this is not a joke

Chapter 296 The sickle is the rule?

Chapter 296 The sickle is the rule?
"What?" Wei An asked.

Pei Na shook her head, "I can't see clearly, I didn't get close."

Wei An looked down at his feet, the ground here was all black, and he couldn't tell what kind of material it was, but he was sure that it was no longer in the building where Su Ya lived.

I don't know that after climbing more than 50 meters in this wall hole, I may have entered another different space.

As for whether this space belongs to the strange talk of "reaper's choice", it is unknown.

Wei An and Pei Na walked a few steps forward together, and quickly entered the fog, but when they looked back, the fog was not very thick, so they could still vaguely see the hole they climbed out of just now.

"It's here." Pei Na said.

Sure enough, this place is not very big, but there is fog, giving people a feeling that the space is vast and cannot be explored.

Something stood upright on the ground not far away, like a stick, but the shape seemed to be different.

Wei An asked Pei Na to look behind him, and he slowly approached the thing. When he got closer, he was slightly taken aback, and found that it turned out to be a huge scythe, the kind of death scythe usually seen in movies!

The blade of the sickle was extremely white, but the handle was pitch black, as if it had been smeared with black ink.

But at this moment, the sickle was standing upright, without touching any objects around it, and it just stood upright weirdly.

"This thing can't be a weapon that can be taken away!" Wei An was a little surprised.

But he knew that his idea was unrealistic. After all, this was the scythe from the god of death. It would be embarrassing for it to be taken away by the participants of the strange talk so easily.

For the time being, he did not approach the past, but after observing the surrounding situation, he found that there was no one around, so Wei An stepped forward.

He was suspecting that the hole in the wall that came in just now was hidden behind the big wall clock, which was obviously prevented from being discovered by the participants, and the hole in the wall was so small that even if someone found it accidentally, the participants would not dare to go in without authorization.

Because there is no such task in the text prompt of Guai Tan, that is, the rules do not cover this hole in the wall, so the chance of being discovered and then coming in to explore is almost non-existent.

Unless you are like yourself, you know that every ghost talk, regardless of its level, their rules can be broken, as long as you find a breakthrough.

"Could this be the breakthrough point of the strange talk of 'Reaper's Choice'." Wei An secretly speculated, "After all, the Reaper clone didn't have a scythe in his hand just now, but the scythe appeared here."

Now he dare not directly use plot speculation to speculate on the plot after he took the scythe or touched the scythe, because after all, he is now on the edge of the ghost talk rules, and if he violates the rules, the process of speculating the plot may be noticed.

It is very likely that he will be completely exposed.

In the "Passenger" ghost story last time, the plot speculation was not so accurate. It felt like he was deliberately avoiding the rules of the ghost story, so Wei An had to consider this.

But if this is really the center of the rules of this ghost story, if this center is destroyed, then the "Reaper's Option" will definitely collapse, cease to exist, and will not repair itself.

"Assuming it is the rule center, what should I do?!" Wei An encountered this kind of thing for the first time, and he has no experience in this area.

The current situation is very strange. The scythe is erected in front of it without any external force, and it really looks like a certain support point.

Just take the sickle away, or destroy the sickle right here?

Wei An’s ideas seem unlikely to be implemented. The Death Sickle is an extremely powerful weapon. It is impossible to take it away, and it may not be possible to destroy it, but as long as it breaks the state that supports this strange talk, isn’t it? succeeded?

Wei'an's best thing to do is to break the support and control of the rules, so that the strange talk can no longer be established, and his goal may be achieved.

He immediately took out the bloody hammer and the killing axe, and then put the two weapons together.

This is the first time that Wei An has used it like this after the function of the close guard suit was activated.

The moment the two weapons fit together, a brand-new weapon—the halberd and axe—was formed!

This halberd and ax is a deformed weapon. The handle it holds is elongated, almost two-thirds the length of the spear, and the weapon at the tip is a deformed body of a halberd and an axe. It can be used for both stabbing and chopping. , and in Wei An's opinion, this weapon is light and flexible, and it is very useful in the hand.

It was as if this was a weapon tailored for him.

Pei Na was slightly startled when she saw Wei An suddenly have a new weapon behind her. She secretly wondered why Wei An didn't allow herself to teach him how to use long weapons these days, but kept training him to use two-handed weapons instead.

Looking at the halberd and ax again, he had never seen it before, and he saw Wei An holding it in both hands, quietly approaching the upright death scythe.

At this time, Wei An could already feel the tingling sensation of a large amount of electric current traveling on the skin, and the hairs on his body stood on end, which proved that this might indeed be the rule center of the whole strange talk.

He didn't hesitate anymore, glanced at Pei Na, and signaled her to get ready, and he swept the halberd ax in his hand, not daring to directly hit the blade of the death sickle, but hit the handle below the sickle hard. .

At the moment of the collision, a strong electric current surged through his whole body, Wei An's jaw went numb, and he almost dropped his halberd and ax on the ground, his body was blown away, and he sat on his buttocks about three meters away from the death scythe. The place where the ass was rubbed was painful.

At the same moment, a line of text appeared in front of Wei An's eyes.

[Jia Yuhan's blessing has been activated, successfully avoiding the mental trauma caused by breaking the rules of the strange talk once. 】

The scythe swayed slightly in the mist, left its original position, and appeared directly in front of Wei An in the next second, slashing at his head fiercely.

It looked as if an invisible person was holding a sickle in both hands, and launched a strong attack on Wei An.

But at this time, Pei Na had already rushed to Wei An one step earlier, swung the wordless book, and blocked the scythe of death.

The sickle cut on the wordless book. The cover of the book was extremely hard, and there was no sound, leaving only a faint knife mark, but it disappeared quickly.

Wei An came back to his senses and stood up quickly. At this moment, he found that the skin on his chest became extremely hot again, and he almost burned his clothes until white smoke came out. He didn't know if it was a hallucination or real.

The death scythe failed to hit the target, and immediately spun in mid-air, slashing at Pei Na. Pei Na didn't have an attack weapon, so she could only borrow a wordless book to block again, while constantly retreating.

Wei An stabilized his mind, grabbed the halberd ax and slashed at the sickle.

The sickle immediately turned over to block, and the two weapons collided together, making a piercing sound of metal collisions. Wei An's ten fingers lost all strength in an instant, and the halberd and ax fell to the ground.

He immediately put it back in the inventory, and at this time both of them had retreated to the front of the hole in the wall.

Wei An immediately said to Pei Na: "You go in first, I'll block it!"

At this time, in this not-so-large foggy space, there was already a rumbling feeling, as if the central point no longer existed, and the space was difficult to maintain order and support.

According to Wei An's guess, he should have shaken the fundamental rules of this strange talk, which is why the current situation occurred.

After Pei Na entered the hole in the wall, he also got in immediately. At the same time, he took out the armor pot cover that could withstand it once at most, and blocked it at the hole.

(End of this chapter)

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