this is not a joke

Chapter 351 Channels

Chapter 351 Channels
The moonlight was clear and bright, covering the city of Guwa all the time.

In Wei An's impression, whenever there is night in the ghost story, you can almost see this kind of moonlight, as if the ghost story is changing, but the moon in the ghost story has never changed.

The same moonlight shines on the inner streets so that the patrols don't need extra light to expand their vision. Coupled with the special abilities of these patrols, they can sensitively sense various abnormal situations within a certain distance.

Shortly after this group of patrols left the residence where Wei An and the others were hiding, another patrol appeared.

However, there was only one patrolling person in this team, and it looked as if this patrolling person was escorting four other people, and these four escorted objects were wearing the clothes of the aboriginal people on the outer streets, walking timidly ahead.

Both Wei'an and Yizhi could feel gazes sweeping over them. These gazes came from the windows on the second floor opposite and behind, and they were fleeting. It seemed that someone could still hear whispers in their ears.

Of course, these words are actually a kind of auditory hallucination. Even if those weirdos are talking, they will not use the way they can hear.

A patrolman and four escorted objects quickly entered Hai District.

In the Hai District, there are no weird eyes here. Except for the patrolling people living in this area, no weirdness dares to enter.

When the group of people passed by the houses of the sheepfold, a familiar smell came out. Except for Wei An and Yizhi, everyone turned their heads to look at the windows of the sheepfold, trying to take a look at what was inside in a short time. Condition.

But soon they came to the entrance of the passage.

No one spoke, and the five quickly entered the dark passage.

After standing still, Zhou Xin whispered worriedly: "I don't know if you have seen the clues from the weirdness in those buildings?"

Liu Wenna shook her head and said: "Probably not, I can feel those eyes scanning us, but they dare not look at me, because I am a 'patrolman', they are just watching you all the time."

Yizhi nodded: "There should be no suspicion, but we have to speed up, we can't delay."

A group of people quickly walked deep into the passage.

After arriving at the entrance of the passageway, Wei An lit the candle, and a black shadow appeared on the soles of everyone's feet except him.

Immediately after appearing, these shadows began to twist and struggle, wanting to break free from the shackles of their masters.

Wei An noticed that there was also a shadow under Zhou Xin's feet, but this shadow was much lighter than the others, as if it was about to disappear directly.

But like everyone else, although this shadow is faint, it still wants to break away from Zhou Xin, its master.

"Xiao Wan, it's your turn." Wei An said softly.

Seeing Xiaowan's figure coming out from the dark corner of the wall, she glanced at the light shadow struggling under Zhou Xin's feet, without hesitation, she immediately came to the solid keyhole with a goat's trotter in her hand.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Xiaowan's hands began to fade, and the sheep's hoof in that hand also began to fade, blurring into black shadows.

After seeing this scene, Iori on the side suddenly realized that she didn't expect to use this method to insert the goat's hoof into the keyhole to open the door.

After inserting the entire shadow of the sheep's hoof into it, without twisting, the passage door immediately made a bang.

Everyone was surprised.

Yi Zhi said to Wei An: "This is too loud, will it attract the patrolling people?"

Wei An also has this concern.

"Xiao Wan, please help us observe whether there are patrol people coming in from behind." Zhou Xin ordered Xiao Wan.

Xiao Wan nodded slightly, but her whole body disappeared, and when she reappeared, she was already standing at the entrance of the passage, and she turned her figure into a shadow, which was attached to the inner wall of the passage entrance, and outsiders could not notice it at all.

Wei An had already blown out the candle after the door was opened, because if it lasted for 1 minute, he would be fine, and the shadows of others would break free.

One second before blowing out the candles, everyone saw that there was also a dark passage behind this door, and they didn't know where it led.

"Everyone is groping forward, I won't light candles for now," Wei An said.

Everyone immediately walked forward hand in hand. After walking for a while, they didn't see any light entering the passage ahead. They didn't know how far it was.

After walking for a while, everyone noticed that there was a sound coming from the direction behind them, and stopped immediately.

Zhou Xin, who was at the end, lowered his voice and said, "Xiao Wan? Is that you?"

An unusually cold hand reached out and gently held his palm.

The moment Zhou Xin held the cold palm, Zhou Xin felt relieved, because he was very familiar with the temperature and strength of Xiaowan's palm after such a long time.

The two immediately communicated, and at the same time the procession began to move forward again.

"What did Xiao Wan say?" Wei An asked at the front.

Zhou Xin replied: "She said that the patrolmen heard the voice just now, and three patrolmen were still patrolling, and the other two left the team and entered the passage. But they stood at the place where we opened the passage door and did not step inside. Take a step, it seems they can't come in."

"Don't chase in?" Wei An frowned slightly.

This seemed to be a good thing for them, but Wei An faintly felt that it was not safe. It might be a strange rule that patrols cannot come in, but it might also be that the place was too dangerous, even the patrols could not deal with this danger.

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter guess, I'm afraid it's...

At this moment, Yizhi suddenly asked, "Are you all holding the hand of the person next to you?"

This passage is too dark, if there is no light, it is impossible to see at all.

As soon as these words came out, all the people holding hands stopped in their tracks.

Wei'an was walking in the front right now, followed by Yizhi, that is, holding Yizhi with one hand, and groping forward with the other hand holding onto the cave wall.

He immediately explained his situation, and Yizhi also said: "I hold Wei An with one hand, and Liu Wenna with the other. Both hands are warm."

She spoke in more detail, even telling whether there was any temperature from the skin of the person she was holding, to prove that her condition was normal.

Liu Wenna trembled suddenly, and her voice trembled: "Sister, sister, but your hand is... cold when I touch it, and mine is also very cold. I thought it was too cold here..."

Jin Mingfei behind her said, "Nana, what are you talking about? Your hands are so warm!"

While speaking, he pinched it deliberately, feeling that the skin is very delicate, but it seems that the bones in this palm are a bit... thick!
At the same time, Jin Mingfei could feel that there was nothing wrong with Zhou Xin being held by him on the other side, and behind Zhou Xin was holding Xiao Wan. Xiao Wan's hands were already cold and she was still communicating with him, so there shouldn't be much problem.

At this moment, Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna, who sensed the strangeness, began to tremble involuntarily.

(End of this chapter)

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