this is not a joke

Chapter 306 Fishing Rod

Chapter 306 Fishing Rod

Wei'an and Pei Na hurried forward, and Pei Na reached out to help Su Ya grab the fishing rod that was about to drop.

The pulling force in the mist was obviously very strong. If Su Ya was alone, the fishing rod might be dragged into the mist.

But with Pei Na's help, Wei An didn't stretch out his hand, but said, "Maybe it's like fishing, tightening and loosening, if you keep pulling violently, the fishing line will be broken."

Pei Na and Su Ya immediately operated according to this method. After a while, they slowly retracted the fishing line, and the fog near the side of the building began to slowly surge.

This scene made Wei An feel very strange, because he had just walked back from the fog. Although the fog was indeed very thick, he could only move forward by feeling while walking in it, and could not see other places, but he did not touch anything along the way. Unexpectedly, I didn't expect that Su Ya's fishing rod could actually catch something from it.

It can be seen that the thing on the other end of the fishing rod is heavy, and after a while there is a sound of friction with the ground.

The three of them were slightly surprised, and looked down at the thing dragged out of the mist, and found a big knife with a thick back and a thin blade caught on the other end of the fishing line!

This knife is a bit like the big ring knife assembled in ancient martial arts dramas, the difference is that there is no metal ring on the back of the knife, and the handle is longer.

"Damn it, you fished out a weapon directly?" Wei An asked in surprise.

Lifting the broadsword, a redemption prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

[Dragon Tooth Knife (orange), exchange for energy points: 300, do you want to exchange? 】

"Good stuff!" Wei An couldn't help but said.

The knife is a bit heavy, but even an uninitiated person seems to know that the metal material of the blade is excellent.

Passing the Dragon Tooth Knife to Su Ya, Wei An said, "You caught the weapon, and you decide how to deal with it."

Su Ya held the fishing rod in one hand, and took the Longya Knife with the other hand, but then the hand holding the knife sank suddenly, and the blade directly hit the ground, sparking out.

"Oh, no, it's too heavy!" Su Ya almost couldn't even grasp the handle of the knife.

Pei Na helped to receive the Longya Saber, but she was very powerful, stronger than Wei An. She held the knife in one hand and waved it lightly twice.

"Not very heavy."

Su Ya immediately said: "Sister Pei Na, are you still short of weapons and props? How about I exchange this Dragon Tooth Saber for you."

Pei Na was taken aback, "You don't have a weapon either, what should you do?"

Then she looked at Wei An again.

Wei An also nodded and said: "It's really not suitable for Su Ya to hold this weapon. Besides, she still has a fishing rod in hand, and she can also catch other weapons and armor."

The energy points on Pei Na's body were still enough to exchange. She swung the Dragon Tooth Saber a few more times, and felt that it was quite appropriate, so she nodded.

Su Ya said: "I feel that I can fish here for a while, and there may be other things."

"I think so, I'm here with you." Pei Na said.

Wei An nodded, "This fishing rod is a good treasure. Maybe it can catch some good armor from the fog. Remember to leave one for me."

"No problem." Su Ya smiled.

But Wei An didn't plan to stay here forever, so he had to find a way to see how to get out of this weird talk.

Of course, for the time being, this weird talk doesn't pose much threat to the participants, as long as they don't walk in the mist at will.

As for Su Ya, now that she has a fishing rod, she has more opportunities to obtain weapons and props here. The only problem is that she may not have so many energy points to exchange.

So far, Wei An and the others have found a bug in this strange talk. With this fishing rod, let's see how much benefit we can get from the mist.

Let Pei Na and Su Ya continue fishing, while Wei An returned to the building, he wanted to find a way to leave the strange talk.

Because such a long time has passed now, even if you no longer use the "positioning role" to check, you know that those clones of the god of death must have all disappeared, and the clones may not exist since the last time the scythe of the god of death attacked him.

But this strange talk should not end normally, now I have to find a way to get out.

He started from the first floor, layer by layer, room by room.

An identical black wall clock was hung at the end of the corridor on each floor, and the hour and minute hands on it stopped moving at twelve o'clock. Wei An lifted up these pendulums and did not see a hole in the wall behind.

It seems that the only place where there is a hole in the wall is the seventh floor where Su Ya's room is located.

Wei An quickly inspected all the places in this apartment building, carefully inspecting any place that might be unusual, but still found nothing.

He returned to the seventh floor, stood in front of the destroyed wall clock at the end of the corridor, and looked at the hole in the wall.

At this time, the other participants who had been hiding in the room also left the room and walked in the corridor. After seeing some participants who died because of playing games in the room, they were all frightened, and even Others were secretly crying.

Vian told them to stay away from the hole in the wall for now and not to leave the apartment building without authorization.

After re-examining the hole in the wall, he found that the hole was not closed by itself, and he could feel that it seemed to be connected, but he didn't know if the small space at the end still existed.

But the death scythe must have disappeared.

Wei An hesitated for a moment, and decided to climb into the cave again to have a look.

He called the two people in the corridor. The two seemed to be father and son. The father was in his 50s and the son was in his twenties. Then Wei An asked the father and son to guard him at the entrance of the cave and told them that he would return within 10 minutes at most. If you don't see yourself after this time, let them immediately send someone to the gate on the first floor to call Pei Na over.

The father and son knew that Wei An was the investigator guarding the building, so they immediately stood obediently outside the hole in the wall.

Wei An got into the hole in the wall again. At this time, he no longer felt the oppressive feeling of the narrow space, but crawled forward quickly, and soon felt that he was about to reach the exit.

But it was strange that there was no light coming from that side. The next second, Wei An stretched his hand out of the cave, but he still didn't see the light.

He looked out from the entrance of the cave, and found that this space was no longer the small space when he saw the death scythe, but was surrounded by pitch black, and he couldn't see anything. He didn't know how big this black space was.

After hesitating for a moment, Wei An didn't leave the cave immediately, but crawled backwards, and it took a little longer than before to get back to the pendulum cave.

The father and son were still guarding outside at this time, Wei An asked them to continue guarding the entrance of the cave, not letting anyone approach, and then went to the first floor.

After arriving at the door on the first floor, Wei An was startled, and saw two more things under the feet of Su Ya and Pei Na, one was a fishing net with holes, and the other was a piece of black metal in the shape of a stone.

(End of this chapter)

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