this is not a joke

Chapter 287 Death God's Choice

Chapter 287 Death God's Choice

"Pei Na, you do a good job for these people in the corridor. When the pointer on the wall clock points to twelve o'clock, it is best for everyone not to stay in the corridor, but to go home and quietly close the door. Wait for the reminder of the ghost talk text." Wei An instructed Pei Na.

Pei Na nodded, put down the kitchen knife in her hand, untied the apron she was wearing in the kitchen just now, and walked out quickly.

"Don't panic, I'm an investigator..."

While she was talking, Wei An and Su Ya returned to the house, Wei An said: "Now I will give you the killing ax again, and after you get it, hand it back to me so that I can exchange it."

"Okay." Su Ya took two steps back, getting ready, and it was obvious that she began to get nervous again.

Although she passed the strange talk for the first time, it was because of Wei An's help at that time. If Wei An hadn't appeared, both Su Ya and Zhuang Meixue might have died there.

This time, although it was the second time for Su Ya to experience the ghost talk, the battle this time was obviously different. So many people entered the ghost talk, and I don't know what the task of the ghost talk would be.

When Wei An took out the killing ax and put it in Su Ya's hands, Su Ya's hands sank, obviously this weapon was still too heavy for her.

Immediately, she handed the ax back to Wei An, thinking that she had disconnected from this red-level weapon.

Wei An immediately saw a text prompt from the weapon exchange.

[Slaughtering axe (red), exchange for energy points: 500, do you want to exchange? 】


Wei An didn't hesitate, and immediately chose to exchange. He spent 500 energy points to hold the killing ax in his hand again, and a sense of gain flooded into his heart. This was something he didn't notice when he got the killing ax at first. sense of ownership.

After obtaining the broad axe, words popped up in front of my eyes again.

[Congratulations, you have obtained the set weapons Bloody Hammer and Killing Axe, and the "Guardian" set combination has partially taken effect. 】

[Central Guard Set: If the bloody hammer and the killing ax are used separately, they will each exert the power of a red-level weapon, and the physical attack effect is amazing, but if the two are combined, it will form a new killing weapon—halberd ax.Halberd Axe, purple level, has two modes of physical and energy attacks, and the attack effect is doubled.The close guard set also has a professional bonus effect. 】

"It turns out that this is called the close guard suit." Wei An suddenly realized.

However, he knows that the so-called suit should include armor, helmet, shield and other items. Currently, he only has weapons, which can only be regarded as one part of the guard suit, not all of them.

As for the combination of the Bloody Hammer and the Killing Axe, Wei An had tried crossing the two weapons together when he dealt with the weird hair in the last strange talk, and it did have a stronger power at that time.

It's just because the killing ax doesn't belong to him yet, so he didn't really combine these two weapons into a halberd axe, and didn't fully exert the effect of its special combined set.

Putting away the killing axe, Wei An let go of his heart that had been hanging all this time, and said to Su Ya: "From now on, look for all the weapons you can see, such as kitchen knives, even spatulas, or There are some other sharp things, take them in your hand and see if you can redeem them."

"Okay." Su Ya nodded.

After experiencing the first strange talk last time, she has already accumulated a sum of energy points. Even if the energy points are needed to obtain the weapon for the second time, it should be enough to exchange for one.

At this time, Pei Na pushed the door back and said, "All the people in the corridor have returned home to wait, and the black wall clock outside will point to twelve in five minutes. What do we need to do now?"

Wei An pondered: "Do nothing, wait for the reminder from the strange talk, there should be a reminder before twelve o'clock."

Now this building, including other floors, must have people running outside, and at the bottom of the corridor on each floor, a huge black wall clock appeared.

After a while, the noise gradually disappeared, and it was obvious that these people had all returned to their respective homes.

Because when it was 2 minutes to twelve o'clock, everyone had the same strange talk task information in front of them, only Wei An's place was slightly different, and the original "participant" was still replaced by a string of ellipsis.

But Wei An already knew now that the so-called intruder was a lie of the ghost story. In fact, even the intruder could not destroy the whole ghost story.

【Welcome,……!You have entered the option of E-level strange talk - God of death. 】

[Ghost Story: Shinigami Option]

【Level: E】

[Type: Multiplayer (selected)]

[Description of the event: The realm of the god of death will be opened randomly. Unfortunately, you all entered this realm.From now on, Reaper will play a game with you. If Reaper enters a certain room, all the people in this room will participate in the game. When you arrive and see someone wandering the corridors, that person will play an even more special game with Death. 】

【Main task: Playing games with God of Death, God of Death especially likes role-playing games, and doesn't like distractions, so if participants engage in role-playing, they will temporarily lose their original memories. 】

[Main task reward: 300 energy points]

[Hidden mission: yes]

"Not good!" Wei An felt bad after reading the mission information of this strange talk.

Pei Na also frowned and said nothing, obviously she thought of the same question as Wei An.

"What's the matter?" Although Su Ya also saw these words, she didn't quite understand what was wrong with them.

"There are so many people playing games, we simply can't take care of so many people at the same time!" Pei Na said.

Wei An said: "Not only that, the weirdness in this strange talk is the god of death, and the weirdness who can call himself the god of death is definitely not bad. Especially just by looking at the coverage of this strange talk and so many participants, you can know that this The guy definitely created this E-level multiplayer selected ghost talk by reducing dimensionality. With the strength of the god of death, we can't fight against this specific ghost talk rule."

"Is it very powerful?" Su Ya asked.

"Well, according to Wei'an, it's a strange talk created by self-declination, and so many participants joined in at the same time, so the strength is absolutely ridiculous." Pei Na nodded.

"I have never seen such a large-scale selected ghost story." Wei An said: "Assuming that the god of death can be cloned, it can appear on all floors at the same time, and enter the selected room at the same time to start its game. He and Pei Na don't have enough skills to deal with each other, they can only rely on the participants themselves."

"This weird story...may kill many people!" Pei Na murmured.

At this moment, Su Ya was too scared to speak.

At the beginning, Wei An guessed that since the coverage of this multi-person strange talk is so wide, with several blocks, its task should not be too difficult.

After all, there are so many participants to take care of, it is very likely that this ghost talk is an escape mission, or a crack mission, just like the bloodthirsty butcher.

How did they know that this turned out to be to isolate all participants as a family unit, and release branch tasks in different small areas-playing games with Death!
(End of this chapter)

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