this is not a joke

Chapter 339 Vomit it all!

Chapter 339 Vomit it all!
Wei An spread out the blueprints for a look, and found that these were some regular engineering design blueprints, except that they belonged exclusively to strange stories.

After trying it, it was really easy to put the blueprint into my inventory.

As for the old Peter mentioned that he had to find a special ghost story to make it, Wei An knew very well that he currently had a very special ghost story that could be used to arrange the production line and start processing, that is "Reaper's option".

However, this matter will not be carried out until we can leave here in the future.

"What is the identity of this cloaked man?" Wei An asked: "During the curfew, I saw several teams of cloaked men appearing, and they seemed to be patrolling the street. And the cloaked man next door was dressed the same as them, so he should be from the same route."

Old Peter shook his head and said: "No, that person is not. Cloaked people should live in the building next to the entrance of the Black Mountain Passage, not here. They are the messengers of this inner street. No matter how strong you are, don't fight They fight, under the rules here, they are invincible existence. This cloaked man is pretending, I suspect that he also wants to mix into the real cloaked man team, this is just a step in his plan, I have observed him for a long time. "

Wei An was taken aback, and stared deeply at Old Peter, but saw that this guy looked normal.

What if the guy next door is really the Cape Man?Old Peter's decision to let himself go in search of the key now seemed too risky.

But to put it another way, Old Peter might have known about it, but Wei An, who didn't know it, put himself in danger to test the other party's authenticity.

No flaws could be seen from Old Peter's face, but Wei An's vigilance towards him increased a lot at this moment.

"How is Jin Mingfei outside?"

Old Peter rubbed his forehead, and replied: "He's fine, and he went to Geng Street in the morning, saying he wanted to see his little friend."

While speaking, Old Peter took out a hand-painted area map from his arms, which was drawn according to the layout of the inner streets, and Wei An quickly found his current location on it.

"Why didn't you take out this thing earlier?"

Old Peter said: "I drew it from memory after I went back last night. The positions of some buildings may not be accurate, but the streets should be fine."

Wei An noticed several large "X"s drawn on the surface of some buildings on the map, pointed to one of the "X" and asked, "What does this mean?"

"This is a forbidden area on the inner streets, just like those abandoned houses on the outer streets." Old Peter rubbed his forehead again, and warned: "Don't enter these places unless it is absolutely necessary."

After speaking, he shook his head, stood up and said, "No, my body... can't stay here any longer..."

While talking, he took out a palm-sized earthen pot from his inventory, handed it to Wei An and said, "Use this thing to contact me at any time, even if I'm not in the inner street, I can still receive your news, yes Just speak at the mouth of the jar. Remember, it will be effective if you are very close to the mouth of the jar. Well, don’t rush to stay here, take it step by step. My terrible body has to get out of here quickly.”

After he left, Wei An planned to follow the instructions on the map and go to the building on the inner street near the entrance of the Black Mountain Passage to inquire about it.

Before leaving, he took out a piece of animal meat and chewed it a few times before swallowing it.

According to Old Peter, Nie Jun and others, after eating animal meat, it can help him stabilize his mental state and overall strength here.

However, after swallowing the meat this time, Wei An suddenly remembered the appearance of the cloaked man who fought with him just now for no reason. The guy's face was festered everywhere, and he could see the muscles inside his head through his cheeks It was wriggling non-stop, accompanied by the flow of black liquid.

The weird smell of the cloaked man seemed to merge with the smell of the beast meat that Wei An was talking about at this moment, as if the two were the same thing.

Wei An didn't know why he thought of this scene.

He felt something was wrong, and the black cat appeared in his mind unconsciously.

At this time, the black cat has recovered, but I don't know if I can use it to cast the "image of fear" again, and it is inconvenient for Wei An to try it now.

He just patted the cat's head first when he was indecisive as usual, letting his own spiritual totem—fear, spread out a little more, which could invisibly increase his concentration.

After stroking the heads of two black cats, he secretly speculated in his heart: "It would be nice if we could know which rooms in the city of Guwa have black energy that stabilizes spiritual power."

According to Wei An's guess, there are many rooms here, and that kind of black air probably exists.

Unexpectedly, after licking the head of the black cat, Wei An suddenly felt sick, and his internal organs began to stir.

He immediately bent over and retched for a while, and then began to vomit, and quickly spit out the animal meat that he had just chewed and swallowed.

The scene in front of him made his hair stand on end. He saw that the animal meat that was already shredded and was about to be melted by stomach acid was beating slightly at this moment, as if there was a heart or pulse in those pieces of meat.

"Fuck!" Wei An started to vomit again.

It was hard to spit it out. Although it was inevitable to feel "hungry", he felt much better now.

Thinking of the animal meat I ate these past few days, although it is not much, these things have been digested in the body, and I don't know how much impact it will have.

Wei An continued to pat the black cat's head, as if treating his real pet gently.

After a while, his internal organs began to surge again, this time the surge was even stronger, as if everything in his stomach had been pulled out, and soon he began to vomit again.

But this time, what was spit out was continuous meat foam, which was spit on the ground as if drawn, and soon these wriggling meat gathered together and kept moving.

With a bang, the heavy blow of the bloody hammer completely crushed the lump of meat.

This time Wei An finally felt relieved.

He pondered for a moment, put everything into his inventory, and put things that could not be included in the inventory, such as candles and matches, into his pockets. Then he got up and opened the door, and walked in the direction where Old Peter left.

According to the map he saw just now, as well as Wei An's own memory, he was sure that he was leaving the inner street and approaching the outer street.

Soon seeing the intersection of Jia Street, Wei An approached it very quickly.

He paused for a moment at the corner of the street, and glanced at the door of old Peter's house, but saw nothing.

Then Wei An came to B Street, walked from the street to the end of the street, and did not stop during the period. He kept walking at a constant speed, disguised well all the way, covering up the burned parts of his face, and did not attract the aborigines here. attention.

After walking about five laps, another person also came to B Street, and followed him to the end of the street.

This person is Jin Mingfei.

This was a secret agreement between Wei An and Jin Mingfei before entering the inner street. Jin Mingfei would enter B Street three times a day to wander around. If Wei An wanted to find him, the two would meet here and share information.

The reason why I didn't choose which investigators' homes to stay in was because these people have been staying in this strange story for a long time. Although everyone has the same goal, it is impossible to know if they have changed during this period of time.

So in order to prevent this, Wei An and Jin Mingfei made this secret agreement.

(End of this chapter)

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