this is not a joke

Chapter 338 Obtaining Drawings

Chapter 338 Obtaining Drawings
It stands to reason that this shadow originally belonged to him, and he should not be hostile to Wei An's body, but now the fact is just the opposite. After the shadow left his body, he immediately attacked Wei An.

After Wei An was suppressed by his own shadow, the scene of encountering the slender black shadow before resurfaced in his mind.

The feeling at this moment is so similar to that eerie, slender black figure, which makes him have to suspect once again that this strange talk has a great relationship with the slender black figure.

Breathing stopped instantly, and the shadow had already encircled his throat. Under the pressure of the shadow, Wei An's throat could clearly see a sunken shape.

This guy has no body at all. Wei An reached out and scratched his throat twice, but he couldn't touch anything. At the same time, his body was tightly suppressed by the shadow, unable to struggle.

Moving his gaze upwards, he saw the candle that was still burning on the ground not far from him.

Wei An no longer resisted the shadow's attack on him, but stretched out his hand, and slapped it on the dancing flame.

The flames were instantly extinguished, and the surroundings returned to darkness. At the same time, my body relaxed, and the suppressed strength disappeared.

Without the light source, the shadow also disappeared directly at this moment.

Wei An sat up, coughed violently, then touched the goat's foot that he had just put in his pocket, and found that it was still there.

When he opened the door and chased him out, the cloaked man had long since disappeared.

However, through the confrontation just now, Wei An learned that the cloaked man is not strong, and the opponent is someone who has adapted to the inner streets, and may be an aborigine or a mutated outsider.

Because Wei An felt familiar with the stench of the cloaked man, it was almost the same as Zi Hai's.

Standing on the street and looking around for a while, Wei An felt that the street was very unsafe, so he immediately returned to the temporary residence given to him by Old Peter after he didn't see the figure of the cloaked man.

Now he no longer dared to light a candle, because as long as there was candle light, a shadow would appear, and that shadow would immediately chase and kill him.

But fortunately, when I was on the street under the moonlight just now, I still had no shadow.

He took out the sheep's hoof and studied it carefully for a while. Although there was no new discovery, the more Wei An looked at it, the more he felt that it seemed to be a mechanism to open something.

There is no other plan for now, he can only wait alone in this room.

During this period, Wei An didn't dare to sleep, and if he wasn't mentally fatigued during this strange talk, he basically wouldn't feel sleepy.

Just like eating, there is usually no need to eat in ghost stories. One reason is that the completion time of ghost stories is relatively short, and it is over before you feel hungry. The second reason is that humans, as outsiders, seem to be will not be bound by the rules.

Participants can choose to eat or not to eat, sleep or not to sleep, which are all within the scope allowed by the rules of ghost talk.

Thinking of eating, Wei An remembered that he hadn't eaten for a long time, and his stomach immediately growled.

He opened the oily paper wrapped in the animal meat that he carried with him, and then took out a slice of the animal meat, stuffed it into his mouth, chewed it and swallowed it quickly.

Then put the rest of the meat back.

Now he was used to the taste of this animal meat, and he felt a strong sense of fullness after eating it.

Time passed by every minute and every second, until the howling of wolves, which represented the arrival of curfew, sounded.

The entire city of Guwa became quieter at this moment, as if it had become a dead city.

But to Wei'an's surprise, not long after the howling of wolves stopped, there was a sound from the street outside the window!
He looked up and found a row of people walking along the street. There were five people in this row, lined up in a "1" shape. They were all wearing the same cloak that the escaped man wore just now, and their walking pace was not very fast. Neat, but no one is left behind.

Soon the five disappeared at the end of the street.

According to Wei An's timing, about half an hour later, another five people wearing cloaks walked over the street in a row. Just looking at their clothes and heights, it is impossible to tell whether they are the same as the cloaked people just now. group.

Just like that, five people will be seen passing by in line almost every half hour, as if they are on patrol. The curfew on the outer streets does not seem to work for the inner streets here.

But this patrol will only appear after the howling of wolves.

After the next wolf howl sounded, the five-member team did not appear again.

At this time, Wei An noticed that there seemed to be a person standing on the second floor of a building diagonally opposite. When he looked carefully, he found that there were only curtains behind the window, and no one was seen.

Soon old Peter appeared on the street alone.

Old Peter came in a hurry, and he should have rushed over immediately after the curfew ended.

After entering the room, he saw Wei An's goat's hoof on the quilt at a glance.

"How? Have you found the key?"

Wei An pointed to the goat's hoof, "You said... could this be the key?"

Old Peter stared at the goat's hoof in surprise, and shook his head after a while, "Are you sure it's the only thing?"

"Of course not." Wei An said, "But only it is like a key."

Old Peter thought about it carefully, not knowing what he was thinking, then he took out a piece of animal meat and chewed it in his mouth while pacing back and forth.

Wei An truthfully told him what happened during the process of taking away the goat's hooves.

Old Peter said seriously: "From now on, you can no longer light candles, because once that shadow appears, it will be very difficult for you to escape."

Then he looked at the goat's hooves, with a troubled expression on his face: "There is a distance from here to the passage gate leading to Montenegro, and we have to go through the 'grassland'. There were investigators who tried it, but they didn't come back. Now we even With the key, but who's going to try?"

Wei An looked at him with a smile: "Do you think you can stay here until then?"

Old Bi swallowed the animal meat in his mouth, sighed: "If you hadn't appeared before, I'm sure I might try my best after getting the key."

"I can go, and this is our common goal, but I think it is possible..."

Old Peter also laughed: "Young man, I know what you think, of course there is no problem. Speaking of which, this is also a way of equivalent exchange. I can give you the production blueprint of the bullet right now."

After saying that, a stack of blueprints appeared in his hand for no reason, and he handed it to Wei An.

"This blueprint belongs to the special personal item that we independently developed in the ghost story. You can store it in your inventory without energy points, and you can also pass it on to other participants in the ghost story. But if you want to produce it, you must You need to choose a special ghost story, like the current one is definitely not good, how to find and enter those special ghost stories needs to be figured out by yourself.”

(End of this chapter)

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