this is not a joke

Chapter 270 Fighting in the Well

Chapter 270 Fighting in the Well
This dry well is connected to the dry well on the other side of the school, so this is still the same strange story, and it belongs to "Huimin Junior High School".

And according to the pissing nature of the escape ghost story, as long as these participants find this place and successfully pass the pursuit of the white-haired old woman, they should be able to run from the side path to the end, and then pass the ghost story smoothly.

It's just that the situation when Wei'an came in was different. He came in from the sidewalk, but broke in by accident and didn't belong here.

The current situation is similar, and he also does not belong to this strange talk.

If he walked along both sides of this path, he might still return to bedroom 309 or the strange talk in the old house compound.

Of course, at this moment, Wei An didn't think about going to other strange stories anymore. His only purpose now was to see how to get the killing axe.

Judging from the current situation, as long as no participants have been here since I left last time, the white-haired old woman should not be able to move the axe.

However, the strength of this old woman is much stronger than that of the faceless woman. At the beginning, even throwing the killing ax failed to prevent the other party from chasing and killing her. Now it is impossible to scare her away with only a bloody hammer like the faceless woman.

The only thing is good, as long as these participants escape from this place, the old woman will stop chasing immediately.

From this point of view, there is no need to confront this white-haired old woman, as long as I get the killing ax and run, these participants only need to escape to the end of both ends of this trail.

Wei An quickly finished the analysis. He patted Su Ya beside him lightly. He didn't speak, but used two fingers to make a gesture of walking quietly.

Su Ya understood what he meant, it was telling her that she could leave secretly.

Su Ya looked anxious, pointed to her forehead, and then looked in the direction of the mouth of the well, which meant that she still had someone inside that she couldn't let go.

Wei An saw that a small piece of skin had fallen off her forehead, and it might have been bleeding just now, and seeing Su Ya's expression, she seemed to be very concerned about the friends below.

But Wei An didn't know that she only cared about Zhuang Meixue, and wished for the other two to die at the bottom of the well.

He immediately motioned for Su Ya to leave first as he said just now, and let the three people at the bottom of the well come up quietly one by one, and escape in an orderly manner.

The two had been gesturing without speaking, so they did not attract the attention of the white-haired old woman.

Just when Wei An was about to stand at the mouth of the well to signal the people below to come up quietly, Su Ya grabbed his hand, shook her head quickly, and then gently dragged him towards the path.

Wei An knew that she might want to say something, but he was too close to the white-haired old woman here, so he didn't dare to speak.

The two bent their bodies and tried to walk as lightly as possible. After walking a few steps forward, Wei An turned his head and saw the white-haired old woman who was facing away from here suddenly stood up slowly.

Wei An reacted quickly and pushed Su Ya into the nearest bush.

Immediately, he also got in, and held Su Ya's shoulder to keep her still.

The white-haired old woman seemed to have heard the sound from here, and walked over tremblingly, her face was full of wrinkles and piled up together.

For Wei An, it was also seeing an old acquaintance.

The bushes nearby are deep and dense, and Wei An and Su Ya are both covered. As long as the white-haired old woman doesn't get too close and they don't move, the other party can't find them.

The white-haired old woman just heard a general direction. When she came to check, she didn't go to the place where Wei An and Su Ya were hiding, but to the left side. She didn't find anything.

Not long after, an exclamation suddenly came from the well, which sounded like Zhuang Meixue's voice.

The old woman turned around abruptly and quickly approached the mouth of the well, lowered her head to look inside, and saw Zhuang Meixue climbing the well wall under the pressure of Fei Yufeng.

But Zhuang Meixue's body was really heavy, her legs were trembling, and she just grabbed the half rope hanging in the middle of the well wall with great effort.

The white-haired old woman opened her mouth and let out a shrill cry, then crawled into the mouth of the well on her hands and feet backwards.

"It's broken! Miyuki is still in the well!" Su Ya couldn't help but speak.

Wei An originally wanted to take advantage of the old woman's departure and rush to the trail to see if the killing ax was still there, but seeing these participants in danger at this moment, as an investigator, he couldn't ignore it.

It's just that it seems that Su Ya only cares about one person in the well, and the three people in the well just now seem to be incompatible.

"Let's split up." Wei An told Su Ya very quickly: "Run along that path now, pay attention to the fact that you may see a big ax on the way, which I left here Weapons. Put them away first, then hide in the nearby bushes and wait for me to come. I will save them now!"

"Save Zhuang Meixue, that fat girl, the other two are villains! They keep threatening to kill us." Su Ya said hastily.

"It can be seen." Wei An glanced at her, "Wait for us to come over."

At this time, the three people at the bottom of the well, seeing the white-haired old woman climbing down suddenly, were so frightened that they went into the cave one after another. Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying ran ahead and squeezed Zhuang Meixue who had fallen to the bottom of the well again to the rear.

Not long after, the white-haired old woman had already crawled to the bottom of the well, and quickly chased into the hole.

At this time, Zhuang Meixue was so frightened that she lost her mind, and she was at the back again. She felt that Su Ya and the strange man who went up just now might be dead. on the ground.

Fei Yufeng and Ke Ying who were in front wanted her to block her from behind, they ignored her fall and ran forward instead.

Zhuang Meixue was crying and was about to get up in a hurry when she saw a crooked figure approaching her out of the corner of her eye.

Her neck tightened, and she felt a chill of icy skull tightening her neck.

Zhuang Meixue immediately stretched out her hand to break the hand, but when she touched it, she found that the hand was extremely rough, and the skin was like a stone, which could not be broken.

Not only that, but the strength on her neck was getting stronger and stronger. She couldn't breathe anymore, her whole face was flushed, and she felt like her head was about to explode.

At this moment, the white-haired head in front of him suddenly trembled, and there was a muffled sound.

Wei An had already given the white-haired old woman a hard blow to the back of the head.

The white-haired old woman was hit hard, let out a scream, and turned towards Wei An.

After the two got entangled, Wei An immediately said to Zhuang Meixue: "Mei Xue, run back, or climb up from the mouth of the well here!"

He held on tightly to the white-haired old woman.

After seeing Wei An, the old woman suddenly trembled. This scene seemed very strange, but Wei An felt a sense of uneasiness.

Immediately, the messy white hair in front of him seemed to have a spirituality, rushing towards Wei An's head and body like a snake.

At this moment, Zhuang Meixue finally stood up. After hearing Wei An's words, she didn't care about anything, turned around and stumbled back to the dry well at the old woman's side, climbing up the well wall desperately.

At this moment, her potential was fully stimulated, and the speed of climbing up was actually very fast.

Wei An quickly took out the scalpel, turned it around, and cut off the silver hair in this area. After making more space, he immediately cut off the hair that wrapped around his body. A handful of black cat's heads.

(End of this chapter)

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