this is not a joke

Chapter 288 Powerful clone

Chapter 288 Powerful clone

"From now on, you can't go to the corridor without authorization. If you are caught by the god of death, you probably won't be able to come back." Wei An said: "If you play a special game with the god of death, you will definitely not be able to beat the other party."

"Then shall we sit and wait at home?" Su Ya asked tremblingly.

Wei An nodded, "Just wait at home and see which house the god of death will choose to enter after appearing."

After a pause, Wei An looked at Pei Na, "What I'm worried about now is that the God of Death will choose to enter multiple families at the same time, so not only will we not be able to know its choice, but we will also be unable to rescue so many people at the same time."

Pei Na said: "When the wall clock outside reaches twelve o'clock, I will try to lurk out and see if the god of death chooses different families to play games round after round. Is there any pattern?"

"I hope that the first one will choose our place, so that you can master its gameplay." Wei An said, and then he looked at Su Ya, "Now look in the room to see if there is a suitable weapon."

"Okay." Su Ya nodded immediately and ran to the kitchen.

At this time, there was no sound in the corridor outside, because all the participants had seen the text prompt of the ghost talk, and no one dared to take risks and stay in the corridor.

Not only was there silence in the corridor, but the entire building fell into dead silence at this moment, as if no one existed at all.

In this anxiety and restlessness, more than ten minutes passed quickly, Wei An put his ear behind the living room door, and heard noises outside, but he couldn't tell whether it was footsteps or other sounds.

He could feel a slight electric tingling on his hands and facial skin near the door, as if the magnetic field outside the corridor had changed somehow, not just the air becoming colder.

This weird talk gave Wei An an extremely ominous feeling.

It is an indisputable fact that the number of ghost stories has indeed begun to increase nowadays, but the current ghost story symbolizes that not only their number is increasing, but also their scope is also expanding, and the number of participants involved is also increasing rapidly. This is a Bad sign!

If one day the strange stories broke out with this level of coverage and involved so many people, let alone the strange story management bureau can handle it, even if all levels of state machinery are used, it may not be able to deal with it.

The tingling sensation of the electric current on the skin of the face and the skin of the hands became more obvious, and even felt a slight numbness. Wei An stopped lying behind the door.

He found that as soon as he left the living room door, this weird feeling disappeared immediately.

This meant that the Grim Reaper should have come outside the corridor, but he didn't know which room he would choose to start playing the game.

And they don't know if it's just a random selection, or if everyone in the family will be selected, the difference is just a matter of when they are selected.

There was the sound of the door being opened, and then a woman screamed in that house, but the scream stopped abruptly as soon as it came out, as if her throat was pinched.

At about the same time, a line of text prompts appeared in front of the eyes of all the residents on the seventh floor, including Wei An.

[Sorry, the first residents chosen by Death God are too distracted, their spirits are on the verge of collapse, they are not suitable for playing games at all, and have been eliminated! 】

Not long after, a faint smell of blood wafted into the nose of Wei An who had been leaning against the door, and Pei Na keenly caught it.

She came to Wei An, didn't speak, just stared at Wei An.

Wei An lowered his voice and said, "Reaper has returned to the corridor and cannot go out now."

Pei Na nodded.

The tingling sensation of the electric current reappeared, indicating that Reaper began to choose the next game object again after returning to the corridor.

However, judging from the extent of the smell of blood, Wei An guessed that the house just now should not be too far from his side, maybe only a neighbor away.

But it can be clearly seen that the selection of the god of death is out of order and regular, completely random, and it may not necessarily choose the next next door next to each other.

Sure enough, the tingling sensation of the electric current was not as strong as before. It should be that the god of death chose the residents who are farther away from here.

The sound of the door being opened seemed to come from the first house in the corridor, but this time after the door was opened, no one made any exclamation or confusion, and everything seemed very peaceful.

It can be heard that the second selected resident is much calmer, and may have participated in strange talks.

Then there was no more movement.

Wei An waited for a while, then lowered his voice and said to Pei Na: "You stay at the door first, I'll go out and have a look, I won't go far."

"My skills are good, why don't I go!" Pei Na said.

Wei An shook his head, "I have the skills to know the trail of the God of Death at any time. If I come, the door will be left ajar, so that I can return at any time."

Pei Na stopped talking and nodded.

Wei An listened for a while at the door, and was sure that the second selected resident should have been playing a game with Death, so he didn't hear any movement in the corridor, so he immediately opened the door gently and walked out sideways.

Standing in the corridor at the door, Wei An quickly scanned all the corners of the corridor, but there was no sign of Death, and there seemed to be no other abnormalities.

He turned his gaze to the big black wall clock at the end of the corridor.

The big wall clock has stopped at this moment, the hour and minute hands point to twelve o'clock, and then the wall clock no longer swings.

This could mean death and time standing still.

Wei An immediately opened the "positioning role", thinking about locating the position of the god of death at the moment in his mind. After a while, a red dot appeared in front of him and began to flicker.

However, it is not a single red dot, but a large number of red dots appearing densely in front of the eyes, as if suddenly standing on a street full of neon lights in the middle of the night, dizzying, even shaking Wei An's head and starting to feel dizzy, I couldn't adapt to the appearance of so many red dots for a while!

He immediately closed his eyes, waited for a while before opening them, and found that there were still many red spots in front of him, and they hadn't decreased at all. This was not an illusion.

It is also fortunate that each red dot has a certain degree of translucency, otherwise so many red dots are flickering, Wei An feels that his eyes may not last long.

These red dots are distributed in many places, not only the 7th floor of the building I am in, but also the 6th, 5th, and 4th floors below... even every floor next door, and further away, there are also red dots. There are other residential quarters that are now covered by strange stories, and a red dot on each floor is constantly flashing.

The red dots on this floor including his own were flashing in the first resident's house in the corridor. Wei An couldn't count how many red dots, that is, the god of death, existed for the time being.

However, he was sure that these red dots were clones of the god of death. This guy used so many clones to concoct this weird strange story. This is a situation that the strange story management authority has never encountered, and there is no effective way to deal with it.

"This Grim Reaper is too weirdly powerful. If its real body comes down, it will directly become an A-level ghost story!" Wei An secretly guessed with his heart pounding.

(End of this chapter)

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