Chapter 295
But Wei An didn't intend to follow Death into other rooms.

The first reason is because my main purpose of coming here this time is to protect Su Ya. The God of Death clone has seen him and knows which room he lives in. If he appears in another room, it will definitely be cheating.

The second reason is to solve this strange talk, not to help each family alone, but to find the root of the strange talk rules, and to do something about it.

This is the reason Wei An figured out after the last conversation with the black and white woman.

It's just that there is a strange phenomenon. After Wei'an's neck was scratched by Su Ya with a scalpel just now, because of the close distance between his neck and chest, he found that his chest felt a little warm.

At this moment, the fever did not subside because the hallucination disappeared, on the contrary, it intensified, with a slight burning sensation.

This reminded Wei An of the last time on the plane of Guai Tan, when the corpse in the red coffin was also the piece of skin on the chest that flew up and merged into his chest.

There was no feeling in the body after that time, so Wei An almost forgot about it.

Reaching into his clothes, he touched his chest. Wei An felt that the skin and flesh on his chest seemed a little stiff. He used to have a little pectoral muscle, but now he didn't feel bulging when he touched it. Hard.

He felt a little uneasy in his heart, but this feeling can only be found in ghost stories. He remembered that he practiced fighting every day in the real world, and he didn't seem to notice any abnormalities in his body.

Seeing Wei'an reaching into her clothes and touching her body, Su Ya immediately asked in surprise, "Brother An, did you get hurt on your chest too? Did I cut it just now?"

"No, no." Wei An waved his hand.

"Do you want me to take a look for you?"

"No, you stay in the house and don't go out."

Wei An asked Su Ya to sit on the sofa for a while to rest, while he came to the living room door and listened to the movement outside.

At this time, the "positioning role" skill has long been invalid. Wei An thought for a while, and spent 50 points to activate "positioning role", and the red dots in his eyes began to flicker again. .

But this floor, that is, the clone of the god of death who just left has appeared in a room next to Su Ya's house.

It is best to be able to know the traces of the god of death at any time. Wei An immediately came to the corridor, turned his head and saw the two headless male corpses at the end of the corridor that had tried to escape before and were later beheaded. As for their heads, they were gone.

Wei An didn't take the time to observe, but quickly approached the big wall clock at the end of the corridor, raised the hem of the wall clock again, and peeked into the hole in the wall.

Still didn't see anything, but this time Wei An put his head in a little bit and called softly, "Pei Na!"

The next second, there was a rustling sound in the hole, and Pei Na's feet quickly appeared in Wei'an's field of vision. Obviously, after she got in, she couldn't turn back because the space was too narrow, so she could only fall down like this. Go back.

I heard Pei Na's voice coming from the dark hole: "Wei An, can you get in? I think I found something strange."

"Wait." Wei An turned his head to look at the room where the Grim Reaper was currently in. The flashing red dot inside did not move, indicating that there was still time.

But as long as Wei An successfully got into the hole in the wall, even if the god of death came out, he would not be able to find him, which Pei Na just proved.

Pei Na moved her body a little deeper into the hole in the wall to make room for Wei An.

Wei An immediately lay down on the hole in the wall that was at the same level as his chest, and tried to get in bit by bit, without making any noise.
But he knew that he had to be faster, otherwise, as soon as Reaper's game with that family was over, he would soon return to the corridor to make a new choice.

The time in the game is obviously going to pass faster. Just now in the phantom, Rivian felt that it had been a long time, but in fact, after the phantom disappeared, he realized that the time in the ghost story did not pass much.

After most of his body finally got into the hole in the wall, Wei An arched his body a little bit, lowered his head to look behind him as much as possible, and then slowly hooked the lower end of the pendulum of the big wall clock back to its original position with his toes, so that the pendulum was just about to close. The hole in the wall behind is covered.

At this time, the cave was pitch black, and nothing could be seen.

About half a meter in front of Wei An is Pei Na, but Wei An can only see her feet below her calves, because the hole in the wall is too narrow.

Pei Na was thinner than herself, but she couldn't turn her head around. Wei An felt much more uncomfortable than her at the moment. She felt that her whole body was bound by the hole in the wall, and she couldn't straighten her arms and legs.

"Have you come in?" Pei Na asked from the front.

"Come in, but the space is too small, it's uncomfortable." Wei An replied.

"The space inside is also similar, but it has always been like this, and it hasn't become narrower." Pei Na said: "It probably needs to climb closer to 50 meters."

"Ah, so far!" Wei An was surprised.

Pei Na whispered: "You think I'll show up as soon as you call me? In fact, I was returning just now, and I just wanted to inform you to come in and take a look."

After a pause, Pei Na asked, "Are you claustrophobic?"

Wei An shook his head, "I don't know if it is, but I just feel uncomfortable in this small space."

Pei Na nodded, "It's not claustrophobic. Every normal person will feel this kind of discomfort when they suddenly enter such a small space, but that's all. In fact, there is still a certain room for movement. You can even sing Sleep here with your legs."

"I can't sleep." Wei An laughed.

Both of them were crawling forward at this time, and Wei An also told Pei Na about the abnormality in his chest.

The two of them had more or less physical contact some time ago when they practiced fighting. Pei Na recalled it and couldn't remember whether there was any abnormality in Wei'an's chest at that time, but she told Wei'an that after leaving here, find An opportunity to help him see.

"Well, as long as I don't become a living dead, my psychological burden is actually not that big." Wei An said truthfully.

This also showed that what he was most worried about at the moment was that that piece of skin might turn him into a living dead.

After climbing for a while, an extremely faint light came from the direction above the head, and Pei Na could see more clearly ahead.

"It's almost here." She said softly, "I'll go out first, wait for my signal, and then go out."

Wei An agreed, and saw the light above his head getting bigger and bigger.

Not long after, Pei Na stopped in front, and then her slender legs bent slightly, and she clung to the wall of the cave. Using this friction force, she kicked her legs lightly, and she left the hole in the wall.

Wei An thought that he could not leave the hole in the wall as gracefully as she did, and after moving forward for a certain distance, he stopped, waiting for Pei Na's notification.

At this moment, a hand stretched out from outside the hole, and it was Pei Na's hand.

Wei'an stretched out his hand to grab the opponent, and immediately there was a powerful pull from there. Wei'an was startled. He didn't expect Pei Na to be so powerful, and he didn't even have time to symbolically kick two feet on the cave wall. People were pulled out of the cave.

Standing quickly while leaning on the wall, Wei An took a breath and looked around.

He found that this wasn't any other room, or even anywhere, but that the space was covered with layers of gray and white mist that he was very familiar with.

Pei Na leaned close to his ear, and said softly, "Hush your voice, I just checked, it's not big here, and there seems to be something in the mist over there."

(End of this chapter)

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