this is not a joke

Chapter 314 Trap?

Chapter 314 Trap?

So when Wei An saw a shadow shaking in the locker room, his first reaction was Zhou Xin.

But after thinking about it, the chance of this is very small. If Zhou Xin could act like this, he would have left Guitan a long time ago, and he wouldn't wait until now.

But when Luo Xiaoya and others told the administration that the level of this strange story was C, it must have been wrong. Wei An speculated that the level of this ghost story was around E, and it might even be only F.

The value of this ghost story to Haruki Nakata and Miko Akimoto lies in the fact that it contains what they need, and this thing is likely to be some strokes of spells, and they need to collect these strokes to further improve their inventory.

"If it wasn't for Zhou Xin, could there be other participants involved in this strange talk?" Wei An wondered.

This kind of situation is not uncommon. If the strange story is special enough and the plot requires it, after the first batch of participants enter, the second or even the third batch of participants may enter one after another.

He didn't approach the door for the time being, but quietly stared at the light and shadow in the room.

About a minute later, a voice suddenly came out, and it was a female voice.

"Nails, blood, hair, I've collected them all, and they're all here, and I'll give them to you together!"

Then Wei An heard a snap, and after a while he realized that it should be the sound of a lighter.

Soon there was a slight burnt smell, and the fire should have burned the nails, hair, etc. that the woman had collected just now.

After the burnt smell, there was another strange smell, which seemed to be mixed with a little bloody smell.

Wei An didn't know what the woman inside was doing. This might be a form of evocation, but he didn't know where the woman came from.

Perhaps as he guessed, this strange talk did not stop after entering a certain group of participants, and other participants could come in one after another.To put it bluntly, it's like the kind of flowing water mats in the countryside.

Just listening to the girl's words, Wei An felt that the other party was not so passive. It seemed that she was not coerced by the strange talk to carry out the summoning of souls, but it gave people a very active feeling.

"What's going on here? Could it be that this girl deliberately wants to enter this strange talk to complete the soul-calling?"

When Wei An was wondering, the woman's voice came out again, "Use my blood to fuse with you; use my hair to bind your body; use my skin to replace your birth."


A strange and hoarse voice suddenly appeared, it was not from the woman, but from a strange voice.

It sounds like it's something that this woman summoned from her soul!

Wei An took two steps forward and approached the door, but he suppressed his curiosity for the time being, and didn't poke his head to look right away.

He didn't understand why this woman gave people the feeling that she was very good at evoking souls. Could it be that she was an aborigine in this strange story?

At this time, the air flow in this dressing room became violent, as if a small tornado was making waves inside, and the locker doors that could not be closed kept opening and closing, making the sound of banging metal, and the cabinets There was also a rattling sound when it collided with the cabinet.

Hearing that the woman's tone had become very cheerful, she continued: "Kill him, he comes from Zhoucheng in the Divine State, and his name is... Wei'an!"



When Wei An heard his name suddenly appear, Wei An was stunned, and he suddenly felt like he was in a dream.

What did this woman just say?
She said her name, and also accurately said the address of this "Wei An", which was in Zhoucheng in the Kingdom of Shenzhou!
Apart from herself, Wei An couldn't think of who else Wei An she was talking about.

But it seems that the word "Weian" should not be heard in this situation. What is the reason for this?
Wei An's mind was suddenly confused, but he still had a reaction in a very short time, because what the woman said in the end was too purposeful, that is: kill Wei An!
As soon as the woman finished speaking, she suddenly started giggling, and that voice sounded extremely strange.

Wei An couldn't bear it any longer, and turned his head to look into the dressing room, and saw a short-haired woman in a black tights also looking at the door, and the two eyes collided.

This woman's appearance is absolutely beautiful, not much better than Pei Na, with a graceful figure, fair skin like snow, short hair that reaches the ears, but also a bit petite and cute, the seemingly irrelevant elements are perfectly integrated at this moment Being on someone's body made this short-haired woman exude an extremely unique attractiveness.

But Wei An has never met this person.

At this moment, the short-haired woman had a faint smile on her face, and two small dimples appeared on her fair face.

Wei An also noticed that her pupils were green.

At the same moment, a more special object attracted most of Wei An's attention.

It was a corpse, to be precise, it was the corpse of a young woman in a checkered hospital gown.

This female corpse is too deep in Wei'an's memory, because she appeared in Wei'an's own strange talk "Hospital Mortuary" not long ago, and this is the corpse that Wei'an dissected.

The corpses dissected by the participants were all dead people they knew in the real world, and these corpses had a relationship with the participants at that time, but only the corpse of Wei An was not, his In his memory, he had never even seen anyone with the appearance of this female corpse.

In the end, when the task was about to be completed, the dissected female corpse disappeared on the push bed. In the weird black hole where the hair was obtained on the top of the building, Wei An once saw a woman's foot with the name tag of the corpse slip into it. in.

At that time, he suspected that it was the female corpse that got in, but there was no other evidence to prove it.

Seeing her again now, although it was just a glance, Wei An immediately recognized her.

Wei An had even suspected before that this female corpse might be in the same group as the extremely powerful tauren, the slender black shadow, the super fat man, and the weird hair, so their ability levels should not be much different.

Unexpectedly, when I got close to the locker room, there was actually a soul-calling ceremony in progress, and the soul-calling person suddenly called out the word "Weian".

All this showed that the current situation was premeditated, as if the strange short-haired woman had been waiting for him, waiting for this moment to come.

The familiar young female corpse sat up from the ground, her head swung slightly, and the strange hoarse scream just now came out from her mouth again, and a blast of air visible to the naked eye dispersed.

Wei An hurriedly covered his ears, but still heard tinnitus.

The strength of this young female corpse is indeed not much different from that of the weird-haired woman, and it can be said that it is the strongest batch of monsters that Wei An has encountered so far.Of course, except Grim Reaper and Black and White Girl.

Before he had time to think about it, Wei An turned around and ran out along the corridor as hard as he could, because he saw the young female corpse walking towards him after standing up.

There were still a few broken hairs around the female corpse's mouth. She was chewing on Wei An's nails, and there was a faint trace of blood at the corner of her mouth.

After going through the soul-calling ceremony this time, her goal is obviously Wei'an.

Skimming the men's locker room and the door of the bathroom, and running through the corridor to the hall of the indoor gymnasium, Wei An could feel the wind blowing behind him, and a piercing chill locked him tightly, and the hairs on his back stood up one by one. Goosebumps keep popping up.

Although he didn't see the young female corpse chasing him for the time being, after going through the soul-calling ceremony just now, Wei An is sure that no matter how he evades, the other party can easily lock him.

This strange talk is a trap!Completely aimed at their own trap!
Introduce yourself, every step has been set in advance, your own hair, nails and even blood are taken by the other party for unknown reasons.

Hair and nails are fine, but Wei An only remembers that the last time he had blood drawn was a routine physical examination a week after joining the Ghost Story Administration.

So there must be an inner ghost in this incident, which made him immediately think of the "father" Yin Siyuan said, that mysterious organization!
(End of this chapter)

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