this is not a joke

Chapter 350 Action

Chapter 350 Action
Obviously, Wei An just stroked Liu Wenna's head, causing Liu Wenna to vomit, and the vomit was basically animal meat.

This scene shocked Yizhi, and she silently reassessed Wei An's strength.

Not only that, when Wei'an stroked Liu Wenna's head, although Yizhi was standing at the door, he suddenly felt a burst of inexplicable fear, as if something suddenly happened in the room that made him feel uneasy and scared. But I can't say what exactly.

But soon Yizhi determined that the source of her fear was from Wei An, and there was a faint strange feeling that made her heart tremble from this young man.

Liu Wenna vomited a lot, but from Wei An's point of view it was very thorough.

The vomit was also mixed with Jin Mingfei's severed finger and a little flesh, which was obviously what she had just swallowed.

Jin Mingfei was about to pick up those severed fingers, but Wei An shook his head at him.

As long as he can leave this strange talk, his injuries will recover, including the severed finger lost in this strange talk, and it will also be restored to its original state.

Zhou Xin quickly bandaged Jin Mingfei's injury. At this time, Liu Wenna had almost vomited, and the room was filled with a strong stench.

Liu Wenna's sanity was gradually recovering, she paused for a moment, turned her head to look at everything in the room, saw Wei'an, and also saw Jin Mingfei.

Then she started throwing up again.

This time, she only vomited for a minute or two before stopping. Liu Wenna's face was pale and she wanted to speak weakly, but she didn't say anything.

Wei An knew what she was going to express, and immediately removed the table from Liu Wenna's body and untied the ropes.

Just as Jin Mingfei finished bandaging his fingers, he immediately rushed over to help Liu Wenna up and sat on a chair.

Wei An asked Liu Wenna: "Besides weakness, do you feel any other physical discomfort?"

Liu Wenna didn't answer, and her complexion didn't get better at the moment, but got worse, and there were beads of sweat on her forehead.

"She's shaking!" Jin Mingfei was holding Liu Wenna's hand, and hurriedly said to Wei An.

Wei An came over to take a look, and knew that Liu Wenna could not stay in this inner street, and her body was already feeling more serious discomfort.

Now there is no veterinary reaction controlled by animal meat to protect her body, so Liu Wenna herself is obviously unable to enter the inner street. If she persists for a while, her life may be in danger.

"She needs a cloak." Wei An frowned. "If you can't find it for the time being, you have to send her out of here first, and she can come in after we find the cloak."

"Wait for me." Yizhi who was standing at the door suddenly said, and then her figure disappeared at the door.

Wei An was slightly taken aback, remembering that she used the patrolmen to catch Nie Jun just now, and Nie Jun was wearing a cloak at that time, when he was in the sheepfold just now, he didn't see the cloak on Nie Jun.

Therefore, it is very likely that Yi Zhi snatched the cloak from Nie Jun before the patrols found him.

Not long after, Liu Wenna trembled more violently, her lips were darkened, her teeth were rattling, and she was no longer sweating. It seemed that she could not last long.

However, Yi Zhi moved very quickly, and soon returned to Zhou Xin's residence, holding a cloak in his hand, which should belong to Nie Jun.

After Jin Mingfei took the cloak, he quickly put it on Liu Wenna.

At this moment, Liu Wenna's body stabilized immediately, she no longer trembled, and her signs gradually recovered.

Several people waited for another half an hour, Liu Wenna nodded and said, "It's almost there."

Her voice did not tremble when she spoke, and her strength also recovered a lot, which shows that this cloak has a great effect.

"Brother Wei, are all the things I vomited just now animal meat?" Liu Wenna couldn't help asking.

Because thinking of the scene just now, especially the thing that was vomited out contained a few severed fingers, she still wanted to vomit at the moment, but there was nothing in her stomach, and she couldn't vomit even if she wanted to.

"It's the goat meat you ate these days. Some of it has been digested, but the undigested part is stored in the body, slowly controlling your body to change." Wei An said.

"Transformation? Transformation into what?" Liu Wenna asked.

"Goat." Yizhi took the words and told the truth.

Zhou Xin, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna were stunned.

Wei An didn't want to answer directly, but he glanced at Yizhi when he heard this.

Liu Wenna quickly covered her mouth, and it was obvious that she felt very uncomfortable when she thought that what she had eaten for so many days was actually that kind of meat.

"If we can go, let's enter the Black Mountain Passage first." Wei An said, then looked at Zhou Xin, "Xiao Wan is still waiting for us at the passage."

"Then let's go." Zhou Xin couldn't sit still anymore.

The injuries he suffered just now have basically recovered, unlike Jin Mingfei who is still full of injuries.

"If you decide to leave now, you have to act quickly." Iori stood at the door and said, "The curfew is about to begin."

Before leaving, Wei An asked Zhou Xin if he had found any weapons and props that the participants could use since he lived here. As a result, Zhou Xin moved out a large wooden box from the back room. Some weapon props he found in the inner streets.

Jin Mingfei chose a spear and returned the scalpel to Wei An.

The spear feels like it's used by a patrolman because it looks great with the cloak in the hand.

Originally, there was still a spear, but Liu Wenna felt that it was not suitable for her to use, so she chose a short knife.

The remaining spear was exchanged directly by Wei An with energy points. This is an orange weapon named "Blood Spear", which cost him 400 energy points, usually only 300 energy points. Spears are also unique among orange weapons.

The five people quickly came out of Zhou Xin's residence, and just when they arrived at the intersection of Hai District, the familiar and strange howling of wolves sounded behind the black mountain.

Curfew begins.

Yizhi immediately stopped everyone and hid in one of the houses in Xu District.

This house is empty, and it should be a temporary shelter that Iori has found long ago.

Not long after hiding, the sound of neat footsteps came from Hai District, and five patrolmen in cloaks came out in a line and walked across the street.

When Wei An was observing, he noticed that there were dark shadows shaking in the house across the street, which meant that there were people living there.

He asked Yizhi softly, "Are there any aborigines living in the other houses in this inner street that are not empty?"

Yizhi shook his head: "There are no aborigines in the inner streets. Except for the patrolling people and the sheep pen, as long as you see people in the room, it is weird."

After saying that, she glanced at Zhou Xin intentionally or unintentionally.

"But as long as you don't offend them, these monsters usually won't take the initiative to attack you. Of course, there are also monsters who like to make troubles. Last time you were trapped by my spell, it was because I was killing a monster that has been following me. .”

After a pause, Iori said again: "And if we walk in the inner streets during the curfew, the weirdness in these houses will deliberately notify the patrollers and expose our whereabouts, so it is best not to act again during the curfew."

Looking at the entrance of Hai District diagonally opposite, and the Black Mountain Passage that can be entered a little further, Wei An said: "Actually, this time is the safest for us, because the patrols are not there, as long as we avoid those eyes and ears along the way. .”

"How to avoid it?" Iori asked puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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