this is not a joke

Chapter 352 Weird

Chapter 352 Weird
Hearing that Liu Wenna and Jin Mingfei had already appeared weird, Wei An immediately let go of Yizhi's hand, and lit the candles that were ready at any time.

But at the moment when the flame appeared, a figure quickly approached and blew out the match.

Everyone froze abruptly.

Everything happened so fast just now, including Wei An, he didn't see who blew out the match he just struck, but only vaguely noticed that the figure was very close to him.


At this time, Liu Wenna and Jin Mingfei who were behind had already let go of the weird hand they were holding.

At the same time, Zhou Xin secretly said to Xiao Wan: "Go ahead and see if there are any other strange things."

After saying that, Zhou Xin's holding Xiaowan's hand was empty, and the feeling from Xiaowan's cold palm had disappeared.

As a weird person who can transform into shadows at will, although Xiaowan's vision is the same as other people's at this time, she can't see what is in the dark, but if she is closer, she can easily feel those things that are wrong.

Soon she drifted between Jin Mingfei and Liu Wenna.

At the same time, Zhou Xin's voice sounded, reminding them both: "Xiao Wan is here, she is here to help you check, don't be nervous."

In the darkness, Jin Mingfei felt a cold feeling approaching him, and then his palm was grabbed by a cold hand, which was Xiao Wan.

And Liu Wenna in front of her also felt the same feeling as Jin Mingfei. The tension just now disappeared. After her hand was grabbed by Xiaowan's cold hand, Liu Wenna felt the other party gently pinch her, and her heart immediately rose. sense of security.

"Thank you!" Liu Wenna said softly.

The palm of her hand was pinched again, which was the most direct expression of Xiao Wan who was unable to communicate directly with them.

The next second, Zhou Xin, who was walking last, was pulled by the arm, and a cold and delicate hand grabbed his palm and gently held it.

Zhou Xin was taken aback for a moment, and said, "Why are you back again?"

"Who are you talking to?" Jin Mingfei in front of him asked in surprise.

Zhou Xin immediately became vigilant, but he could feel that the cold hand he was holding now was not much different from Xiao Wan's, except that the other party didn't answer him like before.

Zhou Xin immediately flicked the hand held by the other party, but the cold hand tightened its five fingers tightly and grabbed him firmly.

Zhou Xin hastily let go of Jin Mingfei's hand, took out a delicate and small dagger, and quickly slashed at that cold hand.

When he was still in the middle, the wrist holding the dagger was grabbed by another cold hand and stopped him on the way.

"Little Wan!"

With a splash, the match was suddenly ignited, and a ray of light appeared beside Zhou Xin. The person holding the match was none other than Wei An.

I don't know when Wei'an came to Zhou Xin's place, but under the light of the match he lit, he could see that Zhou Xin was confronting a shirtless man at the moment.

This man is actually naked, but his lower body is hidden in the darkness. His bare upper body has at least six arms, one arm is thick and strong, full of muscles, the other is smooth and slender, like a girl, and one hand is old Incomparable, wrinkled...

Each of this guy's hands is different, the root of the arm grows around the shoulder, and all the hands are moving, which looks extremely weird.

At this time, the man with this arm was stretching out two of his hands to grab Zhou Xin.

This time, the lit match burned for a moment, allowing Wei An to see the opponent's appearance and current situation clearly.

But in the next second, a figure approached again and blew out the match again with a whimper.

It wasn't the six-armed man who blew out the fire one after another, which meant that there was more than one monster in this passage.

After blowing out the fire, the ghostly second monster was about to hide again, but it suddenly found that Wei An, who was holding a match just now, was approaching him immediately, as if the other party could see everything.

The ghost immediately pressed its body against the cave wall, using its ability to make the stones on the cave wall its own defense.

In the next second, Wei An's killing ax slashed fiercely at the place where the ghost was hiding on the cave wall, impartially, the killing ax has the ability to break through real objects and illusory objects, so whether it is killing people or killing monsters, it is effective .

When the ax went down, the outer stone of the cave wall cracked instantly, and the ax blade penetrated into it, just hitting the ghost that sneaked in.

This guy was immediately beheaded by the killing axe, and the figure became limp and slid along the cave wall to the ground, motionless.

Wei An stretched out his feet and kicked it, and found that this guy's body was black, elastic and soft like jelly to the touch, and he didn't know what material it was made of.

And at the same moment when Wei An attacked the ghost, the six-armed man was also attacked.

A large linen cloth unexpectedly covered his head, and the linen cloth was densely covered with some kind of symbols. If all these symbols were gathered together, it could be seen that it would be a complete spell, but the scattered symbols at this moment All gathered on this linen, yet another form of spell power.

Yizhi stood in front of the six-armed man and pulled Zhou Xin behind him.

At the same time, her lips moved slightly, not knowing what she was talking about, the linen cloth quickly tightened without any external force, binding the six-armed man's upper body.

The six-armed man kept struggling, and several different voices came out of his mouth, including men, women, old people and children...

At the same time, Yizhi lit the candle in her hand, illuminating the surroundings, and everyone saw this scene.

Soon the linen began to tremble, as if unable to control the six-armed man.

When Wei An was about to make a move, Jin Mingfei quickly took out the blood spear he had just obtained, and stabbed fiercely at the uncovered abdomen of the six-armed man.

The skin and muscles of the six-armed man seemed to be very hard. The blood spear pierced his stomach, but failed to penetrate his other skin.

The blood spear began to squirm visibly to the naked eye, as if it had produced the power to absorb itself, and was frantically absorbing the blood essence of the six-armed man.

Even Jin Mingfei, who was holding the other end of the blood spear, was so frightened that he almost let go, because he could clearly feel that the blood spear in his hand was wriggling like a snake, greedily absorbing the target.

The various voices from the six-armed man's mouth disappeared at the same time, and his body also moved back and forth following the rhythm of being absorbed by the blood spear, which looked extremely strange.

Yizhi quickly took back the linen cloth, and saw that the man's upper body was half-withered, but the place where the blood spear was inserted into his stomach had turned into a hollow, as if his blood had been sucked dry.

Not long after, Jin Mingfei took the blood spear back with difficulty, glanced at the blood spear in his hand with a strange expression, and put it into his inventory.

"There should be only these two weirdos," Wei An said.

Iori had already blown out the candle in his hand at this time, and looked up at the darkness at the end of the passage, "Let's hurry up and get out of here, there may be more weird things happening if we stay for a long time."

(End of this chapter)

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