this is not a joke

Chapter 302 Is this a weird talk?

Chapter 302 Is this a weird talk?
This scene startled Wei An.

After he came back to his senses, he found that Huang Yu was sitting motionless on the chair, and his eyes were also closed, which meant that he was still a dead body and hadn't come back to life.

But how did he get up from the bed and move the chair over to sit on it?
Wei An felt that the room was too weird. If the couple entered the room just now, it would make sense to immediately lift Huang Yu's body up and put it on this chair, otherwise, Huang Yu's body would only be moving by itself.

He walked carefully to the closet door in the room without making a sound, opened the closet door, and quickly found the clothes Huang Yu was wearing when he wrestled with the help of the faint candle light that had been burning.

Sure enough, the clothes were covered in blood around the neck, and the clothes on the corpse had already been changed.

From then on, Wei An felt that he had to tell the truth to Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan. The corpse could not move by itself, so the couple had probably developed hysteria and mental disorders, so they thought that their son was still alive, and now they had to break their illusions.

Walking to the door, I looked back at the corpse sitting on the chair. From time to time, I could smell the smell of the rotten food on the desk.

Wei An gently closed the door. He came to the first floor, called the couple over, and said, "Uncle Huang, Aunt Yan, I discovered a strange phenomenon, and now I must explain it to you."

"Did you find anything?" Uncle Huang immediately became a little excited.

I didn't expect the security to be so efficient, and the problem was quickly found out.

Wei An said: "Sit down first, and listen to me."

After the two of them sat down, Wei An continued: "Do you know that your son—Huang Yu, is already dead? He was thrown to death in the yard."

The husband and wife looked at each other in confusion.

After a while, Aunt Yan said: "My son is fine, why do you say he is dead? Didn't you see him just now?"

Uncle Huang also nodded, "Yeah, I asked you to check for a long time, but you told me that Xiaoyu was dead. Aren't you talking nonsense with your eyes open? She is still upstairs..."

Wei An interrupted him and said, "Did he eat the food you sent up every time? Did it all go bad in the bedroom?"

The couple were slightly taken aback, Aunt Yan shook her head and said, "I didn't notice."

"And the obvious wound on his neck, can't you see it?" Wei An asked again.

At the same time, he was also paying attention to the expressions of the couple to see if they were hiding anything, because some small details of expressions usually cannot be hidden under such circumstances.

But after observing for a while, Wei An found that their expressions were very natural, and they looked very confused, a little at a loss. He didn't know why Wei An said that his son was dead. It seemed that they had never thought about this issue.

"Let's go upstairs directly," Wei An said.

He suspects that the couple's hysteria is very serious, and some scenes may need to be confronted in person to clarify, after all, no amount of talking is better than letting them see it with their own eyes.

The three of them quickly came to Huang Yu's bedroom upstairs.

Wei An pushed the door open and went in, then froze suddenly.

Huang Yu, who was sitting by the door just now, was already lying on the bed again, and the chair was put back in front of the desk, as if it had never been moved.

"Is there anyone else in this room?" Wei An doubted.

He couldn't understand why such unexplainable things happened in this reality!
At this moment, Wei An suddenly remembered one of the special strange stories discussed with Meng Yibo and the others in the conference room of the management authority last time.

In this strange story, the wife of an investigator of the Administration Bureau began to change day by day, until she turned into a still active mummy, and then the investigator suddenly realized whether he had entered the strange story.

At that time, they also called it "everyday strange talk", that is, the strange talk that happened in daily life. If you don't pay attention, you will not feel it at all. It seems that everything is normal, but in fact, the weirdness is eroding the parties little by little. life.

"Am I in a ghost story now?" Wei An came to his senses.

He remembered that when discussing the case, he said that the way to crack it was to check the personal inventory. If the inventory can be opened, it means that it is in the ghost story. If the inventory cannot be opened, it is still in the real world.

With the thought, he immediately tried to open his inventory.

In the next second, there was a sudden buzz in his mind, he was pale, and a sense of dizziness descended.

Wei An involuntarily took two steps back, and held on to the door of the room.

He felt that he should have opened the inventory, but his mind was blank, he couldn't see anything, and he was very dizzy, which had never happened before.

Uncle Huang asked next to his ear: "Weian, what's wrong with you?"

"Come on, come here!" Wei An tapped his forehead lightly, feeling a little more comfortable, pulled the couple to stand next to Huang Yu on the bed, pointed to Huang Yu and said, "Did you see it? That wound?"

"It was scratched when he fell!" Aunt Yan said.

Wei An immediately wanted to separate the body from the corpse, but hesitated for a moment. After all, this scene was too bloody, which might make the couple unacceptable and cause other accidents.

"Let me talk to him alone." He changed his mind and said.

Uncle Huang and Aunt Yan looked at each other, wondering what Wei An was doing.

Aunt Yan said: "Anyway, I'm going to worry you for the next few days."

Wei An waved his hand.

After the two of them went out, he closed the bedroom door, returned to the bed and stood still, and tried to open his inventory again, but the situation was the same as before, his head fell into dizziness again, and his mind was blank. can not see.

It's just that the dizziness is not as serious as before.

Wei An looked at the corpse lying on the bed, then reached out and grabbed Huang Yu's hair, a cold feeling came over the surface of his scalp, which proved that he was not wrong, it was indeed a corpse in front of him.

Lifting the head up slowly, the broken neck was immediately separated, but no more blood flowed out.

Wei An put Huang Yu's head beside the pillow, stared at it for a moment, and asked, "Huang Yu?"

After waiting for a while, the head's eyes were still closed, without any response, and it didn't look like it could respond.

Wei An reached out and touched Huang Yu's body again, and found that he was still a little stiff, but his limbs could still move, and he was not completely stiff.

"Are you dead or not? Say something."

After a pause, he straightened up, turned around and walked out the door, and said, "I'll go outside and wait a while before coming in. I hope that when I come back, I can see the hints you gave me. Any hints are fine."

Wei An wondered if the corpse could be moved without anyone present.

Not long after, he stood outside and closed the door, and then listened for a while, but he didn't hear any movement. When he was about to open the door again, Uncle Huang's voice suddenly came from behind him.

"Wei An, what are you doing?"

When Wei An turned his head, he suddenly felt a chill on his neck, and then replied: "It's nothing, I forgot to say something to Huang Yu."

"No, I'm asking you what you're doing!" Uncle Huang reached out and touched his neck.

Wei An immediately lowered his head, but couldn't see anything.

"Why is there a line on your neck?" Uncle Huang looked at the finger he touched, and said in surprise, "This is blood. There is blood on your neck!"

(End of this chapter)

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