this is not a joke

Chapter 301 He... Alive?

Chapter 301 He... Alive?
There was a strange and inexplicable atmosphere in this bedroom.

Huang Yu was already dead, and the small wound around his neck was a fatal wound, and not even blood flowed out, which meant that he had been dead for a while.

But the strange thing is that the corpse is sitting, just like a living person, and people bring him food every day, including just now.

It's just that the food on the table has turned rancid, but he didn't eat a single bite.

After adjusting his breathing, Wei An leaned closer to Huang Yu again and carefully checked whether there were any other injuries on his body. He found that his wound was only on his neck, and all other parts of his body were intact. The corpse was not completely stiff either. Moreover, Huang Yu's clothes were not stained with blood at all.

The candle flame on the table was still beating from time to time. Wei An looked in the bedroom, especially the closet, under the bed, behind the curtains and other hidden places, but found nothing.

He didn't know why Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan wanted to hide themselves, saying that Huang Yu just fell and was resting in the bedroom.He also didn't understand what to do with Huang Yu's body sitting here, facing the food that was brought over.

The most important thing is that the footsteps here next door just now showed that they have walked for a long time. If Huang Yu is dead, then who was the one who knocked on the wall just now?
The more he thought about Wei An, the more panicked he felt. He turned around and put his feet on his feet, and left Huang Yu's room as silently as possible. After closing the door, he went back to his guest bedroom next door.

But until the next morning, no abnormal noise was heard from the next door.

In the morning, Aunt Yan knocked on Wei'an's door early and told him to go down to have breakfast, and Wei'an heard her walk into Huang Yu's room next door, and seemed to bring breakfast to her son.

Wei An opened the door and came downstairs. At this time, Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan were already sitting at the dining table waiting for him. A pot of steaming egg noodles, as well as several empty bowls and chopsticks were placed in the middle of the table.

Wei An didn't move his chopsticks after sitting down, but asked directly: "I haven't seen Huang Yu all this time, is he serious after falling? Do you want to go to the hospital?"

Uncle Huang waved his hand, "It's okay, just a small injury, my neck was scratched."

"Eh, that's not right!" Aunt Yan said, "I asked him just now, and he said that he had met you last night, but he was a bit busy at the time and didn't say hello to you."

Wei An was taken aback, thinking of the weird scene last night, goose bumps appeared on his body.

"Really?" He replied, "Could it be a dream?"

This is not a weird story, so there can be no weirdness. Wei An intuitively felt that the couple were lying, but he didn't know why they hid the news of their son's death and asked him to investigate the old house.

"Eat breakfast first, and then go to the bedroom to find Xiao Yu." Uncle Huang said.

"Can I go?" Wei An was surprised.

"why not?"

"Then let's go now." Wei An stood up, he wanted to see what the hell the couple was up to.

Wei An walked in front, and the couple followed behind him, but Wei An has been paying attention to their every move.

The three of them quickly came to the door of Huang Yu's room. Aunt Yan stepped forward to open the door and said, "Xiao Yu, Wei An is here to see you."

Wei An looked into the room, the curtains were still not drawn, so the three candles were still lit, and the light was dim.

He saw that there was no one on the chair in front of the desk, and looked at the bed again. Huang Yu was wearing last night's clothes, lying flat on the bed like this, maintaining the appearance that a dead person should have, motionless. The wounds can be seen at a glance.

Wei An suspected that it was Uncle Huang or Aunt Yan who moved his body to the bed. He glanced at Huang Yu lying on the bed, and then turned his head to look at Aunt Yan and Uncle Huang. Feel something is wrong.

Wei An pointed to the bed, "This..."

"I'm sorry, he fell asleep." Aunt Yan said with a smile: "I'll call him later, you go to other places to see first, sorry for the trouble."

Uncle Huang also said: "Maybe Xiaoyu is too tired, he didn't rest well yesterday, I heard him was still beating in the room all night, I will talk about him when he wakes up."

Wei An suddenly realized that perhaps the problem was not with Huang Yu's body, but with the couple in front of him.

From their point of view, Huang Yu's corpse has always been alive, so they treat this dead corpse as if they were a normal living person, and those obviously extremely abnormal situations are nothing more than normal in their eyes .

He didn't say anything more, but retreated outside the bedroom with the couple.

While going downstairs, Wei An casually asked, "When did Huang Yu fall?"

"It's been three days." Uncle Huang replied.

Wei An noticed that his expression was normal, and he didn't mean to hide anything at all, and felt even more strange, "How did you fall?"

Uncle Huang recalled: "When I was running in the front yard, I should have stepped on those rotten leaves, slipped my feet and fell down."

Wei An and the couple quickly came to the place where Huang Yu fell, which was next to the pond he saw through the window upstairs last night.

There are indeed a lot of rotten leaves here, and no one has cleaned them. In addition, it has become slippery after a little rain, and it is easy to slip if you accidentally step on the rotten leaves.

Soon Wei An found that about three or four steps in front of the rotten leaves, there happened to be a thin clothesline. He called it a line because this clothesline was much thinner than ordinary clotheslines. Looking at the past from a certain angle, there is no line here at all.

Wei An approached the clothesline, and found that the width of the line was basically the same as the wound on Huang Yu's neck, and a certain distance on the line turned old red.

Not only that, but a few strands of slime hung on the thread.

Wei An can already reproduce the scene where Huang Yu fell. The guy stepped on the slippery rotten leaves and fell forward. Then his neck was cut open while hanging on the slender clothes line, his head was in a different place.

"Which of you saw him first after he fell?" Wei An asked.

Aunt Yan said: "I saw it first. He had already returned to the bedroom, which scared me a lot, but I felt relieved after seeing that Xiao Yu was fine."

"Is this all right?!" Wei An muttered to himself.

The conclusion that can be drawn now is that in the eyes of the couple, the dead Huang Yu is still alive, and the two may have been hit too hard, which made them unwilling to believe that Huang Yu had died after the fall.

But the facts are the facts. Although the couple did not believe that their son had become a corpse, they still brought him meals every day, let him rest in the bedroom, and took good care of him.

Of course, they also knew that something was wrong, but they couldn't tell what it was, but now it was a good choice for them to consciously invite Wei An.

"I'm walking around here by myself." Wei An said, "You don't have to stay with me all the time."

After the couple left, Wei An went around outside the old house. After finding nothing, he entered the house again and saw the couple walking around in the kitchen. He avoided their sight and went straight to the second floor. .

When he came to Huang Yu's bedroom door, he gently opened the door, and immediately stepped in.

Looking up, Wei An's body shook violently.

Seeing Huang Yu, who was clearly lying on the bed just now, was already sitting on a chair, and the chair was facing the door, causing Huang Yu to seem to be staring at him.

(End of this chapter)

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