Chapter 303
When Wei An heard Uncle Huang say that there was blood on his neck, he immediately took a step back, looked at the place where he was standing just now, and saw an extremely thin silk thread lying there, which happened to reach the position of his neck.

This silk thread is too thin, and after a little distance, it can no longer be seen where it extends, and I don't know how it appeared.

The cold feeling on his neck became more and more intense. Uncle Huang pointed at his neck and said, "You're bleeding, you're injured! neck..."

Wei An stretched out his hand to touch it, and felt that the wound on his neck was wet. He also began to panic. He didn't expect that a thin thread was placed here, and it must be aimed at himself.

But at the same moment, he felt a sudden heat in his chest.

This feeling of fever is too familiar, he doesn't remember where he has experienced it before, but the feeling of burning his chest seems to have been experienced not long ago.

Suddenly, Wei An was taken aback, and a memory flooded into his mind.

"This is...human skin! The skin of that corpse!"

After the human skin was fused into his chest, he didn't feel anything in the real world at all, so much so that he almost forgot that he had been fused into his chest by this human skin in the strange talk, and now his chest started to feel hot, which can only be seen in the strange talk. What happens is not the real world!

"This is not the real world!" Wei An immediately realized.

"You're finished, your neck is broken! You're dying!" Uncle Huang was still acting, and it was very realistic, with a frightened expression on his face, and there was nothing unusual at all.

If Wei An's chest wasn't hot from the neck injury, he might still be immersed in the current scene, unable to react.

The most important thing is that he has become conscious just now and began to question whether this is a strange story, but the inventory cannot be opened, and his mind is blank, which means that this place may still be the real world, and everything is just a wrong guess.

But now his chest started to feel hot, overthrowing all of this, and the facts proved that Wei An was still in the ghost talk, even though his mind was just blank when he opened the inventory.

After a short period of stupefaction, memories, and sudden realization, Wei An fully recovered at this moment, feeling the burning sensation in his chest, and said calmly, "I almost thought I was really dead."

Uncle Huang was still pointing at Wei An's neck and chattering endlessly, not listening to what he was saying at all, which showed that he had already played his role in this strange talk to the fullest.

Wei An no longer cares about him, and he no longer cares about whether there is a fatal wound on his neck, and he can no longer feel the thick blood on his neck. Everything just now seems to be an illusion.

As soon as he turned around, Wei An directly opened the door, and saw that Huang Yu's corpse with a different head was no longer lying on the bed, but the head and body were connected again, and the corpse was standing behind the door.

The body fell over immediately after the door was opened.

Wei An quickly stepped back, kicked the corpse in the chest, kicked it out, and said at the same time: "I already know that this is a strange story!"

Although he doesn't know why he is here, but now everything has been revealed, he already knows that this place is a strange story, but he doesn't know why he hasn't left yet.

This seems to be different from the "everyday strange talk" discussed by Meng Yibo and the others last time.

Seeing Huang Yu's corpse that had been kicked to the ground immediately got up, his head was about to lose contact with his body, but he still drooped and rushed out of the door, pounced on himself.

But Uncle Huang was still exclaiming, but he didn't even look at the moving corpse. Instead, he kept pointing at Wei An's neck, trying to tell him that he had been fatally wounded, that he was dying, and that he didn't The reason is still standing, it should fall down and die immediately.

If Wei An hadn't realized that this was in a ghost story, he might have been frightened to death right now.

He quickly dodged the attack of the corpse, and punched the chattering Uncle Huang by the way.

After undergoing Pei Na's devil training, now Wei'an not only looks good when using weapons, even when fighting with bare hands, he is no longer timid, and his strikes are both ruthless and accurate.

Uncle Huang was hit by this punch and fell directly from the corridor on the second floor, and fell heavily on the first floor.

But at the same moment, Wei An was also thrown down by the corpse again, and both of them fell out of the corridor and fell to the first floor.

After falling side by side with the corpse on the first floor, Wei An felt that his body no longer belonged to him. His whole body was numb with pain, a trace of blood gushed from the corner of his mouth, and his face turned slightly pale.

The corpse's head had also been thrown off, and the fallen head bit Wei An's arm, and the headless body also stretched out its hands, choking Wei An's neck.

Wei An wanted to open the inventory in his mind again, but the same blank flashed by again, and he couldn't see anything, but this time the dizziness became less.

In this blank space, it seems that there is a shape of a sickle in it, which is fleeting.

"No, there is something wrong with my inventory!" Wei An was a little anxious.

Logically, he should have been able to open the inventory and take out a weapon to fight the enemy, but the sickle-shaped thing seemed to suppress this effect, making the inventory right in front of him, but it was completely covered.


At this moment, Wei An's neck was getting tighter and tighter, and he was almost unable to breathe.

At the same time, he saw Aunt Yan's figure appearing on the stairs, walking downstairs step by step, staring at him directly, if she got close, she would definitely attack immediately.

"This weird talk just wants to put me to death, it has no other purpose at all!" Wei An responded.

As the veins on his neck popped and his breathing stopped, he focused on his mind again, but this time he didn't try to open the life-saving inventory, but started looking for the black cat.

After having this thought, a black cat's head suddenly appeared in this blank space, showing a faint cat shadow.

Wei An didn't hesitate, and immediately licked two cat's heads.

"Meow!" A meow echoed in my mind, buzzing.

Most of the white space disappeared immediately, revealing a little outline of the inventory, and the figure of the scythe also faded a lot.

Wei An didn't stop at the speed of stroking the cat.

"Meow!" Another cat meowed.

The white space disappeared, and the shadow of the sickle disappeared without a trace, and a clear inventory space appeared.

In the next second, Wei An slammed the bloody hammer on the corpse's arm, breaking it immediately, and then the body rotated on the spot, and the force increased several times. The second hammer smashed the corpse out firmly.

At this time, Aunt Yan who came downstairs was already approaching, Wei An swung his other hand, and grabbed the killing ax in his hand, and passed over his head, half of Aunt Yan's head was cut off immediately.

The whole person twitched twice and fell to the ground.

At this time, Uncle Huang, who fell first, had his neck broken, and lay on the side without moving.

The couple are still human beings in this ghostly fantasy, so it is impossible for them to die after being injured like the corpse of their son.

After dealing with Aunt Yan, Wei An took a deep breath, and just as he turned around, suddenly his vision went dark, and he saw a black scythe slashing down from the air, slashing towards his head!
He is too familiar with this scene, because it seems that not long ago, the same sickle was also slashing at him at the same distance as it is now.

The only difference was that there was another person beside me at that time——Pei Na.

And at this moment, all the memories returned in Wei An's mind.

(End of this chapter)

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