this is not a joke

Chapter 308 A Special Strange Story

Chapter 308 A Special Strange Story
Besides, after Wei An was instantly sucked into the dark space by that powerful suction force, his body lightened, and he immediately fell down.

In the beginning, Wei An's heart also sank straight down. At first, he thought that this place might be the entrance and exit of strange stories, but now that the suction suddenly occurred, he felt that he had guessed wrong. Maybe this dark space was Zhang Zuxia's place at that time. in that space.

That is, a certain space world between ghost stories and reality.

But soon his feet were firmly on the ground, and at the same time the scene in front of him lit up, Wei An was startled and found himself standing on the street.

This street looked familiar. Looking back, not far away was the blockade of the street where he and Pei Na took a taxi just now. At this moment, he was standing inside the line, that is, in the blockade.

Those in charge of guarding the border of the blockade included the staff of the Biluo City Administration Bureau and the sheriff of the Public Security Bureau. The sheriff who received Wei An and Pei Na before that was also among them.

At this time, someone nearby noticed that Wei'an had suddenly appeared out of nowhere, and the people who saw this scene were terrified, and all of them backed away immediately, thinking that Wei'an was some monster that escaped from the strange talk.

Only then did Wei An confirm that he had left the ghost story. At the same time, the settlement text of this ghost story appeared in front of him, reminding him that he had obtained a reward of 300 energy points, but he did not give the completion evaluation of this ghost story task.

It should be that the ghost talk itself has broken the rules, and there is no rule center, so no matter whether it is a good evaluation or a bad evaluation, it is meaningless.

It's just that Wei'an also noticed that the evaluation showed that there were hidden tasks in the ghost story that he hadn't completed yet.

Thinking about it now, he thought that the hidden mission should be related to the fog between the buildings.

It doesn't matter if you finish it or not, now Su Ya can borrow so much mist to get more strange talk props, which is better than completing ten hidden tasks.

Soon the sheriff who received Wei An found out that the person who appeared suddenly was Wei An, he was the first to approach, and said in surprise, "Mr. Investigator!?"

Wei An nodded, "The strange talk has basically been completed, and I may be the first person to come out."

"Is the strange talk over?" The sheriff suddenly realized, but he didn't quite understand the way Wei'an appeared.

The staff of the administration quickly surrounded them, some were asking Wei An, some were asking their superiors for instructions, and soon a bald middle-aged man handed Wei An the mobile phone in his hand.

"Security investigator, please answer my boss's call."

Wei An knew that this might be the call from the director of the Biluo City Administration Bureau, so he took the phone to his ear, and immediately a slightly old voice rang out.

"Hi Wei'an, I'm Gao Wen, the director of the Biluo City Administration Bureau. I'm very glad that you can come from Fancheng to support us! But I don't understand why you are the only one coming out?"

Wei An was going to explain the situation inside to the administration, but he didn't hide anything, and directly told Director Gao that the ghost talk rule center had been destroyed, and the ghost talk has stopped working, which made the participants unable to exit normally.

The old voice was obviously shocked, "Oh my god! You mean you and your assistant broke the rules of this strange talk? Destroyed this strange talk... completely?"

"That's almost what it means." Wei'an said, "I found a passage inside, and I know it's feasible after I personally tested it. Now I'm going to look for it to see how I can return to this strange story that has been running all the time. You want I know, if I can go in again, then this strange talk will be of infinite value to our research. Although it is no longer in operation, it has always been here, and every investigator can re-enter, and a lot of research and research can be done. Test work."

"I'll report this to the higher-level administration right away. This matter must be notified to the Central City General Administration!" Director Gao said excitedly: "Security investigators, you can safely and boldly carry out your work here, and don't be afraid to do anything. The consequences will be good or bad. Yes, I'm all here to carry..."

After communicating with the director for a while, Wei An felt at ease with the old director's behavior, and he was quite happy to deal with this kind of person.

It wasn't long after I hung up the phone that the management staff at the scene should have received an order from the old director, and soon someone was responsible for facilitating the security operations.

A car was also parked in front of Wei An for his free use.

Wei An got in the car and quickly returned to the apartment building where Na Suya was in reality. He stopped the car on the side of the road, got out of the car, and then walked slowly along the street.

But everything seemed normal, and nothing unusual was found. Wei An quickly came to stand under Su Ya's apartment building.

At this time, there is no one else in this area except the management staff, and the area is quiet, but if ordinary people know that all these people have entered the ghost talk, staying here will immediately feel a creepy feeling.

Wei An went up to the seventh floor along the first floor, which was the floor where Su Ya was, but he didn't find anything, but the floor was empty and there was no sound at all.

He immediately came to the corridor on the seventh floor and stood still.

Because the corridors in reality are connected, the end is not separated by a wall, and there are stairs and elevators on both sides. Wei An recalled the direction of the big wall clock in the strange talk, and slowly approached the past.

When he had just reached a similar position, he suddenly felt his body begin to tighten slightly, and then he turned sideways, as if being restrained and controlled by a force.

In the next second, he looked around and found that the surroundings were already dark, and he was lying on his stomach in the hole in the wall again.

Suspecting that he had returned to the ghost story, Wei An immediately crawled forward, and soon saw Pei Na's slender feet in front of him. This woman was obviously still waiting for him.

The moment Pei Na's ankle was grabbed, she almost kicked her back because of her stressful reaction, but fortunately, Wei An made a sound at the same time.

The muscles of Pei Na's right foot tensed slightly, and then relaxed, her curiosity suddenly arose.

She didn't understand why Wei An was dragged into the dark space by a suction here, how could he appear behind her again?

"Are you...are you planning to kick me just now?" Wei An sensed Pei Na's reaction.

Pei Na didn't evade, she nodded and said, "Almost."

After telling Pei Na the experience just now, Pei Na was surprised and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

Wei An said: "To climb forward is to leave the strange talk, now we should climb backward. Let's tell Lu Hongwei that he can organize the participants to leave the strange talk from here in an orderly manner, and other outsiders can also enter the strange talk from here. "

Speaking of this, Wei'an paused, and continued: "A strange story that can enter and leave at any time, well, it is expected that the world may be turned upside down in the future!"

(End of this chapter)

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