this is not a joke

Chapter 311 The Moldy Classroom

Chapter 311 The Moldy Classroom

In fact, when the administration temporarily established an office area in the apartment building mentioned in the strange story, and listed a separate office for Wei An, he has already built it in it stroke by stroke. The familiar traveling spell.

The traveling spell has been drawn, and Wei An made some minor adjustments to the strokes of the spell just to be on the safe side.

He was sure that this time he would travel to the strange talk of the senior high school called "Spiritualization", not a junior high school anymore.

Only Pei Na knew about this matter, Wei An didn't tell anyone else.

And Pei Na is also going to guard Wei An's office while he walks through.

After planning, the two came to the office, and Wei An lifted up a large poster that had been laid on the floor, revealing the spells that had been drawn on it.

Pei Na stood aside, and Wei An took out a cinnabar pen to add a final touch to the pattern, and the whole walking spell felt strange.

Then he raised his head and said, "After I go in, if you don't come out, don't even think about coming in to find me. Your task is to stay here and prevent others from coming in to interfere with the operation of the spell."

Pei Na nodded, "Be careful."

Wei An took a look at her, clearly seeing the worry in Pei Na's eyes.

He knew that Pei Na was not worried about whether she would encounter any powerful monsters in this "calling for souls" strange talk, but was worried about using the travel spell to enter and exit other strange talks. After all, this thing is an unconventional method. But I can't come back, this is more terrifying than being hunted down by weirdness.

Wei An said: "Don't worry, if it was in the past, there might still be extremely dangerous, but it's different now. Have you forgotten that we just broke the rules in this ghost story? If the ghost story rules over there discover my existence, It’s a big deal, I’ll spend some effort to break it again.”

"It's easy for you to think about it!" Pei Na smiled, and still warned: "This time it was because you had me, and the two of us broke it together, but you are the only one over there. The strange talk rules found that you'd better not break through."

"I'll pay attention." Wei An winked at her.

Pei Na kept smiling, "Come back soon."

Immediately, Wei An stepped into the spell, and in Pei Na's eyes, she found that Wei An's figure sank directly into the spell, and soon disappeared.

Pei Na pulled a stool and placed it next to the spell. After sitting down, she stared at the traveling spell in front of her and fell into deep thought.


A musty smell rushed into his nostrils immediately after Wei An appeared. The musty smell was so strong that he almost choked him to sneeze.

But Wei An was very vigilant, and immediately pinched his nose and swallowed a mouthful of saliva, trying to stop the sneeze abruptly.

Although it was a little uncomfortable, it was better than being exposed immediately.

"The location of the trip this time should not be wrong."

He shook his head, looked around, and found that he was in a classroom that hadn't been used for an unknown amount of time. Moss grew on the ceiling due to rain and water leaks, black and white cracked, and the outer floor was already high Turning over, these desks and chairs are all damp, and even a lot of mold has grown on the table legs.

The large amount of textbooks, homework books and other paper items piled up on both sides of the podium and at the back of the classroom are all moldy, and the soaring musty smell is emitted by these things.

It's night here, and outside the window there is the bright moonlight in the ghost story as always, but the surroundings are very quiet.

After observing the surrounding environment, Wei An walked out directly from the open classroom door.

He stood in the corridor, took a look downstairs, and found that this should be the seventh floor on the top floor of the teaching building. The architectural shape of this teaching building is a bit like the old-fashioned tube building before, but it is much larger than the internal area of ​​the tube building.

The corridor of the teaching building is circular, and the first floor in the middle of the building is a garden and a small fountain.

Because of the large number of rooms, Wei An noticed that the opposite corridor seemed to be not all classrooms, but some teachers' offices.

He sneaked in secretly. At this moment, he didn't have any textual information about this strange talk in his mind. Through the previous understanding, he only knew that this strange talk was a multi-person task, and each participant had to perform a soul-calling here, and also To fulfill a wish of the summoned soul.

According to Luo Xiaoya, Zhou Xin had to eat the monster that Zhou Xin recruited at that time, but Zhou Xin couldn't do it, so he was killed by the monster and failed to leave the monster talk.

But thinking about it now, there are too many loopholes in these words.

Because unless Zhou Xin has become a weird person here, he will not be forced to isolate himself after the strange talk is over, otherwise even if he becomes a dead body, he will leave the strange talk at the end.

So there are only two possibilities, either Zhou Xin has become weird, or he is not dead at all.

No matter what happened this time, Wei'an had to figure out what Zhou Xin's final outcome was, otherwise he would not feel at ease.

After observing the outside for a long time in the corridor, Wei An soon found out. He saw three people, two women and one man, appeared in the corridor on the third floor diagonally opposite. The women grabbed each other's arms and looked around as they walked forward.

I can vaguely see the clothes of these three people, and they seem to be wearing school uniforms.

Wei An was a little uncertain for a moment, whether these three people were participants or characters in the strange story, or even the strangeness itself.

He kept watching the three of them enter one of the teachers' offices, then closed the door and there was no movement.

My current main purpose is to find Zhou Xin, and I will ignore the others for the time being.

In addition, those three people were all wearing school uniforms and appeared in this strange campus talk, so the status of participants is extremely low, and there is no need for Wei An to find out.

He remembered that Luo Xiaoya had said that the triggering place of the summoning was in a locker room, but he didn't know whether it was the men's locker room or the women's locker room. Now he had to figure out the distribution of the buildings on the campus.

Usually there is a distribution map of the building at the gate of the first floor of each building, and of course there may be a distribution map of the campus.

Wei An is going to go to the first floor to take a look.

But at this time, some other ideas suddenly appeared in his mind, such as the place where the soul summoning was triggered in the locker room. If the rule center of this ghost story is near there, where would the specific location be?Can I take advantage of the situation and break it?
And if I want to completely end this weird talk like the "reaper's option", how should I do it.

Immediately, he put this thought aside, and secretly found Zhou Xin first.

After arriving at the stairs, Wei An walked carefully along the stairs to the first floor. Wei An found that the whole building was covered by a musty smell.

This teaching building has only seven floors, with a total of four stairwells, but there is no elevator in the building.

After going down a flight of stairs, he would pass through the corridor at the end of the floor to enter the next flight of stairs, and this was also the time when Wei An had to hide himself well.

When he came to the fourth floor, he was about to reach the connection between the corridor and the stairs on this floor, when Wei An suddenly heard one of the doors in the corridor on the fourth floor being opened.

He stopped immediately, leaning his back against the wall near the corridor, and stopped moving for the time being.

But after waiting for a while, I found that there was no other sound except the sound of opening the door just now, and I didn't hear footsteps coming out.

Wei An thought it might have something to do with the three men and women in school uniforms he saw just now, maybe they were another group of people, so he poked his head out slightly and glanced in that direction.

I saw a girl standing in the corridor, wearing a summer school uniform, a white short-sleeved top with a bow tie, a dark red pleated skirt, a pair of black half-tube socks, and a pair of black leather shoes.

Wei An noticed that this girl was different from the three just now, not only because of her school uniform, she lowered her head slightly, her long hair fell on her shoulders, and her standing posture was also sloppy, as if she was listless.

As if feeling the gaze, the girl moved her head and looked up to Wei An.

(End of this chapter)

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