this is not a joke

Chapter 388 Housewife

Chapter 388 Housewife (Evil)

This man is not weird, it seems that he is a participant, and a participant with quite terrifying strength.

Killed all three staff members and three investigators by himself. The strength of the three investigators was already very good. Not long after Su Ya came into contact with the investigator, she also knew that it was difficult to do.

The opponent came prepared, and the target was the fishing rod in his hand.

Su Ya first wanted to put the fishing rod into the inventory, but she couldn't do it for some reason.

She subconsciously grasped the fishing rod with both hands, took a step back, and just exited the door of the roof, but she also stepped on the corpse of one of the staff.

Su Ya was so frightened that she quickly took another step back, avoiding the corpse.

The man still stretched out his hand, maintaining an extremely gloomy smile on his face, and licked the corner of his mouth with his tongue.

It seemed that he didn't care about Su Ya's life or death at all, and he didn't kill her right away, as if he was enjoying the fear exuded by his prey when facing the imminent death.

"Don't think about taking the fishing rod back into the inventory. In my domain, nothing can be taken back." The man said in a gloomy voice.

As soon as he finished speaking, a small metal sharp blade appeared on the back of Su Ya's right hand, piercing through the back of her hand, and the tip of the sharp blade pierced out from the palm.

Su Ya groaned in pain, and unconsciously let go of the fishing rod with her right hand. At the same time, the palm of her left hand felt a pain, which was also penetrated by another metal sharp blade.

The appearance of these sharp blades is too strange, it doesn't look like they are flying in the air, because no matter how fast they are, there are always traces to follow. They suddenly launched an attack and directly appeared on the target!

The pain in her left hand made the fishing rod in her hand finally drop, but almost at the same time as the fishing rod fell, a hand stretched out from behind Su Ya and caught the fishing rod.

The strange man's expression was shocked, and his face was dignified.

Because the reason why he didn't snatch Su Ya's fishing rod right away just now was because the fishing rod would generate curse power during use.

And if you wait for a while, the fishing rod has just been used up, and after the power of the curse dissipates, it will not be too late for him to take it slowly if he kills Su Ya completely.

But who knew that someone would dare to reach out and grab this fishing rod at this moment without fear of the power of the curse! ?

The invisible and invisible curse power from the fishing rod made a bang in the palm of the hand holding the fishing rod in the next second, and it was crushed by this hand like a bubble.

The fishing rod was sent back to Su Ya.

"Hold it in both hands and step back behind me."

Su Ya hugged the fishing rod in surprise, shaking her hands uncontrollably, and looked at the person in front of her.

"Aunt Wen?"

A figure wearing a cloth mask stood in front of her, separating her from the strange man.

The next second, the strange man lightly clenched his right hand, and the metal blades scattered on the corpse on the ground disappeared in an instant, and when they reappeared, there was a popping sound on the surface of Wen Qiong's "butcher's mask".

None of these metal blades could instantly penetrate the defense of the mask, and all of them were isolated.

At the same moment, Wen Qiong stepped forward and swooped towards the strange man.

The man didn't retreat, but his eyes turned reddish, he licked the corner of his mouth, and lightly shook his left hand again.

Those suspended metal blades disappeared in place, and when they reappeared, Wen Qiong's right thigh, middle of abdomen, left arm, right shoulder and other body parts made popping sounds.

These positions were all pierced by metal sharp blades that suddenly appeared, bringing out a large blood spray.

However, it seemed that Wen Qiong didn't have time to pay attention to the appearance of these injuries, but at the same moment, he raised the meat cleaver in his hand to block his heart.

While other parts of the body were injured at the same time, the meat cleaver at the heart also made a crisp sound, as if something had been ejected, but because the speed was too fast, nothing was seen.

The gloomy man's expression changed slightly, knowing that Wen Qiong blocked his most fatal blow, and instead attacked other body parts of the opponent, but Wen Qiong ignored him.

The woman in front of him wearing a cloth hood mask was less than two meters away from him.

The man couldn't help taking a step back, his pupils shrank slightly, and saw a bloody and violent aura raging from Wen Qiong's body, his breathing couldn't help but stagnate, and the blood in his whole body seemed to stop flowing at this moment.

When Wen Qiong's meat cleaver was more than one meter away from him, even though his wingspan was not enough, it had already slashed down.

Although he felt that the opponent couldn't hit him because of the distance, the man still instinctively wanted to dodge, and wanted to directly control those metal blades to intercept Wen Qiong's attack.

At such a critical moment, one must not hesitate, but the man has never seen Wen Qiong's attack method before. He hesitated for only a few tenths of a second, and when the sharp blades turned back and stabbed Wen Qiong's body again, his right shoulder suddenly As soon as it sank, a sharp pain came, and half of the body suddenly became numb.

"It hit me at such a long distance!"

Looking down, the blade of the meat cleaver had been cut into his shoulder completely, and the back of the knife could not be seen.

The man let out a roar, and the metal blades under his control pierced into Wen Qiong's body fiercely, but at the same time, he could feel an extremely violent force from Wen Qiong's body, making the metal blades unable to penetrate any further.

At this time, a sharp metal blade suddenly approached Wen Qiong's heart from behind, and instantly pierced under the shoulder blade.

But at the same moment, Wen Qiong held the handle of the knife with both hands, and a strange laugh came out from under the mask, which sounded like a vicious, bloodthirsty, terrifying existence who had been dealing with raw and cold flesh all along.

The meat cleaver on the man's right shoulder was pressed down suddenly, with a bang, half of his body was cut open by the meat cleaver, a real heart-piercing feeling hit his whole body, the man's angry expression froze instantly, his eyes were both surprised and frightened , but also revealed an unbelievable!
Those metal blades controlled by him lost their function one after another, some fell to the ground, and some were still stuck in Wen Qiong's body.

The man's head drooped, and he looked weakly at his dilapidated body. He never expected that the matter was about to succeed, but in the end he ended up in a terrible end.

"Who is this woman...?"

The last thought remained in the man's mind forever. His body fell to the ground, submerged in a large amount of blood and internal organs.

Behind the roof gate, Su Ya stared at the scene in front of her in a daze.

She no longer felt any fear, and forgot to tremble, just looking at the masked woman as if returning from hell.

She still remembered Wen Qiong's appearance when she chatted with her about family matters in the house, with a kind tone and gentle temper, when she talked about her son Wei'an, her unconcealable loving tone, and the kindness when she treated herself.

Look at the woman in front of you again.

Su Ya suddenly shuddered, she came to her senses, tried it, and found that the fishing rod could be put back into the inventory after the man died, she immediately ran to Wen Qiong.

"Aunt Wen! Are you okay?"

Enduring the pain in his palm, he supported Wen Qiong, but Wen Qiong actually stood still.

At this time, the violent aura on her body was rapidly receding. Although Su Ya could still feel it, she was not as scared as before.

Wen Qiong shook her head, the metal blades on her body were squeezed out by a strange force, and fell to the ground clangingly.

(End of this chapter)

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