this is not a joke

Chapter 384 Trap

Chapter 384 Trap
The two ignored the other cleaners who were working, put the tools at the door, and ran quickly to the door of the villa.

Before the nanny could notify the security at the gate of the community, Wei An and Pei Na had already left the garden of Aohui Villa.

The two first ran along the street, then turned a corner and entered the basement parking lot where the car was parked.

In a corner where the camera probe couldn't see, he changed the clothes of the cleaning staff on his body, then got into the car, and quickly drove the car away from the exit.

There was no movement in the garden of Aohui Villa, but in the mobile office building next door to Aohui Community, in a window on the seventeenth floor, a young man took down his binoculars and pressed the miniature walkie-talkie in his cochlea.

"Boss, they have already left Aohui and entered the underground parking lot, but they didn't see the car they rented leave."

"Continue to observe." The walkie-talkie ordered.

About 5 minutes later, the young man replied again: "Boss, there is still no movement. According to my judgment, they may have left, in a way that we have not grasped."

"You continue to stay there and see if there is any movement on Aohui's side."

The conversation was interrupted, and the young man immediately changed a window, but instead of leaving the room, he turned his observation direction to Aohui Garden.

cross street.

A man with a filthy face and the appearance of a homeless man was sitting on the side of the street. Beside him were several similar homeless people. Some were young, some were old, their hair was long and dirty, and they were almost formed. Hemp rope.

The homeless man smoked a cigarette butt he picked up from the ground, exhaled smoke rings, and then glanced at the location upstairs next door.

It was an old apartment building facing the street.

Not long after, three black SUVs sped up from a distance, with silent alarms flashing on the roof. After the cars stopped on the side of the street, a large number of sheriffs rushed down and poured into the old apartment building through a small gate. Inside.

The pedestrians around didn't know what happened, they all avoided it, and didn't dare to approach it again.

About seven or eight minutes later, the sheriffs slowly came down from the building and got into the cars one after another. The cars stopped on the side of the street for a while and then left quickly.

From the looks of it, these people didn't find anything after entering here, and they didn't achieve their expected purpose.

Not long after the car from the Public Security Bureau left, the homeless man frowned slightly. He stood up and took another sip of the cigarette butt that he had already smoked in his hand, threw it away, and limped along the street. , passed through a public basketball court, and disappeared in an alley on the other side of the basketball court.

In a cafe diagonally across from the intersection.

Wei An and Pei Na, who had already changed their appearance, were sitting opposite each other. They were sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of the cafe, and they could see the old-fashioned apartment building diagonally across from them when they turned their heads slightly.

At this time, the appearance of the two of them had completely changed, and even their figures had changed slightly. They didn't come out in the rented car just now, and the car was still parked in place.

In fact, after renting the first car, Pei Na rented another van with her false identity, and the people from the rental company drove it to the underground parking lot in advance.

So this allowed Wei An and Pei Na to seamlessly connect, enter the parking lot and choose the second car, and then change into this outfit inside.

As for the technique of disguise and disguise, Pei Na also knows a little bit, after all, she used to eat this bowl of rice.

The two sat at the coffee table, and even acquaintances could not recognize them if they looked closely.

At this moment, Pei Na's expression was ugly.

Seeing those sheriffs suddenly rushing into the old apartment building, Wei An didn't know what to say to comfort Pei Na's mood at the moment.

The security vehicles on the street have all left, and the normal order just now has been restored.

After taking a sip of coffee, Wei An said softly, "There's nothing to be sad about. You're no longer a member of the special bureau. Maybe Chen Sen is also wary of you."

Pei Na rolled her eyes, as if she was looking for something on the side of the street and in the nearby buildings: "He must be around here. From what I know about him, Chen Sen will always make sure that his plans are foolproof, so he will not miss any A recognizable opportunity."

"Can you find it?" Wei An turned his head to look.

Pei Na shook her head, withdrew her eyes in disappointment, staring at the slightly steaming bitter coffee in front of her.

"Why did he set up traps for us? There is no reason."

Wei An said: "There may be many reasons, but we don't know that's all. For example, while he was guarding against Yue Long, he was also guarding against us. After all, we are the investigators of the Guitan Administration Bureau, and you are no longer the former agents. Ying Xi can betray the Special Bureau, and he speculates that you are also possible, not to mention that your current real identity is originally a member of the Bureau."

"He can just ask his men to go to Aohui Garden to investigate? Why did he frame us?" Pei Na gritted her teeth.

Wei An suddenly thought of something, and his expression became serious.

After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Do you think there is such a possibility? I just said it is possible. Chen Sen is already in the same group as Yue Long. This time he deliberately asked us to go to Yue Long's house to investigate, and then Lian Yuelong set up a trap there, but we were prepared in advance, so we didn't fall into the trap."

After hearing Wei An's words, Pei Na suddenly felt chills down her spine: "You mean, he deliberately asked us to open the door of the master bedroom?"

"Otherwise?" Wei An reminded: "Recall that you were about to open the door just now, and then we stopped the action suddenly. When we finally left, we found that the tightly locked door opened by itself. When you saw the crack in the door, did you have the feeling of wanting to push the door in and check it out?"

Pei Na's complexion has changed at this moment, but it is covered by the disguise technique, so others can't see it.

"I really had the urge to open the door and go in to have a look! Think about it, we found that weird safe in the study, which can be opened with another playing card that matches your cursed poker, so we are naturally curious about the safe. What's in the sleeping bedroom."

Wei An nodded: "Yes, we are all curious. But what they didn't expect was that I had a stronger feeling than curiosity, that sense of danger just now. That's why we didn't enter the master bedroom, so we hid It's been a calamity."

Pei Na was silent for a moment, and said, "If your guess is completely correct, how long did Chen Sen get involved with Yue Long? I remember that I asked him to help investigate Ying Xi."

"The two may have reached a consensus not long ago." Wei An analyzed, "After all, Yue Long's rank is much higher than Chen Sen's, and he can meet almost any high-quality conditions proposed by Chen Sen. Of course, maybe they knew each other before. Now, when Chen Sen promised you to help investigate Ying Xi, he never thought that Yue Long would be found."

"It's also possible." Pei Na nodded, "We just bumped into it by mistake."

"Yue Long, Yue Long..." Wei An stretched out his index finger knuckles and tapped his forehead lightly, "Now I wonder if the villa we just went to is Yue Long's home? After all, we got all the information from Chen I heard from Sen, did he say it was Yue Long or Yue Long? Whether this matter has anything to do with Yue Long is still unknown."

Pei Na was stunned at first, and then stared at Wei An with admiration: "Tsk tsk, you brain! I feel that I should be responsible for killing people. Now my head is a mess."

(End of this chapter)

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