this is not a joke

Chapter 276 Zhang Zuxia's Choice

Chapter 276 Zhang Zuxia's Choice
Hearing Zhang Zuxia's words, Wei'an can be sure that what happened to him just now is exactly the same as Zhang Zuxia's, but because of Zhang Zuxia's lesson from the past, he reacted himself, so he woke up faster than the other party.

Just now Zhang Zuxia was indeed in a state of madness, but at the same time fell into hallucinations, and started a battle with a man who was holding a stick like him, and that man was also wearing a black mask.

Until the end when this guy was almost exhausted, he didn't realize that the illusory person was imitating himself.

The wounds on Zhang Zuxia and Wei An were the ones they wounded themselves with weapons in the illusory fight.

If there is any mistake in this, the two of them will be killed by themselves.

But fortunately, both of them are not weak in strength, especially Zhang Zuxia, although he went crazy at the time, he has maintained the output of combat power, so that even if he was tired, he did not kill himself by mistake.

And if Wei An persists to the end, he may not be able to be like him, and he may be hacked to death by himself with the killing axe.

Looking at Zhang Zuxia, who was pale and barely able to walk, Wei An asked, "Where is this?"

Zhang Zuxia said: "Isn't this the space that we are required to explore in the Intruder mission?"

Seeing that Wei An was still a little confused, Zhang Zuxia smiled, and it could be seen that his madness had disappeared, and he had turned back to a normal person at this moment.

"At the beginning I chose to enter this strange talk for two reasons. One is that the weirdness here is very special. It is not physical, but it can communicate with the subconscious." Zhang Zuxia said: "The other reason is that the environment of this strange talk is very special, such as Now here, it is a world between material and spiritual consciousness, and now I have finally found it."

"So we just met that illusory person who imitated us in this world between material and consciousness?" Wei An guessed.

Zhang Zuxia shook his head, "That person does not belong to this world, he is you and me."

"Then what's the use of the black pearl I swallowed?" Wei An took the opportunity to ask.

"Integrate into your subconscious and stabilize your dreams." Zhang Zuxia didn't seem to mind, and replied without thinking: "Of course, the premise is that your dreams are very special, just like mine. But if you don't have any trauma at all, or If you have a special dream, that thing will have no effect on you."

"Understood." Wei An nodded.

Steady dreams!

My own dreams may not be much better than Zhang Zuxia's. Since I was traumatized, all kinds of weirdness will appear in my dreams, and even the black and white girl and Lin Rui can communicate with themselves from the dreams.

If the black pearl really works, it depends on whether it can break the originally sealed door between himself and Lin Rui, and connect the two worlds together.

Although Zhang Zuxia looked weak at this time, his spirit seemed to be very happy, and he didn't care that Wei'an snatched the black pearl and swallowed it himself.

He looked at the dark space with longing in his eyes.

After walking two steps forward, he stopped to rest and said to Wei An, "Do you want to explore this place with me? It might take a long time, but it's worth it."

Wei An hesitated for a moment, then shook his head, "Exploring here will certainly bring you many benefits, but I don't seem to need it right now."

He knew why Zhang Zuxia was so eager to find out the reason here, and now it seems that this guy is in a very good condition, that is to say, in this space between the material world and the world of consciousness, Zhang Zuxia's madness may calm down, not Explode like usual.

After exploring here, maybe he can find a way to never go mad again.

"Hahaha..." Zhang Zuxia smiled and nodded, "You'd better remember this strange story, and use a detector to keep the location. If you need it in the future, you can explore the nearby areas of the real world, find this strange story, and then go to the mall The parking lot below enters this space, and perhaps I will always be in this space."

After a pause, he said again: "The illusory self just now is just the first one, I think I will overcome more things here."

Wei An suddenly frowned, and then asked: "Do you think this space will connect the ghost story world and our human world?"

"I haven't explored it yet, how would I know?" Zhang Zuxia smiled and spread his hands, "But there must be more than us here, some weirdness is already in it. And after we have been traumatized, the places where the dreams appear should be connected. Here too, I'm sure of that."

Wei An seemed to realize something, "That means we have been in that weird dream all the time."

Zhang Zuxia nodded, "My mental state will always be maintained like this here."

Wei An shrugged and looked back.

Zhang Zuxia knew what he meant, "Now this ending may disappoint you, compared to going back with you. I think I need to stay here more."

"I respect your choice." Wei An nodded.

"Are you sure you won't follow?" Zhang Zuxia asked again.

"Be careful." Wei An didn't answer him directly, he waved his hand, turned around and walked back.

He was sure that he hadn't walked very far when he entered here just now, and now he walked back about ten steps, and suddenly his eyes lit up, and he appeared in the underground parking lot again.

Turning his head to look around, it was still where he was just now, but Zhang Zuxia had completely disappeared.

Wei An took two steps back to prevent himself from entering that illusory space again.

At the same time, a text prompt from Guai Tan popped up in his mind.

[The intruder mission has been completed, and you have successfully explored all areas of the strange story. 】

【You can leave the ghost talk with a 6-minute delay. During these 6 minutes, you can leave the ghost talk at any time as long as you want. After 6 minutes, you will be forced to leave the ghost talk. 】

Wei An looked at the reminder to complete the strange talk that popped up before.

[Personal result evaluation: super completed. 】

[Main task reward: 500 energy points. 】

[Superior completion, an additional reward of 400 energy points. 】

[Props obtained: None. 】

[Hidden mission not completed. 】

His personal result evaluation is still super completed, and the hidden task is still not completed.

"What is this hidden mission?" Wei An was puzzled.

He didn't quit the strange talk immediately, but used the time he had left to delay to return to the shopping mall, and went to check the two places that Zhang Zuxia smashed.

In the end, he returned without success.

Standing at the gate of the shopping mall, watching the countdown that was about to end, he frowned and thought.

It is possible that the hidden mission exists in the black space that was explored just now. Only by continuing to explore there can it be possible to trigger and complete the hidden mission, but the mission itself should not be difficult.

And in this place, there is no hidden mission at all.

"Let Zhang Zuxia complete this hidden task."

Wei An had a guess in his mind, and at the same time the countdown ended, his figure disappeared instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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