this is not a joke

Chapter 289 Horror Ending

Chapter 289 Horror Ending
Now all the doors in the corridor are closed except for the door of Su Ya's house behind Wei An, which is ajar.

If Wei An didn't use the "positioning role", he wouldn't know which room the god of death on this floor is currently in.

In this way, the current situation proves Wei An's guess that these death games are played on every floor at the same time, and the Biluo City Management Bureau simply does not have so many investigators who are responsible for dealing with the weirdness of each floor at the same time.

What's more, the investigators are also human beings. They can't break the rules of ghost stories and directly fight against the Death God clone. At most, they try to let the Death God clone choose to play with themselves, and then see how to get rid of the predicament on this floor.

But Wei An is different now. Ever since he learned from the black and white women that the strange story can always recover on its own as long as the rules are not broken, he knows that in order to break the strange story, he must break its rules.

So what he has to do at this moment is no longer to complete the strange story task step by step as before, but to find the rules or order of this strange story, and then directly break it from the root.

Although Wei An is currently not sure that he can do this, he can at least try.

On this floor, the red dot representing Death's avatar has been flashing in the first room and has not moved. For the time being, Wei An can rest assured that he will not run into each other in the corridor.

He pondered for a while, and instead of going to the first room, he turned to the innermost corridor of the black wall clock.

Since entering the ghost talk, the corridor on this floor has actually changed. For example, there were elevators and stairs at both ends of the corridor, but now there are only elevators and stairs at one end, and the corridor at the other end is closed. There is a wall, and this larger black wall clock hangs on this wall.

When he came to the wall clock, Wei An took a closer look and found that the wall clock was about the height of an adult, and its shape was like a huge keyhole. You can let the huge pendulum swing inside.

The bottom of the wall clock was exactly at the same level as Wei An's shoulders, and he had to reach out to almost reach the huge clock dial.

After checking the big wall clock, Wei An touched the extra wall, and was about to knock on the stone bricks of the wall when he suddenly noticed something strange behind him.

He immediately turned around, and saw that among the countless translucent red dots in front of him, the red dot on his floor had started to move, and was walking out from the first resident.

Wei An was startled, and immediately ran to the door of Su Ya's room, but in a hurry, his shoulder bumped under the pendulum of the big wall clock, causing the wall clock to move a little.

Wei An immediately stretched out his hand to straighten him up, so as not to be discovered by the avatar of the god of death.

But the moment he stretched out his hand to straighten it, he clearly saw that the wall behind the pendulum was actually empty!
But now it was too late to check, he quickly ran to the door of Su Ya's room, pushed the open door, and the whole person got in immediately.

The moment I entered, I hurriedly glanced at the first resident, and saw a man in black showing half of his body just walking out.

After Wei An entered the room, he grabbed the door, not daring to slam it shut, but with his heart in his throat, he slowly closed the door.

The person who came out just now should be wearing a black cloak, which is the standard dress of the Grim Reaper, but Wei An didn't see the shadow of the scythe in his hand.

Standing behind the door, at this moment, the skin on his body felt the tingling sensation of electric current passing through again, which indicated that the death avatar had completely returned to the corridor.

The strange feeling appeared just now, and the footsteps outside could not be heard, but Wei An could feel it walking in the corridor, as if it was approaching here.

Wei An immediately returned to the living room, gestured for Pei Na and Su Ya not to do anything for the time being, and sat on the sofa with him.

Su Ya was looking for weapons and props in the kitchen just now, but the knives she picked up were either too light, like paper, or they couldn't be lifted at all, as heavy as a rock.

This shows that none of these things are weapons that participants can use.

The three gathered together and waited for a while, but there was no sound at the door.

Wei'an turned his head to look, and then asked Pei Na and Su Ya to sit still for a while. He came to the door of the living room, and felt the electric sensation on his skin disappear, which meant that the death avatar had entered other rooms.

The translucent red dots in his eyes were still flickering. Based on the distance estimation, he should have entered the resident next door to Su Ya's house.

Su Ya is currently living alone in the apartment. She and her ex-boyfriend have broken up for two months. Her hometown is in a nearby city, and she works and lives alone in Biluo City.

And the resident next door who has been patronized by the god of death is also a woman who lives alone. The situation is similar to that of Su Ya. It may be more ominous at this moment.

Wei An said to Pei Na: "Pei Na, let's split up now and clarify the rules of this strange talk first. You go to the black wall clock at the end of the corridor and investigate what is behind the wall clock. Take a look at the resident who is playing games with Reaper. Return immediately after finding the clues, or return to Su Ya's room immediately if you see me gesturing for you."

"Okay." Pei Na nodded and walked over quickly.

Su Ya also hurried to the door, nervously guarding the two of them.

Wei An opened the door of the room. At this time, he found that the red dot was motionless as before after entering the next room, obviously playing the second game of death with the girl in the next room.

The two quickly came to the corridor, and Pei Na ran on tiptoe, as if her feet were not touching the ground, and ran under the black wall clock, and began to check the wall behind the wall clock according to Wei An's instructions.

And Wei An was not as skilled as her, so he was a few steps behind before sneaking up to the door of the first resident.

The most important thing is that he has to pass the door of the room where the God of Death is currently located, which requires even more caution.

When I came to the door of the first resident's room in the corridor, I found that the door was closed, and there seemed to be no movement inside.

Wei An gently pressed the doorknob, and the door swung open. After pushing the door and entering, Wei An froze.

The lights in the room were still on, and it seemed that all members of the family were sitting in the living room, but it was silent, surrounded by the glass coffee table in the middle, and there were five people sitting on the sofa.

Everyone's eyes were wide open, their mouths were opened wide, and their eyeballs were filled with fear, and they just kept their stiff expressions without a trace of life.

These five people are all dead!It looked like he was scared to death.

Although there were five people sitting in the room, it was inexplicably weird.

Wei An didn't stop, and immediately walked around the living room, kitchen, bedroom, and bathroom in the room, but found no useful clues. During this period, he also kept observing whether the red dot moved. If it started to move, he had to immediately back out.

After exiting this room, Wei An found the house where the death avatar first opened the door. There was a woman in this house, and she screamed as soon as the door was opened. Because of mental instability, this caused every Everyone has seen the warning that they have been executed by death.

Opening this door, unlike the first one in the corridor just now, a strong bloody smell came from this room.

Wei An looked into the living room, and saw two broken bodies on the ground, which belonged to a man and a woman, and there was still half of the body at the door of the bedroom.

The cross-section of the broken part of the body is very flat, and it should have been cut off directly by the scythe of the god of death.

The owner of the house was not scared to death while playing the game, but was directly beheaded.

Wei An quickly exited here and returned quietly to Su Ya's room. At the same time, he looked at the big wall clock at the end of the corridor and found that Pei Na had disappeared.

"Could it be that she didn't find anything and has returned to Su Ya's house early?" Wei An was surprised.

At this moment, he found that the translucent red dot on this floor suddenly started to move, which meant that the death game of the second resident was over.

Wei An hurriedly quickened his pace, tiptoed towards the door of Su Ya's room, and the door behind him opened in the next second.

Wei An's scalp was numb, goosebumps appeared on his body, and he dodged into Su Ya's room door at a critical moment.

At a glance, I saw Su Ya's pale and anxious expression.

Su Ya stood at the door, and after Wei An came in, she immediately closed the door gently. Although her body was shaking, there was no movement during the process of closing the door.

Wei An's hanging heart finally let go after the door was closed. Looking around, his calm expression immediately changed, and he asked Su Ya in a low voice: "Where's Pei Na? Didn't she come back?"

Su Ya's face was still terrified, she nodded, "No, I've been guarding here, she didn't come back!"

(End of this chapter)

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