this is not a joke

Chapter 305 It was fine when I came here, but I can't get out!

Chapter 305 It was fine when I came here, but I can't get out!
"Fog? Fishing?" Su Ya froze for a moment.

Pei Na's eyes lit up slightly, "This item of yours may be a special item. There is fog outside the range of every ghost talk. After you put the fishing rod in, you may really be able to catch something."

"But be careful, it's possible to catch a monster." Wei An blinked.

Surprised, Su Ya quickly put away the fishing rod, as if she really saw something strange at the end of the fishing rod.

Wei An said again: "So you are not a weapon, you put away the scalpel first, and it's not too late to return it to me after you find a weapon that can attack and save your life."

"Okay." Su Ya nodded.

"You wait here first." Wei'an said to her, then pulled Pei Na into the nearest room, and said in a low voice: "Just now when I was in the hallucination, the death scythe attacked me, and I couldn't stop it."

"Did the sickle hit you?" Pei Na asked in surprise.

"Well, but it's stuck here." Wei An rolled up his clothes, exposing his chest.

But at this moment, the skin on the chest was not damaged at all, and looked normal.

Pei Na stretched out her hand to press it, and found that it was still a little hot, and it felt like touching a thick steel plate, not like a human body at all.

"After the corpse's skin fused here, I must have mutated." Wei An said: "This fusion process is a bit slow, but it has begun to show up now."

"Can you detect and control it?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An tried to sense it.

He could only faintly feel a strange feeling in his chest, almost two slaps away, "Well, I can feel it, but I can't control it."

"Maybe it hasn't fully integrated yet." Pei Na guessed, "Wait for a while and try."

Wei An said with some concern: "Will I become a living dead after the fusion is completed?"

The two analyzed for a while, and felt that the chance of Wei An becoming a living dead in the end was not high, because the corpse in the red coffin at that time was thanks to him for incorporating the skin into its body, so it should not hurt Wei An.

After careful consideration, both of them believed that this was an added defense mechanism for Wei An, but it seemed that the area of ​​defense was a bit small, only the chest area. If the whole body could be fused with this skin, Wei An would be It can be a very good armor in itself.

After temporarily resting his mind, Wei An began to consciously feel the existence of this special skin in his body.

Together with Su Ya, the three of them came to the door on the first floor. From here, they saw that there was a fog rising in front of them. They couldn't see the next building at all, but they could hear voices coming from there.

Wei An stood at the gate on the first floor and yelled: "Is anyone there? Can you hear me?"

Soon there was a voice: "Is it a security investigator?"

The voice sounded like the Biluocheng investigator Wei An had met before entering the building. However, Lu Hongwei was not in charge of this building just now, but was still in several other buildings.

He apparently ran to this side after the death clone suddenly disappeared.

Wei An replied: "It's me, is there anything wrong with you?"

Lu Hongwei said: "Some of the participants died, but at least half of the participants survived. What about you?"

"It's the same, the death clone has basically disappeared." Wei An said.

However, he did not disclose what caused the death clone to start disappearing.

Then Wei An said again: "You wait there, we will come right away."

"Can you come here directly? This is a mist!" Lu Hongwei was surprised.

"It's okay. This is the same strange story, but the coverage area is too large. Don't move. I'll come and try." Wei An said.

He asked Pei Na and Su Ya to wait in place, walked into the mist by himself, and walked in the direction where Lu Hongwei's voice came from just now.

But after walking a few steps, Wei An noticed something was wrong.

Because the distance between buildings is relatively short, it is possible to walk to the opposite first floor in about ten steps, but now I don't feel like I am about to reach the opposite building.

At this time, his positioning role is still turned on, but he can no longer see any flashing red dots representing the clones of the god of death, indicating that those clones have disappeared, but he doesn't know why the strange talk is not over yet.

After walking forward for more than 20 steps, I saw the building where Lu Hongwei was. Stepping up to the gate on the first floor, Lu Hongwei immediately approached.

"Temporarily ask other participants not to enter this fog." Wei An said: "Although I came here without encountering danger, but it took more than 20 steps to get here after a distance of almost ten steps, which shows that there are still unknown things inside the weapon."

"Okay." Lu Hongwei nodded hurriedly.

"Can you contact the other investigators?" Wei An asked, "You can ask them if there is a clone of the God of Death."

Lu Hongwei said: "The investigators on our side are all equipped with signal transmitters, and this time the strange talk has not been filtered, but this thing sometimes works and sometimes doesn't work. So far, I have received signals from seven investigators , showing that there is no Death clone on their side, but there are still four investigators whose signals have not been received, it should be that the signal transmission has failed."

Wei An was very confused. It stands to reason that he had completely destroyed the rule center of this strange talk, that is, he had broken the operation of this strange talk. It has been abolished, and even the death sickle can no longer be controlled, causing the sickle to keep chasing and killing him. .

If the strange talk hadn't been abolished, the death scythe wouldn't be chasing after him.

Therefore, Wei An deduced that all the clones of the god of death should have disappeared, but the strange talk did not end on its own, which should be the reason why the rules had been broken, which made it impossible to end normally.

No one has experienced this situation, so I still have to continue to explore how to leave the strange talk.

Wei An discussed with Lu Hongwei for a while, and told him that the rules of the ghost talk might be broken, so he couldn't leave the ghost talk according to common sense.

During the conversation, Lu Hongwei felt that the destruction of the strange talk might have something to do with Wei'an, although the other party didn't say it clearly.

After all, this person in front of him is a level [-] investigator, and if he wants to solve an E-level strange story, although the scale of the strange story is large, there should be no problem.

It's just that he didn't expect to break even the rules of ghost talks. How strong does Wei An have to be to do this?

Although Wei An didn't tell Lu Hongwei explicitly, he didn't deliberately hide this matter, and everything went with the flow. If he can take this opportunity to understand the operation mechanism of the ghost talk rules, and then spread this knowledge, there will be even more Many people benefit.

After discussing with Lu Hongwei for a while, Wei An temporarily returned to the building where Pei Na and Su Ya were located. This time he found that he had to walk more than 30 steps to reach the destination, and the distance between the buildings seemed to be lengthening.

At this time, Pei Na and Su Ya were still waiting at the door on the first floor, but Pei Na stood aside with her hands folded on her chest, while Su Ya stuck her fishing rod into the mist, as if she was fishing.

Seeing this, Wei An asked, "What is this doing?"

Pei Na replied: "Didn't you just ask Su Ya to put the fishing rod into the mist to fish? Now she is trying."

"Have you gained anything?" Wei An followed her example, staring at the fishing rod with his arms folded on his chest.

"Not yet." Pei Na shook her head, "But Su Ya said that she could feel the end of the fishing rod floating on the water."

As soon as the words fell, Su Ya's hands holding the fishing rod suddenly tightened, and the fishing rod in her hand bent instantly.

"There is something, something has been hooked!" Su Ya turned her head in horror.

(End of this chapter)

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