this is not a joke

Chapter 304 Variation Skin

Chapter 304 Variation Skin
It has to be said that under the control of the death sickle, this illusion is extremely special. It is not only real, but also erases the participant's temporary memory, and temporarily blocks the participant's inventory.

This makes Wei An even if he is aware of it, if he doesn't pay attention, he will still firmly believe that he is in the real world, not in the ghost talk.

If Wei An's chest hadn't started to feel hot again, he wouldn't be so sure that he was still in the strange story after losing his memory.

At this moment, all the memories returned, and the death scythe struck again, which was exactly the same as the one that Wei An had struck before he entered the hallucination, except that Pei Na was holding her hand, ready to pull it into the invisibility spell.

Before entering the hallucination, Wei An used the power of the totem to radiate terror, and smashed a playing card on the scythe, which made the physical attack of the sickle disappear and dragged him into the hallucination instead.

In this hallucination, the physical attack of the sickle reappeared, but it was to change the way of attacking in the hallucination world, and also wanted to kill Wei An with one blow.

In this way, even after leaving this hallucination and returning to the world of ghost stories, Wei An's performance will still be fatally stabbed, which is the same as the final death method of those participants who have not passed the death game.

The method of stroking the cat was no longer feasible, because he had just recovered, and he felt that the black cat's head was about to be bald by him.

In desperation, he crossed the two weapons in his hands and blocked them directly in front of him.

Because there is not even enough time to combine the bloody hammer and the killing ax to form a halberd axe, so he can only block it in a hurry.

The next second, the scythe hit the intersection center of the two weapons. Wei An's arm went numb, and he became weak for a moment.

As soon as Wei An closed his eyes, he felt a slight pain in his chest and was hit, and then a strong burning sensation rose up.

This doesn't seem to be the feeling of being hurt!

Wei An was surprised. When he opened his eyes, he saw that the tip of the death scythe was stuck on his chest, and the clothes on his chest had been torn, revealing a thick chest.

The skin on the chest looks like an iron plate, and even the color of the skin is different from other places!

It was slow, but in fact, after the tip of the sickle was caught by the skin of the chest, the entire blade including the handle soon turned into black smoke and disappeared under Wei An's nose.

Wei An kept a surprised expression, and took a closer look at his chest, and found that the small wound caused by the tip of the knife immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye after the death sickle dissipated, and no trace could be seen after a while.

At this time, the surrounding environment had turned into pure black when the scythe attacked Wei An, breaking away from the old house in the illusion.

And after the scythe disappeared, the all-black space immediately disintegrated, and Wei An found himself still standing in the living room of the room where the invisibility spell was drawn, and the invisibility spell was just one or two meters away from him.

He looked around, but he didn't see the shadow of the death scythe, as if it had completely left.

Because he also didn't see Pei Na, Wei An thought that she might have entered the invisibility spell, so he walked over and stood under the invisibility spell, but found that there was no one here.

After leaving the room, Wei An stood in the corridor and called "Pei Na" twice, but got no response.

He didn't know how long he had entered the hallucination formed by the death scythe, but it seemed that it would not be very short now, and Pei Na may have gone to other places to find herself after seeing her disappear.

The scythe should be completely dead by now. Wei An knew that this level had been passed, but his "positioning role" skill time had expired, and now he didn't know how many clones of the god of death remained in the ghost story.

No matter how many people have played the game with the avatars, these avatars should all disappear before this strange talk is officially over.

Wei An spent another 50 points of energy to open the "positioning role", and soon found that the floor he was on had no flashing red dots, and the nearby buildings also could not see the red dots, only the buildings a little further away In the center, there are still sporadic red dots flickering, but it doesn't look like it will last for too long.

As long as the ghost talk is over, don't worry even if you don't find Pei Na now, the two will meet after leaving the ghost talk, and the most threatening death scythe has left, so Pei Na shouldn't be in any danger.

Wei An didn't leave the building. He first went to the first and second floors to check, and then prepared to return to the seventh floor where Su Ya was.

He didn't take the elevator, but took the stairs. When he passed the fifth floor, he heard Su Ya talking to someone, and quickly came to the corridor on the fifth floor. He saw Su Ya and Pei Na standing together, and the two carefully looked at each other Looking around, talking about something.

Pei Naxiu frowned, obviously worried.

Seeing Wei An appearing suddenly, Pei Na's beautiful eyebrows immediately relaxed, and her eyes quickly looked Wei An up and down several times.

"Are you okay, why did you suddenly disappear just now? I was looking for you everywhere, and I happened to meet Su Ya here."

Wei An replied: "I entered the trap set by that scythe, and finally escaped in an illusion."

"Where's the Death Scythe?" Pei Na immediately looked behind Wei An.

"It should be gone, it won't appear again." Wei An said.

Pei Na was a little relieved, but her expression immediately became tense again, "I couldn't find you just now, and I was going to go out to have a look after I got to the first floor. But I found that every building outside was covered in fog, and I could hear someone in the building over there. Talk, but I haven't been there for a while."

Pei Na still remembers what was said in the investigator training course that if the activity space in the ghost story is found to be covered by fog, it means that it has exceeded the area covered by the ghost story, and unauthorized entry will be extremely dangerous.

"It should be possible to pass." Wei'an knew what she was thinking, and said, "As long as you don't walk in the fog all the time and leave these areas completely. But now this strange story has been destroyed by us and has become very special, waiting for the last death After the avatar disappears, let's leave Guaitan and communicate with the management bureau of Biluo City."

After finishing speaking, Wei An looked at the flashing red dots in other places.

But after taking a look, he found that there were no red dots anymore. He turned his head around and looked at all the directions in the strange story, and indeed he did not find any red dots flashing anywhere.

Of course, until now there is no sign of quitting or ending the strange talk, which shows that there may still be something I missed.

Wei An is going to take a look at the top floor of this apartment building, so that the field of view will be wider and it will not be easy to make mistakes.

At this time, Su Ya handed over the scalpel and said, "Brother An, return this knife to you, I have found my weapon."

After saying that, she raised a fishing rod that she took out from her inventory.

"Fishing rod?" Wei An was taken aback.

Pei Na was also surprised.

"Yeah." Su Ya flicked the fishing rod lightly, and said: "The owner of this house on this floor likes fishing very much. I usually met him in the elevator carrying the fish he caught back home. I tried my fishing rod and found that it can be exchanged.”

"What is the purpose of this fishing rod?" Wei An asked.

Su Ya said: "It should be possible to catch what I need, but this strange talk is not over, I haven't seen the detailed description yet."

Wei An pondered: "Later, you can stick your fishing rod into the mist outside to try."

(End of this chapter)

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