Chapter 277
For Wei An, his vision was just blurred for a moment, he was still standing at the entrance of the shopping mall, but the shopping mall at this time was completely different from the shopping mall in the ghost story.

After Wei An appeared, Pei Na, deputy team leader Zou Yun, and Ma Tao who were waiting not far away immediately surrounded him.

At this time, Yin Siyuan from the internal investigation department did not seem to be on the scene, but Ma Tao immediately looked around Wei An and found that he was the only one present, and Zhang Zuxia was not there.

Pei Na first asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

"It's okay." Wei An shook his head.

"Where's Zhang Zuxia?" Zou Yun also noticed that Zhang Zuxia didn't appear at this time.

"He is saving himself." Wei An looked at Ma Tao and explained to the two of them: "We found a strange place in the mission of the last intruder, which seems to be able to connect human dreams..."

"Get in the car, let's talk after getting in the car." Ma Tao immediately interrupted his words, as if he thought that these words should not be heard by others.

Immediately, he took Wei An and Pei Na into an SUV that had been waiting on the street, and told the others to clean up the scene. It seemed that even Zou Yun had to avoid such information.

After getting into the car, Wei An saw Yin Siyuan sitting in the car and never got off.

The SUV drove forward slowly, and Wei An repeated what he said just now, and continued: "That place is between the material world and the conscious world, and it may have a certain connection with the dream that some people connected to the ghost story world. This is what Zhang Zuxia told me personally."

"Is it the kind of people who have been traumatized?" Yin Siyuan asked.

"Yes." Wei An nodded, "You also know that this kind of people will have nightmares from time to time after being traumatized, and all kinds of weird things will appear in the dreams, although these weird things only appear in dreams. But there was once an investigator After the party members left the strange talk area rashly in the strange talk, they returned to the real world but died in a dream. Now Zhang Zuxia’s situation is a bit like this. He said that he found this place with great difficulty, so he must do it there. clear."

"So there is such a place." Yin Siyuan obviously attached great importance to it, "What did you see inside?"

"I can't see anything, it's pitch black, but I just feel very strange." Wei An said truthfully, "In my opinion, if Zhang Zuxia wants to explore inside this time, there are three possibilities. One is that he will never come back. I came out. Because I was close to the entrance at the time, I backed up immediately when I realized something was wrong, and then left smoothly. But if I went deeper, I couldn’t find the entrance and exit.”

"Then what's his second situation?" Ma Tao asked.

"The second is to find out how to cure your madness inside, and also to be cured, and find a way to get out, and leave smoothly." Wei An said: "However, I don't know how long it will take, it may be a long time long time."

After a pause, Wei An continued: "As for the third type, he will encounter a weirdness that traumatizes his spirit, or at least the weirdness will be projected inside, and then he will be completely killed in that space. "

Yin Siyuan recorded the three possibilities that Wei An speculated one by one, and he fully agreed with Wei An's speculations.

Because as far as the investigation team currently knows, there is obviously a certain connection between the dream space and the strange talk space. If there is such a transitional space between the two spaces, it will be very easy to explain some things that they have not been able to explain so far. The problem.

"We can temporarily name this space 'transitional space'." Yin Siyuan said: "If the former investigator Hou Yun is caught, this guy's contact and understanding of dreams is not much less than Zhang Zuxia, and he will definitely know more dream information. Maybe we can find a bridge between us and the world of ghost stories."

Wei An was slightly taken aback, and asked, "What are you looking for for that thing?"

Yin Siyuan saw that he had doubts when he looked at himself, and then smiled and said: "You misunderstood, you can only find this bridge and destroy it smoothly, otherwise there will be endless troubles!"

Ma Tao patted Wei'an on the shoulder, and said to Yin Siyuan: "Brother Yin, it's normal for Wei'an to have such concerns about each of us. We can reasonably suspect that everyone who doesn't know well, the situation There are still people like Xue Wanxing in Liangcheng hidden in it, we can't take it lightly."

Yin Siyuan nodded, and then asked Wei An: "Have you ever heard of 'Zongfu'? Zongfu of religion, father of father."

"Father?" Wei An frowned slightly, "I remember that it seems to be a respectful title for a famous person in ancient times, but I can't remember who it is."

"Of course it doesn't mean that now." Yin Siyuan explained: "Our internal investigation department confirmed last night that this name is the name of an organization, and Xue Wanxing is in it, and even the people in his group are members of it. "

As soon as these words came out, Wei An and Pei Na were both stunned. They didn't expect this matter to be so complicated.

"At ten o'clock last night, the first-level investigator and assistant of Xue Wanxing's group confessed, admitting the existence of the patriarchal organization, and said that Xue Wanxing was at the patriarchal level in the organization." Yin Siyuan continued: " However, these two are just young people in this organization, so I don't know what other ranks are there, but I suspect that the highest rank is Zongfu."

"What does this organization do?" Pei Na asked.

"Open up the world of humans and ghost stories, and try to bring out useful items in ghost stories." Yin Siyuan said: "This is the preliminary information we have, but their ultimate goal must be more than that."

"If the item can be brought out from the strange talk, then the weirdness will also come out." Wei An murmured.

"So we have classified the destruction of the patriarchal organization as a top-secret operation. A task force has been set up in the central city, and we will be required to provide more information in the future," Yin Siyuan said.

As he said that, Ma Tao handed over two documents to Wei An and Pei Na.

After Wei An took it, he opened it and found that it was the investigator certificate of the Brahma City Administration, on which was his identity information.

The same goes for Pei Na.

Ma Tao said to Pei Na: "Pei Na, although you have always been an assistant to Wei An, in fact you already have the double identity of an investigator, and you are also an excellent investigator. I hope you can cooperate well!"

Wei An raised the certificate in his hand, "In other words, we are now investigators under the direct jurisdiction of the Brahma City Administration? Does Zhoucheng know? Do you need to tell Meng Yibo first?"

Yin Siyuan nodded, "We have issued a notification document to them. Both of you are temporarily assigned to our internal investigation department. Of course, our external name is the investigation team of the Brahma City Administration, not the internal investigation department. And your two Work tasks can be arranged independently, just put a name on my place, you can do the work I arrange for the group if you want, and you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to do it.”

Wei An looked at the date displayed on his phone, only to realize that it had been a day since he entered the shopping mall.

Many things can happen on this day, such as the transformation of myself and Pei Na into investigators of the Brahma City Administration, which is a level higher than the Zhoucheng Administration, or the investigation of the "father" who was revealed for the first time organization.

But Wei An didn't care much about these things, he just wanted to sleep now, and then see if his dream changed to another scene after he swallowed that black pearl.

(End of this chapter)

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