this is not a joke

Chapter 307 Exit

Chapter 307 Exit
"Is this what you guys just caught?" Wei An asked in surprise.

Pei Na nodded, "Well, Su Ya is getting smoother now."

"Brother An, let's take a look at what these are. Fishing nets need to be exchanged for energy points. They should be another special item, but the black stone does not need to be exchanged." Su Ya also said.

Wei An squatted down and looked at the black metal. He found that the surface of this metal was smooth and smooth, and asked, "This thing can't catch anything on the surface. How did you catch it?"

"I don't know." Su Ya shook her head, "It was caught by my fishhook, but after being dragged out of the mist, I didn't see where the fishhook was caught."

At this moment, Wei An's face changed slightly, and he suddenly remembered the R1 military pistol that had been unusable in his inventory.

Because this thing belongs to the item in the ghost talk, it cannot be taken out, so Wei An has not known how to find those bullets, have or how to make bullets after he ran out of bullets.

At that time, he was speculating whether there would be a special metal that could make this kind of pistol bullet in Guai Tan. Now when he saw such a large piece of black metal, he immediately thought of that pistol.

And this metal does not need to be exchanged for energy points, which means that it does not belong to weapons or armor, and is mostly a semi-finished material that can be used for reprocessing.

"Pei Na, put away this black metal first." Wei An said to Pei Na, and then he looked at the fishing net with holes.

Although there are holes in the fishing net, the holes are not too big. At most, a few fish will be leaked. When the number of fish in the net increases, a large number of fish will come back together and will not break through the hole. leaked out.

"The name of this thing is a tattered fishing net." Pei Na said, "It's probably a special item that requires 300 energy points to exchange for. I think it can be used to trap weirdness or other conscious life forms. "

Wei An became more and more surprised.

He thought about it seriously, if Su Ya didn't go out during this strange talk, and stood outside the fog and kept fishing, then maybe a lot of props would be caught.

At present, there are many participants here, and I am afraid that each person will be able to divide evenly.

Of course, the premise is that these people have energy points to exchange.

Putting down the tattered fishing net again, Wei An stood up and said to Pei Na: "As long as you and Su Ya put away the special items that are caught temporarily, they will not be put together with weapons and armor. Well, I suspect that I just found out and left this strange talk." way."

"How to leave?" Pei Na asked.

"It's the hole in the wall. I drilled in again just now, and found that the space on that side has changed. It is no longer the small space of the Death Scythe, but a piece of darkness. This kind of darkness is different from the one we saw in the ghost talk. The dark space at the boundary of the space is very similar, so I suspect that you can leave the ghost talk from there." Wei An analyzed.

"But I can't be sure." Pei Na frowned.

Wei An nodded, "Yes, so now you and I go back to the hole in the wall, there is a response, I will go to the dark space to explore."

Before Pei Na could speak, Su Ya's fishing rod trembled again, and Su Ya immediately said, "Here we go again!"

This time she didn't ask Pei Na for help, feeling that the thing on the other side of the fishing line seemed to be very light, so she quickly pulled the fishing line back from the mist.

The three cast their gazes, and found that what was hooked this time turned out to be a very delicate little dagger.

Su Ya picked up the dagger, her eyes lit up, and she said, "This is an orange weapon, but I don't have any energy points to exchange for it!"

Wei An suggested: "Keep it by your side for now. Even if you can't exchange it now, you can temporarily use it in this ghost story. The orange weapon is very powerful."

"Yeah." Su Ya nodded.

Wei An said: "Put away the fishing rod for the time being. If I or Pei Na are not by your side, don't come fishing alone, otherwise you might catch a weird one."

Su Ya nodded, and quickly put away the fishing rod. Together with Pei Na, she found a snakeskin bag and put the black metal pieces, the tattered fishing net and the delicate dagger into it. As for the dragon tooth knife, it was Pei Na has already exchanged it and put it in her inventory.

It has to be said that Su Ya's fishing rod is simply a magic tool, but its shortcomings are also obvious. With her current strength, it is very dangerous to go fishing in the fog on the edge of the strange story.

One is to prevent being robbed by other participants. After all, people’s hearts are unpredictable in this situation, and the other is, as Wei An said, to guard against whether a monster will be caught.

After all, with Suya's current strength, she does not have the ability to keep and use this fishing rod, she must be fully protected.

The three of them returned to Su Ya's room on the seventh floor, and asked Su Ya to lock the door temporarily and not to come out, while Wei An and Pei Na returned to the hole in the wall.

The honest father and son were still waiting there, not moving a step away.

This time, Wei An was in front and Pei Na was behind, and the two quickly came to the other side of the hole in the wall. Through the gap between Wei An's limbs, Pei Na found that the space here had changed, and it was no longer where the death scythe was. In other words, the ghost talk rule center has disappeared at this moment.

Wei An turned back and said: "I'm going out now, and I will notify you immediately if something goes wrong. You should pay attention to the timing. If I come back and encounter difficulties, then help me."

"Okay, be careful!" Pei Na nodded and moved her body forward a little.

She grasped Wei An's ankles with both hands, and let Wei An's body slowly move out. After most of his body was out, she strengthened her hands to prevent Wei An from suddenly letting herself pull him back.

But at this moment, an incomparably huge force appeared, and the direction Wei An climbed out suddenly produced suction!
Pei Na grabbed Wei An's hands and disappeared, and Wei An was dragged into the dark space without a trace.

Pei Na was taken aback for a moment, and hurriedly prostrated herself at the entrance of the cave and shouted, "Wei'an, Wei'an!"

Waited for a while but got no response.

After a while of hesitation, Pei Na was about to crawl out to search, but she still couldn't make up her mind.

It's not that she's timid, but that Pei Na knows very well that Wei'an has many means of contingency, if she rushes over, not only may she not be able to help the other party, but it will only add to the chaos.

But if, as Wei An guessed, this place was the exit to leave the strange talk, Wei An would definitely try to find a way to notify himself after leaving.

Pei Na didn't leave, and kept lying on the entrance of the cave, looking out, while listening attentively for any unusual movements.

But the black space in front of her was too quiet. Pei Na didn't know how long she had been waiting, but she didn't see or hear anything.

She began to hesitate again. If she left Su Ya and left at this moment, if there was no strange talk behind this black space, Su Ya would be in danger here alone.

Pei Na couldn't figure out why she, who has always been decisive and decisive, would often fall into this repeated hesitation when facing the problem of Wei'an.

The next second, she bit her lower lip with her teeth. Just as she was about to enter the dark space, her rear ankle tightened and was already grabbed by a hand. Wei An's voice came from behind at the same time.

"Pei Na, it's me, don't go out yet!"

(End of this chapter)

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