Chapter 312

Wei An had already noticed it before, so the moment the girl raised her head, he retracted her head one step ahead of time, and lay her back against the wall, motionless.

He could feel a musty smell from the girl's body, and the clothes on the girl's body were not clean, but had spots of mildew.

It can be seen that this girl should be a weird one.

Wei An pricked up his ears and listened for a moment, but found that there was no sound of footsteps, nor could he feel the girl approaching.

After waiting for a while, he poked his head out again, and found that the girl had already left the place, but she didn't walk towards him. Instead, she walked around the circular corridor in the opposite direction. Her movements Slower and less coordinated when walking.

The female student didn't see Wei An just now, she just seemed to have a slight feeling.

Wei An didn't stare at her all the time, in case the monster would sense his gaze again, he soon found that the female student had walked to the stairwell in the diagonally opposite corridor, entered the stairwell and went downstairs.

"This monster should be chasing the three students just now."

Wei An noticed that the school uniforms of the boy and the girl just now were mostly white, and the girls wore pants instead of the pleated skirts and half-tube socks.

So they are not from the same school, and the identities of the three downstairs are more likely to be participants.

Wei An secretly guessed.

He continued to carefully descend the stairs, and this time he found nothing unusual, except that he could always smell the musty smell that was everywhere.

Wei An felt that the building was moldy, not just the classrooms and the weird body.

When he passed by the third floor, he noticed that the female student who had just come down seemed to enter one of the classrooms strangely. When he went down to the second floor, the female student walked out of that classroom and entered the next one.

It seemed that she was looking for the three people who hid in the teacher's office just now, and it was only a matter of time before she found them.

Originally, Wei An was only here to find Zhou Xin, but seeing this, the instinct of an investigator caused him to hesitate.

In the current situation, as an investigator, it is impossible for him to let those three students fall into crisis.

It's just that Wei'an didn't know that the three of them had completed several soul-calling games before he arrived, and now he couldn't be discovered by the ghost talk rules, or touch the normal running ghost talk, unless he directly destroyed it when he touched it .

Looking up, the female student took about two to three minutes to search for a classroom, and there were still four classrooms away from the teacher's office, so there was still time.

Wei An still quickly came to the first floor, found the wall outside the entrance of the stairs, and soon saw the layout of the entire school, and then also found the layout of this teaching building.

In addition to classrooms and teachers' offices, there are only two meeting rooms in the teaching building.

The locker room is only on the side of the indoor stadium. Presumably it should be a set of changing clothes, exercising, and bathing.That place should be the place where the spirit is summoned.

But Wei An didn't go directly, but immediately returned to the third floor.

After seeing the weirdness entering a classroom again, he immediately ran to the door of the teacher's office with a stoop, stretched out his hand to press the door handle, and found that the door was locked from the inside and could not be opened at all.

Wei An gently knocked on the door.

If they have participated in ghost talks before, these people should know that under normal circumstances, weirdos are not so polite and will knock on the door before they come in. Although they also knock on the door under certain circumstances, it is definitely not at this time.

What's more, once the door is knocked, it means that people outside know that there are people in this room.

But Wei An waited for a while, and found that no one responded at all.

He wondered if the three of them ran out of the office when he went downstairs, so he knocked twice again, and soon there was the sound of a chair being slightly bumped, indicating that someone was hiding in the room.

But after the sound, it became quiet again, and no one came to check, and no one looked out of the window next to the door.

Wei An couldn't wait any longer. He was worried that the female student would find out strangely, so he immediately turned around and ran to the office next door.

The main reason is that he couldn't make a sound just now, and the sound of knocking on the door was already the maximum limit. Once he spoke through the door, he would definitely be heard by the monster not far away.

Now Wei An is sure that the three students hiding in the next office should not have much experience, so that he missed his chance to help them in vain.

Rather than rescuing them, Wei An would definitely ensure that he would not be discovered by the strange talk rules first. He hid next to the plants in the corner of the office. He immediately drew a simple invisibility spell under his feet and stepped on them.

At this moment, the door of the office next door was opened.

Although the door was locked by the people inside, in the face of the monster chasing them, the door was like paper, the door handle was twisted off, and then footsteps walked in.

Almost at the same moment, screams came from the next room.

Wei An secretly sighed.

As far as the current abilities of the participants are concerned in today's ghost stories, it can almost be said that it is a mortal situation, without any suspense.

After the scream came out, the sound of tables, chairs and stools tumbling and breaking soon sounded, and then a scream full of resentment exploded, covering all the sounds, and the loud Vian's eardrums hurt.

This voice should be directly from the female student's weirdness.

Soon all the sounds disappeared, and it became quiet in an instant.

Not long after, the weird figure in student clothes came out from the next room and walked past the window of Wei An's office.

Because the light outside the corridor was better, Wei An could see clearly from inside. The girl's long hair was covered with a lot of blood, most of which was stuck to her face and neck, and she walked away slowly along the corridor.

Soon there was movement from the next door again.

Not long after, I heard the sound of messy footsteps. Ten seconds later, the door of Wei An's office was pushed open, and two people, a man and a woman, hid in hastily. The boy immediately closed the office door, and then pushed the desk over. Arriving behind the door, two wooden chairs were placed on the table.

During this process, the female student stood by alone and shivered. Both of them had blood on their bodies, but it didn't look like they belonged to them.

From the one man, two women and three companions just now, there is only one man and one woman left, and one girl should have died next door.

Wei An quickly speculated about the current situation. That weirdness only killed one person at a time, and then left. After these people were hidden again, she might return to continue killing.

And now the remaining two seemed to want to hide again, but their coquettish manipulation directly made Wei An, who was standing in the spell, speechless.

Dare your friend be killed next door, it might be your turn next, and then the two of you hurried to the next door to block the door and it's over?
Is it because the weirdness is blind and can't see you?Or do you think that people will deliberately release your water?
Looking at the immature faces of the remaining two students who were distorted and distorted by fright at the moment, and the two standing in the room trembling and at a loss, Wei An knew that they were indeed so frightened that they didn't even know what to do. This kind of operation can only happen if you can't think normally.

(End of this chapter)

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