this is not a joke

Chapter 269 Excited Wei An

Chapter 269 Excited Wei An

Su Ya lowered her head and glanced at the bottom of the well, and saw Fei Yufeng below looked up at her, signaling her to climb out to make sure it was safe.

Su Ya lay on the mouth of the well and did not move.

Seeing that she hadn't moved for a long time, Fei Yufeng made a gesture to hit Zhuang Meixue's head with a brick. Seeing this, Su Ya had no choice but to crawl outside.

But she was careful not to make any movement, and the white-haired old woman kept her back to the mouth of the well, as if she didn't notice that someone came up from the well.

After coming out of the well, Su Ya immediately leaned her back against the wall of the well mouth, motionless.

Meanwhile, Fei Yufeng and others in the well held their breath and listened carefully to see if there was any movement above, but after listening for a while, there was no sound.

At this moment, footsteps came from the dark cave not far away.

The three people in the well were startled, and Fei Yufeng immediately raised half of the brick in his hand, but soon he felt that the brick was not very effective in dealing with the weirdness, so he handed the brick to his girlfriend Ke Ying, and he thought of it With a move, he took out a kitchen knife from the inventory.

This kitchen knife was a prop they got in the cafeteria when they searched in the school just now, and it might be the only prop in this strange story.

Because the four people who entered the school ghost talk are newcomers and have never participated in the ghost talk before, they all have a chance to get props for free, without energy point exchange.

The kitchen knife was naturally taken away by Fei Yufeng, and the three girls got nothing.

In Fei Yufeng's view, the main function of this kitchen knife is to deal with weirdness, so just now he just randomly picked up half a brick to intimidate Su Ya and Zhuang Meixue.

Now it is possible that the faceless woman went back and forth in that cave, so Fei Yufeng took out the kitchen knife and stared at the cave location vigilantly, with cold sweat breaking out on his forehead.

Although this guy has a vicious heart, he doesn't have much experience in dealing with weird things. He is not sure if this kitchen knife can kill the faceless woman.

The three of them suddenly saw a figure appearing at the entrance of the black hole, it was not the figure of a faceless woman, but a man.

The man obviously saw them before he came out, so he immediately said: "Don't do it, I am also a participant in the strange talk!"

It was Wei An who came.

"Participant?!" Fei Yufeng stared at him with a terrified expression on his face, still in shock.

"Yeah." Wei An nodded, "I should have been sucked into the ghost talk later than you, and I've been looking for you at the school for a long time, but I haven't seen you."

"Are there five participants in our strange talk?" Ke Ying said to herself.

"Sometimes it is like this." Wei'an explained: "The time for some strange stories to inhale the participants is not exactly the same. Some are early and some are late, some are fast and some are slow. I am obviously inhaled late."

"This is how many times have you participated in the ghost talk?" Fei Yufeng asked.

The kitchen knife in his hand still maintains a defensive posture, obviously not letting down his vigilance.

Wei An casually said: "The second time, after I experienced the ghost story for the first time, I had the opportunity to participate in the training of the Ghost Story Management Bureau, so I know more information."

Wei An has already noticed that these three people seem to be inexperienced, and it may be the first time they have entered the ghost talk, but the only man seems to be a little wary of the fat woman, and he doesn't know why.

"Didn't you just say that we have five people now? Why are there only three of you here?" Wei An asked Ke Ying.

Ke Ying said: "There is another one on top, we..."

Before she finished speaking, Fei Yufeng secretly pulled her sleeve, and Ke Ying immediately shut up.

Wei An saw that there were problems among these people, so he stopped asking, but looked up at the mouth of the well.

With the moonlight shining down from above, Wei An suddenly had a feeling of déjà vu, but the current angle was not right. Although he had this illusion, he didn't know if the feeling was accurate.

"Have I ever been to this place?" Wei An wondered, "Well? Dry well?"

I don't know why, but when the word dry well was heard, he felt inexplicably excited.

Looking at the thick rope hanging in mid-air, Wei An said, "Some of you have already gone up just now?"

If this place is the strange story he guessed, the person who went up at this time may be in danger, but Wei An is not completely sure yet.

I heard Zhuang Meixue say: "Yeah, my friend Su Ya has already gone up, but there is no movement now, I don't know what's going on."

"Su Ya? A girl?" Wei An was taken aback for a moment, then turned to look at Fei Yufeng.

What he meant was obvious. There was only this one man here, but a woman was asked to take the lead. Could it be that this woman, like Pei Na, was the best among the four of them?Or that the other three are no better than her in climbing?

This was a normal person's first thought, and Wei An didn't guess that Su Ya was forced to climb up.

"I'll go up and have a look too, you stay here for now and don't move around."

Wei An said something and began to climb up.

Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying were eager for him to go up and have a look, so they nodded immediately after hearing what he said, and Ke Ying said, "Be careful!"

These words sounded hypocritical to Zhuang Meixue, which made her feel sick and uncomfortable.

"Didn't you see a faceless woman when you came over there just now?" Fei Yufeng asked curiously at this moment.

Wei An shook his head while climbing, "No, no one saw it."

Not long after, he climbed to the mouth of the well, and the more he came to the mouth of the well, the more obvious the familiar feeling became.

After poking his head out, his heart suddenly became ecstatic.

"Fuck, it really is here!"

Turning his head and looking around, there are bushes everywhere, and there is indeed a small path beside the dry well. One end of the path leads to the ghost story "309 bedroom" that he has completed, and the other end leads to another very scary place. The ghost story of the courtyard.

Wei An still remembered that when the door of the ancient compound was opened, a woman chased her out and kept calling herself "Weilang".

As for the "309 dormitory", it is indeed a school, but it is the school in the college ghost talk, not a senior high school.

"Sure enough, I still drew the traveling spell wrong, and I came back here!"

Although he walked through the school, his first destination was Huimin Junior High School. The dry well connected to the school leads to the university where dormitory 309 is located. not here.

But even though he was wrong, Wei An couldn't restrain his excitement, because last time the killing ax of the same series as the bloody hammer fell into this strange story.

At that time, he was seriously injured, and when he was chased by the white-haired old woman, he threw the ax without energy point exchange directly as a dart.

Wei An still remembered that the place where the ax fell was in the direction of the small road leading to the strange talk in bedroom 309.

Looking at a thin girl leaning against the wall of the well mouth, she should be the one who came up first, and not far from the well mouth, the familiar white-haired old woman was still squatting, with her back facing this side, which was the same as Wei An's back then. It was pretty much the same when I saw her for the first time.

The sound of Wei An climbing up the mouth of the well has already attracted Su Ya's attention. Su Ya originally thought that the person coming was Zhuang Meixue, but she didn't know it was a strange man.

She was slightly startled, and saw Wei An put his index finger to his mouth, made a silent gesture, and then looked at the white-haired old woman.

Immediately, Wei An turned over and climbed out of the dry well.

Now he probably knows the rules of this strange talk, the faceless girl at the school is just a small boss, and the white-haired old woman at the dry well is the real protagonist.

(End of this chapter)

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