this is not a joke

Chapter 385 Evasion is not the answer, counterattack is!

Chapter 385 Evasion is not the answer, counterattack is!
Now Wei An made some speculations and came to several conclusions.

The first one was that Chen Sen had other purposes secretly, and he was on guard against Pei Na, so he put himself and Pei Na together, the purpose might be to investigate Yue Long's home, but the two of them became the target of public criticism.

If this guess is correct, then the other cleaners in Yue Long's house were all related to Chen Sen. They might have secretly investigated the villa after using themselves and Pei Na to divert attention.

The second speculation is that Yue Long and Chen Sen secretly cooperated to prevent Ying Xi from being exposed, so they deliberately set up a situation to kill Wei An and Pei Na in the villa.

The third is that Chen Sen did it all by himself, maybe it has nothing to do with Yue Long, and it is not even known whether Yue Long is the person Chen Sen said.

In Pei Na's opinion, this third speculation is also the most subversive one.

If this is the case, then Chen Sen is a terrifyingly dark person, the city is too deep, and he has never discovered it before.

Perhaps Chen Sen was not like this before, but now he has changed, and there are too many unknowable interest factors in it.

"What should we do now?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An said: "We definitely won't be able to go back to the hotel we stayed in just now. There may be someone watching there, waiting for us to go back."

"Fortunately, we carry everything with us." Pei Na said, "Then let's go and tie Chen Sen up now?"

Wei An shook his head: "This guy originally wanted to use the Public Security Bureau to arrest us, maybe there is something hidden in the old apartment building opposite, which is enough to keep us in prison for the rest of our lives and never come out again. These are all planned, so Chen Sen may have left behind, it would be inappropriate for us to appear rashly now."

After a pause, he took out his mobile phone. This is a special mobile phone issued by the Administration. It uses the internal network. Unless authorized by the Special Bureau, it cannot monitor it.

"If this matter has something to do with Yue Long, they should find us on the phone soon."

After saying that, Wei An deliberately stuck the phone in the gap between the chair below him and the wall. If you don't look at it against the corner, you won't be able to see the phone.

Immediately, he and Pei Na left the coffee shop and walked around arm in arm in this fake attire, like an old couple who had been married for many years.

On the street, they found an extremely cheap family hotel. The two checked in with Pei Na's fake identity information, and chose a room close to the street.

This night, Wei An had to observe the situation on the other side of the street every once in a while, but he didn't see the sheriff's vehicle again.

When it was almost dawn, Pei Na got up to replace him.

Wei An went to bed and lay down and slept until twelve noon before getting up. Pei Na had already ordered food for him and delivered it to the room.

The two did not leave the room after eating.

After living here for two days, Pei Na's ordinary mobile phone has also been unused during this period, and she directly dismantled it to ensure that it will not be tracked and monitored.

On the third day, the two disguised themselves again and went to the cafe arm in arm.

After finding the place where the two were sitting that day, Wei An quickly and quietly touched the investigator's special mobile phone hidden there.

The current situation shows that no one has tracked the phone these days.

The matter of Chen Sen seems to have nothing to do with the administration, because if Yue Long wanted to track down Wei An's cell phone, he could find the whereabouts in minutes, and he might have turned the cafe and its surroundings upside down long ago.

After returning to the family hotel, Wei An turned on the investigator's mobile phone and called Yin Siyuan, Chief of the Internal Investigation Section of the Brahma City Administration.

He found that Yin Siyuan communicated with him normally, without any special tone.

After hanging up the phone, Wei An said to Pei Na: "It may be the third guess we made at the beginning. Yue Long is just a cover, and the villa doesn't belong to Yue Long at all."

"Whose is that?" Pei Na was surprised.

Wei An shook his head: "Let me see the safe on purpose, maybe Chen Sen thinks I can open it. They all think so, that is, someone knows that I have a curse card, but they don't know what suit it is, if I get it If it’s really club K, maybe I couldn’t bear it and tried to open the safe.”

"Are you sure you could take out that red heart K at that time?" Pei Na asked puzzled.

Wei An shook his head: "Since all the safes in the ghost story can appear, that place may be a bit special. After entering the study, it may be an area similar to the ghost story. Just like the place Zhang Zuxia once visited, a middle ground between the ghost story and reality .It’s not necessarily true that playing cards can be played out, but I didn’t try it at the time.”

"Fortunately, I didn't try it." Pei Na felt cold sweat dripping down her spine: "Thinking about it now, I feel that there is too much malice hidden."

"Could it be that Ying Xi was sent by Chen Sen himself?" Wei'an shook his head again when he said this, "It's unlikely, he should have been instigated, and the person on the other side is definitely very familiar with strange stories, and they are more familiar with ghost stories than he is." This special agent is too familiar, and he also knows that I have playing cards. Who saw me using playing cards in the ghost story?"

So far, Wei An has used cursed poker many times. During this period, he was not only seen by other participants, but also by the investigators of Vatican City in the shopping mall ghost talk.

Or it doesn't have to be seen by people, known by weirdness, and if these weirdnesses can communicate with human beings, the secret of his poker cards can't be kept.

Pei Na sat on the edge of the bed, as if using her brain too much would make her feel that even standing was exhausting her energy.

Wei An couldn't help but sit beside her, and habitually stretched out his index finger knuckles to tap his forehead.

"Should we leave the central city now?" Pei Na said, "If your analysis is true, if we reappear rashly, we may be shot through our heads by a bullet shot from nowhere in the next second. I know this very well. The method of helping the special personnel, now that Chen Sen's affairs have been revealed and he has failed to control us, he will definitely be full of eyeliners in the city."

Wei An didn't speak, but was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head to look at Pei Na, and said word by word: "We won't leave, now I will find a way to meet Yue Long directly, and you try to contact my dad After all, he is now being studied within the administration, and he is also in contact with the top management of the administration."

"We can't act separately." Pei Na said decisively: "Now with your skills, I can't protect myself in the real world. I have to follow you."

Wei An thought about it, nodded and said: "Then we will act together and contact the senior management of the management bureau through my father. It is best to meet Yue Long or another deputy director directly. Before that, we will not be able to contact anyone else Believe again."

Just as he finished speaking, Wei An's cell phone rang suddenly. He thought it was someone from the management bureau, but when he picked it up, he found that it was his mother Wen Qiong's number.

After connecting, before Wei An had time to speak, Wen Qiong said: "Son, something is wrong here!"

"What's wrong?" Wei An asked.

Wen Qiong said: "Xiao Lin told me, he said that he suddenly felt malice in this ghost talk, a very strong malice."

(End of this chapter)

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