling, and after seeing the hand retracted into the hole and disappeared, they seemed to have regained their senses, and wept softly while holding each other.

They probably guessed that this place might not belong to the range of activities of the faceless woman. As long as they stood in this lighted place, they should be safe for the time being.

But it seems that this place still looks like it is in a well. This is another dry well, which is connected with the dry well on the other side of the school. The moonlight just shines in above the well mouth, making it also bright.

After crying for a while, looking up, the two saw Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying who had already climbed to the mouth of the well suddenly slipped rapidly.

Fei Yufeng was the first to return to the bottom of the well, while Ke Ying stepped on the stone brick when she was sliding down, and fell straight down, hitting Zhuang Meixue on the body.

Fortunately, Zhuang Meixue was strong and there was no serious problem, but after Ke Ying bumped into Zhuang Meixue, she sat down on the ground again and couldn't get up for a long time.

Fei Yufeng spoke to Zhuang Meixue and Su Ya at this moment: "You two, go up first."


"Where is this?"

Wei An looked up at the school introduction sign next to the teaching building.

"Huimin Junior High School."

He remembered that when investigating Zhou Xin's case, his fiancée Luo Xiaoya told the administration that although she didn't see the name of the ghost school, it was a senior high school, not the junior high school he saw now.

"Although it's the same school, did I go through the wrong place? Did I go to another ghost talk school?" Wei'an murmured to himself.

When he appeared just now, he was in a toilet on the second floor of the teaching building, where the faucet was leaking, and because of the traveling spell, the dripping water droplets gradually converged into a pattern of receiving the traveling spell, allowing Wei An to walk through.

However, Wei An felt that his talisman should be drawn wrongly, which led to the fact that although he found the school ghost story, it was another school ghost story, not the one he wanted to go to.

He just spent 10 minutes walking through the two teaching buildings, office buildings, laboratory buildings, etc., and found that there was nothing here.

Didn't see anything weird, didn't see anyone, just found a torn decorative bow on the clothes in front of the stairs of the indoor stadium.

Wei An put the bow tie in his pocket.

Now there is nothing strange or terrifying here. Wei An speculates that this strange talk may only be F-level or E-level, and it should be enough to escape from this school.

Because he found that the gate of the school was locked with electric welding, and the grid was also pulled up on the fence, and there were occasional clicking sounds, which were obviously electrified.

Based on these circumstances, if any participant enters this strange talk, he should be able to complete the task as long as he finds a way to escape from this school.

Wei An soon came to the grove behind the school, and he needed to make the final confirmation.

If it proves that he really came to the wrong place, he will go back to the walking spell and return directly.

But what if there are two schools next to each other?

For example, the junior high school is where you are currently, and the senior high school is next to it.

If you can go out and take a look, you can solve this doubt.

After all, now that I have come here, the traveling spell should be basically accurate. If it happens that the direction is wrong and I come to the junior high school next door, then I don’t have to go back at all, but go directly to the senior high school next door. The purpose of this travel It can be regarded as an achievement.

Just standing outside the grove for a while, Wei An suddenly noticed it. He immediately squatted down, walked around to a place with higher piles of leaves, and lay down on the ground.

Not long after, I saw a long-haired woman in a gray-white dress walking from the woods. The skirt dragged the leaves and made a rustling sound.

Wei An took a look and found that this woman had no facial features, her face was not only pale, but also extremely smooth.

 PS: Who can guess which ghost story Wei An is in?Hint: It has appeared in previous chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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