this is not a joke

Chapter 275 Enlightened So Soon!

Chapter 275 Enlightened So Soon!

"Could it be that the plot at this moment is too complicated, and the energy points that have been injected cannot support subsequent speculation?" Wei An speculated in his heart.

He immediately prepared to inject 50 energy points again, but after having this idea, the text prompt that appeared in his mind changed.

[Currently there are remaining energy points. 】

In other words, the energy points for speculation are sufficient, but why only the plot speculation has been started, but no speculated plot pops up?
Wei An's original intention was that the current situation is too weird to make people scratch their heads. If they can know the next development through plot speculation, they can prepare for it in advance.

But now it seems that even the plot speculation is not working, which has never happened before.

While he was wondering, he saw behind a stone pillar not far away, the figure flashed out just now, as if holding two weapons in his hand, he rushed towards him quickly.

Wei An quickly backed away obliquely, but he suddenly realized that the man seemed to have sensed his intentions, and immediately took two steps to the left, still keeping the same direction as himself, and quickly approached him.

This guy didn't talk nonsense at all. After approaching, the weapon in his hand attacked Wei'an head-on, and he didn't hold back his attacks at all. Every move would kill him.

Wei An raised the bloody hammer to block, and the weapons of the two sides collided, sparks came out.

Wei An was no longer polite, and quickly swung his other hand, slashing the killing ax at the guy's head.

The opponent also raised his other hand to block Wei An's move.

Taking this opportunity, Wei An took a closer look at this guy, and found that he was actually wearing a black mask. There were no holes in the eyes, nose, and mouth of this mask, and he couldn't see what he looked like at all.

This person's body was also shrouded in an extremely large overcoat, so he couldn't see his figure clearly.

According to the fighting skills taught by Pei Na, Wei An immediately squatted down and smashed the opponent's right instep with a hammer. The person's right foot immediately retracted, and the whole person seemed to have lost his center of gravity, but his right hand was holding the weapon at the same time. Wei An's head was smashed down.

Wei An rolled on the spot, and the killing ax slashed at the man's knee.

The guy hadn't adjusted his center of gravity right now, so he just lay on the ground and rolled over with Wei An.

Vian's ax missed the man's knee, but hit his thigh.

But at the same moment, Wei An's arm softened, and the elbow of his left arm was hit by the opponent's weapon. It seemed that the weapon was a short stick, and the shot was accurate, hitting Wei An's arm with numbness.

The arm that was hit was so numb that Wei An almost fell to the ground with the bloody hammer he was holding.

When you come and go with the opponent, you use two weapons to attack, and the fight is extremely fierce.

Wei An knew that if he hadn't obtained the fighting skills taught by Pei Na before, he might have been killed by this guy at this moment, and the other party seemed to know the fighting skills as well.

This kind of fighting method of using weapons at close range is very dangerous. Wei An has no time to be afraid at this moment, and he doesn't even feel afraid at all. Instead, he is so focused on how to deal with the enemy that he has no time to be distracted.

The potential was stimulated at this moment. After devoting himself to this moment, even Wei An himself never thought that he would be so brave. When the enemy's strength was also extremely high, he could still fall into a temporary stalemate with the opponent.

Not long after, Wei An's stomach, back, and calves were hit by the opponent's weapon several times. He could feel that his legs were swollen, his clothes were torn, and blood seeped out.

Soon even the flesh on the neck turned up, but it wasn't a fatal injury.

However, the other party was obviously not having a good time. He also suffered several cuts from the axe and was hit several times with the hammer.

But Wei'an really doesn't have the confidence to kill the opponent at this moment, because this guy is too strong, he feels stronger than Zhang Zuxia, it doesn't look weird at all, but a proper human being, a human with outstanding fighting skills and who is also good at using dual weapons .

"Zhang Zuxia?"

A thought suddenly popped up in my mind.

At this moment, Wei An was already panting, and he found that the scene he was experiencing was very familiar, as if... he had seen it just now.

Looking down in a hurry, he found that Zhang Zuxia who was not far from his feet just now had disappeared.

After being hit on the body a few more times and retaliated twice, Wei An took the opportunity to look at other places where he could see clearly. Zhang Zuxia was indeed not where he was lying just now.

It was even neat and tidy, there were no traces of footprints or clothes, and it seemed that no one had been lying there.

"It's not right!" Wei An felt a little bit in his heart.

When he retracted his hand, he was half a beat slow, and the wrist of his left hand was broken with a crack, and the bloody hammer fell to the ground, causing half of his body to go numb from the pain.

But Wei An's head turned faster at this moment. He continued to block and fight back with the killing axe, while quickly thinking about Zhang Zuxia's series of performances just now.

Just now Zhang Zuxia stood here by himself and fought the air like crazy, but he didn't see anything when he stood beside him.

Could it be that he also encountered the same situation as him at this moment?Otherwise, how to explain Zhang Zuxia's whereabouts now?

Also, why does this person in front of him also use a weapon with both hands, exactly like himself?
Wei An's eyes were already a little blurry, which was a sign that his body was about to lose strength, but if he didn't block and fight back, he might be killed on the spot by the opponent in the next second.

The more he thought about it, the more something went wrong. After being hit hard on the chest again, Wei An spat out a mouthful of old blood, and took a few steps back quickly, but the other party immediately bullied him and kept the same distance from him.

"Just now the plot speculation has been activated, but there is no plot. This means that there is no plot at all, and there is nothing to speculate! So what I am experiencing now is not a strange story at all, I must be in a very special state , just like the Zhang Zuxia I saw just now!"

After this thought came into being, Wei An stopped fighting with the person in front of him even though his body was covered with wounds. Instead, he took a step back suddenly, threw the killing ax still in his hand to the ground, and stopped fighting back.

When he retreated, the man immediately closed the same distance with him as before, and at the same time he raised his weapon in his hand and slammed it down on his head. It seemed that he would not stay at all, but kept going down. Ruthless.

Wei An still didn't respond, just stood there panting, and when he raised his eyes, he saw the black weapon coming towards him, hitting him directly on the forehead.

The body trembled involuntarily.

However, Wei An didn't feel the heavy blow coming, but the moment the weapon in front of him hit him, it instantly turned into black smoke and dissipated, including the guy wearing the mask in front of him also turned into black smoke and dissipated in the air. As if it never appeared.

Not only did the masked man disappear suddenly, Wei An also found that the environment he was in had also changed instantly. He was standing in a pitch-black nothingness, but when he looked around, he could see the surrounding environment clearly. The situation was strange.

And Zhang Zuxia, who had disappeared just now, was standing about five meters away from him at this moment. There was no alloy rod in his hand, and his face was still pale. Obviously, his body had not fully recovered, and he was also looking around.

After seeing Wei An, he said, "You've come to your senses now? Much faster than me."

(End of this chapter)

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