313 Rescue
Recalling what happened to Su Ya and her companion back then, not to mention that there were still some questions about this strange talk, Wei An wanted to understand from them, and then he left the spell under his feet.

The two students were still shaking each other tightly, not noticing that there was another person in the room.

Wei An coughed lightly, which made the two people's legs go limp, the man hurriedly backed away, and the woman fell directly to the ground.

Not only that, after the girl fell to the ground, she opened her mouth, and she seemed about to scream in fright.

Wei An had already stepped forward to cover her mouth, and said softly, "Don't be afraid, I am a human being, a participant like you."

As soon as these words came out, the two students immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and their terrified faces eased, and they even felt like they had grasped at straws.

Wei An carefully looked at the two of them, and found that the age of the two should be about 15 years old, but they looked taller.

"You are all students, what grade are you in?"

"Second year in high school." The boy said immediately.

"Don't be afraid." Weiner continued: "You guys are too nervous, take a few deep breaths first to calm yourself down. How many times have you done soul calling so far?"

The girl still didn't speak, and the boy still replied: "It's only done once, it's just... just finished, and the female monster that was recruited has been chasing us, and then..."

"I know the ending." Wei'an nodded, interrupted him, and asked, "Have you never been in a ghost talk before? This is the first time to be a participant?"

This time they both nodded quickly.

The girl said tremblingly: "In the past... I used to hear strange stories. We watched a lot of video explanations, but how did I know... this is completely different!"

"Uncle, it's definitely not the first time for you, please help us." The boy also said.


Vian: -_-||
The two students naturally didn't know what Wei An cared about. The girl introduced herself, "My name is Liu Wenna, he is Jin Mingfei, and the classmate who died just now was Shu Sha."

"What's your reminder after summoning your soul?" Wei An asked.

"Let's hide quickly. If we can escape the first attack by that weird one just now, everyone will be safe and sound." The girl named Liu Wenna replied, "But if someone is killed, every half of this weird one will be killed." Hours will come to hunt us down until everyone is dead."

"So you recruited the soul together, instead of doing it one by one?" Wei An asked.

Because this is not consistent with the ghost story stated by Zhou Xin’s fiancée Luo Xiaoya, Luo Xiaoya and the other two survivors told the management that they summoned souls alone, and each participant corresponds to a monster, so Zhou Xin was injured. Sometimes, that weirdness doesn't hurt anyone else.

And Luo Xiaoya was able to come out by herself because she had completed her soul-calling task.

This is the biggest difference.

"Yeah, Liu Wenna, Shu Sha and I recruited that thing just now." Jin Mingfei replied: "But that weirdness only kills one of us at a time."

Wei An understood.

He immediately took out a cinnabar pen, and drew a space-blocking spell a circle larger than the invisibility spell in front of where he was standing just now, isolating the space where the invisibility spell was located from other places in the office.

Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna looked at each other, feeling that Wei'an should be very powerful, and even painted those strange-looking things, but they didn't understand what he was doing.

From this point of view, the two of us should be saved, because Wei An is obviously an experienced ghost talker, unlike a newcomer like them who doesn't understand anything.

After Wei An finished drawing the spell, he said, "From now on, the two of you will stand next to this potted plant, step over this pattern, and step on the second pattern inside."

If the two students enter, there is a blocking spell blocking the space outside, and the invisibility spell inside can make them invisible in front of the weirdness, which can be described as double insurance, so that they no longer have to worry about the weirdness just finding them.

"It's okay to go in like this from the outside?" Jin Mingfei couldn't believe it.

Wei An nodded, "As long as you don't leave these two spells after entering, the weirdness will never find you. Remember, if you leave the innermost charm, the weirdness will see you, but it can't touch you. But If I'm weird, I'll guard the corpse here until you come out. So don't make any noise after you go in, and don't move around, and wait for me to come back."

"it is good."

The two nodded in unison.

Wei An asked again: "Is the place where the spirit summoned is at the indoor gymnasium?"

Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna looked at each other, and they both had doubts in their hearts, because if Wei An was a participant like them, there was no reason why he wouldn't know where the evocation was.

But they didn't ask anything, Jin Mingfei nodded and said, "It's in the locker room of the gymnasium, um, the women's locker room."

"Okay, remember not to leave the spell I drew." Wei'an said: "Also, if I never show up again, if the message of the end of the ghost story pops up in front of your eyes, you can leave directly without waiting for me."

"Thank you, thank you..."

Liu Wenna was full of gratitude, and when she was about to say that honorific title, Wei An interrupted, "Brother."

Immediately, amidst the surprised expressions of the two, Wei An came to the office door, opened the door and left.

The two students blinked, not knowing what they were thinking, and then they tentatively stepped over the blocking spell, and the air behind them rippled for a moment, as if there were ripples in the air, and quickly calmed down.

Then the two stood on the invisibility spell, with a sense of security surrounding them.

Because I saw the disappearing air ripples just now, I knew that these two spells had already played a role.

The two looked at each other and didn't dare to speak, but they had clearly made up their minds that even if the weird girl was standing in front of them just now, she wouldn't move.

It is impossible for Wei An to accompany them all the time, nor is it possible for them to stay by his side all the time. After giving them sufficient security, it will depend on the fate of these two people.

If you were still exposed because of cowardice, you can only blame yourself for being so.

When going downstairs from the stairwell, Wei An noticed that there was movement from upstairs. Some door was opened. It should be that the female student returned upstairs strangely just now.

Wei An ignored it, and it was not convenient for him to meet this weird woman, otherwise the rules of weird talk would target him.

He quickly went downstairs, and according to the school distribution map, he identified the direction of the gymnasium, and then left quickly.

Along the way, Wei An walked along the corners or bushes to avoid revealing his whereabouts. After entering through the side door of the gymnasium, he groped for a while before arriving near the locker room.

Unexpectedly, when he saw the locker room just now, he was taken aback for a moment, and found that the light was on here, and he could still see shadows swaying in it.

Wei An still remembered that the male classmate named Jin Mingfei told him that only the three of them entered the strange talk.

(End of this chapter)

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