this is not a joke

340 Forbidden Land

340 Forbidden Land
After the two met, they didn't say much, but walked down the street to the next street.

Jin Mingfei didn't know where he was going, but he clearly sensed that Wei An had important things to do, so he just followed Wei An without asking further questions.

The two soon came to Ji Street, and Wei An went straight to the front of the abandoned house at the end of the street.

When Jin Mingfei saw that Wei An stretched out his hand to push the door and entered, he was startled for a moment, standing where he was, and saw Wei An stretching out his hand to beckon him, motioning to go in quickly.

Jin Mingfei hesitated for a moment, wondering what Wei'an's plans were, but he still bit the bullet and walked into the abandoned house that he had avoided before.

Wei An closed the door as soon as he entered the room. Jin Mingfei glanced fearfully into the dark depths of the room, his whole body was covered with goosebumps, and quickly asked Wei An, "Brother, why are you back here?"

Wei An leaned over the window and took a look outside, and saw that no one was following, and no one saw them enter the abandoned house.

Then he turned his head and said to Jin Mingfei, "Have you felt any strange in your body these few days?"

Jin Mingfei shook his head in surprise: "I haven't even entered the inner streets, and I don't feel any discomfort in these outer streets."

Wei An looked serious, but did not let down his vigilance, and asked again: "Have you finished eating those beast meat?"

"No, it's just that the first two days didn't taste very good. Now I've gotten used to it. From three slices of animal meat a day to six or seven slices a day, I can eat it in three days." Jin Mingfei replied.

Wei An glanced at the room. At this moment, he vaguely heard a cabinet door in the back room of the abandoned house being opened, making a creaking sound.

Jin Mingfei also heard the noise, he unconsciously approached Wei An, and turned his head to look in the direction of the inner room.

Wei An said: "Don't worry about the things in this room. From now on, your emotions may fluctuate, such as fear, worry, etc., and then your body will also have abnormal phenomena, such as vomiting and trembling. These you There is no need to worry, the symptoms will recover after the symptoms pass.”

Jin Mingfei didn't know what Wei'an was going to do, but after hearing what he said, this guy obviously felt nervous.

Immediately, Wei An's right hand was on his shoulder.

And in Wei An's mind, he was gently stroking the totem of fear—the black cat, and he could feel the delicateness of the soft cat's fur and the special affection that the totem had for him.

This feeling is very familiar and comfortable to Wei An, but to others, it represents fear, uncontrollable fear!
With a shock in his heart, Jin Mingfei was instantly enveloped in a completely unreasonable sense of fear. He didn't know why he was afraid. At first, he thought it was because he was afraid of this abandoned house.

But soon he identified the source of his fear, which was the person standing beside him, and this fear came from Wei An.

His body trembled quickly, Jin Mingfei thought that Wei An was getting weird, and wanted to turn his head to look, but the strong sense of fear made him unable to do so anymore.

At the same moment, a figure in the inner room got out from an open cabinet door, crawled slowly on the ground, and came to the door of the inner room.

When the guy glanced at the outer room, a huge fear instantly overwhelmed him, and there was an uncontrollable scream from his hoarse throat, which sounded like a dilapidated bellows.

Immediately, the weirdness in the inner room rolled back and jumped into the open cabinet door. The cabinet door was shut with a bang, and the seams were tightly sealed, not even a little light could penetrate.

There is no longer any abnormal chaos in the entire abandoned house.

Jin Mingfei in the outer room quickly bent down, because his stomach felt a strong colic at this moment, if it wasn't for Wei An's reminder before, he would have already lay down on the ground and howled.

But at this moment, Jin Mingfei gritted his teeth tightly, pressed his stomach with his hands, his face was pale, and beads of sweat came out on his forehead and slid down his cheeks.

Not long after, the colic in the stomach began to ease, but the viscera wriggled more violently, and an uncontrollable feeling of vomiting came.

Jin Mingfei opened his lips, and spat out a large amount of black-gray dirt with a wow.

The things he spit out are more smelly than Wei An's, because this guy also eats more animal meat, unlike Wei An who has always been suspicious of eating animal meat, so he eats less.

When he was vomiting, Jin Mingfei felt as if his body no longer belonged to him, and his whole body seemed to be hollowed out, but he kept retching, and his stomach kept convulsing and convulsing.

What frightened him even more was that the large amount of minced meat and melted matter spit out were wriggling strangely, as if they were still alive.

This scene made Jin Mingfei couldn't help but backed up, but after he turned into a jet fighter, his body had no extra strength.

Soon the vomiting finally ended, and Jin Mingfei secretly thought that his body must have collapsed, but unexpectedly, he found that his body strength was recovering rapidly, and his head did not have the sluggish feeling of the previous two days, and his thinking was clearly functioning. Get up fast.


"There is something wrong with animal meat, you can't eat it."

This time, Wei An didn't destroy the meat with his hands, but watched them gradually become stiff and slowly take shape. Finally, after leaving Jin Mingfei's body for about 5 minutes, they directly turned into a pile of black hardened objects, which could be touched with his feet. into dust.

It seems that these things cannot survive without the host's body for too long. If I had known this was the case, Wei An would not have hit that pile of vomit with a hammer.

Helping Jin Mingfei up, this guy's face is quickly returning to normal and turning rosy.

"Ah! Then Liu Wenna..."

"She should eat more than us. Like Zheng Yu who lives there, she may have changed secretly without knowing it." Wei An analyzed.

"Then what should we do?" Jin Mingfei worried.

At this moment, although his stomach was empty, he felt very relaxed and comfortable, which showed that the animal meat was indeed not a good thing.

The meat is still wriggling until now, which means that it cannot be completely digested at all, and it may not necessarily control humans in turn.

Wei An did not answer for the time being, but walked towards the inner room. In the darkness, he probably caught the position of the cabinet door that made the sound just now, and then walked over.

Jin Mingfei, who was standing at the door of the back room, saw that it was too dark to see anything, so he asked, "Do you want to light a candle? I have it on me."

"Don't light it." Wei'an immediately shook his head, "From now on, as long as I'm around, you can't light the candle. My shadow has left my body, and the most recent attack was on me in the house in the inner street."

"Ah!" Jin Mingfei was dumbfounded.

Soon Wei An opened the door of the cabinet and got in.

Jin Mingfei stood at the door of the back room somewhat at a loss. After a while, Wei An stuck out his head and threw a scalpel to him, and ordered: "We will split up now. How about you go and see Liu Wenna? Unless I come back , otherwise don’t make her vomit easily. Just keep calm and stabilize the situation over there, and then, you can’t eat animal meat anymore.”

"Okay!" Jin Mingfei hurriedly picked up the scalpel, and watched Wei An retract into the wooden cabinet again, and closed the cabinet door.

Jin Mingfei hesitated for a moment, quickly put away the scalpel, turned and left the abandoned house.

The reason why Wei An chose to enter the wooden cabinet was that he had already begun to suspect that the forbidden places of these so-called abandoned houses might be related to each other, otherwise there would be no strangeness appearing in this house for no reason, instead of other places.

After entering the wooden cabinet and groping for a while, a gleam of light appeared in front of him. Wei An followed the gleam and stepped forward, and soon found that this was also a door.

He stretched out his hand and pushed, and walked out. A ray of moonlight shone down, and he was already standing in a strange room.

Looking around, he found that it was the second floor of a building. When he went to the window and looked down, Wei An was stunned.

"This is the inner street!"

Not only that, but he found that standing here, he could still see the temporary residence of Old Peter opposite.

(End of this chapter)

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