this is not a joke

Chapter 389 Disappeared!

Chapter 389 Disappeared!
"Aunt Wen, I didn't expect are so strong!"

It took Su Ya a long time to force out this sentence from her teeth.

Her pale face still hasn't recovered at this moment, she was frightened pale by the sudden change just now, and now she is also frightened by Wen Qiong.

Because just now Wen Qiong gave her the feeling that she seemed to be a different person.

"Are you okay? Don't worry, this man is dead." Wen Qiong comforted Su Ya in turn.

Su Ya quickly shook her head: "It's okay, the injury on my hand is okay."

Although she was already shaking with pain in both arms, Wen Qiong had piercing wounds all over her body, which were obviously much more serious than her own, and compared to her own wounds, it was nothing at all.

"Hold on, we'll return to your apartment right away, and leave Guai Tan immediately to recover from your injuries."

After finishing speaking, Wen Qiong found a small walkie-talkie from one of the investigators guarding Su Ya, and said a few words to it after connecting it.

The other management staff and investigators who were guarding the office of the Suya apartment building were frightened by the sudden news. Some people hurriedly left the command post outside the strange talk report, and others ran to the first floor and nearby The building is ready to receive them.

A special camera was found from the body of another staff member. Wen Qiong took a few photos of the man who was about to be split in half by herself, and then searched the man.

Originally, Wen Qiong wanted to pick up these metal blades that fell on the ground to see if they could be used, but after some research, they found that these blades looked very ordinary.

So it was probably because the man had a controllable mechanism in his inventory. He was dead, which caused the mechanism to fail, so the metal blade became very common, and it no longer had the teleportation-like killing effect just now.

Then he tore off some of the clothes from the corpse, and after tightly wrapping them around their wounds a few times, Wen Qiong and Su Ya left the rooftop together.

"Auntie, how did you come here?" Su Ya asked curiously.

At this moment, she found that although Wen Qiong had suffered such serious injuries, she didn't seem to need to support her at all, because Wen Qiong still walked steadily, which showed how strong her physique was in the ghost story.

Wen Qiong said: "It was Xiao Lin who first discovered that there was a wave of malice here, but he couldn't find the source. Then I called my son, and he gave me an idea to pay close attention to Professor Xiong and you, especially you, so I found it."

After reaching the first floor, the two of them entered the fog and walked back. At this moment, Wen Qiong took out the meat cleaver again. The terrifying aura just now spread slowly, but she suppressed the rage.

In this way, even if there is danger from weirdness in the fog, they dare not approach.

But what Wen Qiong had to guard against was not just weirdness, but normal people like the strange man just now.

After entering the next apartment building, Wen Qiong asked Su Ya: "Is that person hiding among the new staff?"

"No." Su Ya shook her head, "He appeared suddenly and killed everyone as soon as he appeared. He is too strong..."

Before finishing speaking, Su Ya suddenly looked at Wen Qiong.

Although her mind was intimidated by the strange man who suddenly attacked and killed everyone just now, the real shock came from Wen Qiong in front of her, because even if she was as strong as the man just now, she was cut in half by Wen Qiong. life.

The two lived in peace on the way back, and when they finally arrived at Su Ya's apartment building, they were protected by another group of staff and two investigators.

Seeing that Su Ya was injured, the command outside quickly agreed to allow her to leave the Grim Reaper's option for the first time and return to the real world.

Then Wen Qiong and Su Ya left together.

The two recovered from their injuries instantly after leaving the ghost talk. Director Liao, who was in charge of the temporary command center, immediately talked with them to understand the situation, and simultaneously blocked the platform that day during the ghost talk.

Soon the investigation of the matter came to an end, and Su Ya tried again. Like Wen Qiong and others, she could enter the strange talk again at any time, which reassured the people in the headquarters.

Wen Qiong also tried to call Wei An several times, but they never got through.

I don't know what's going on at the Wei'an side, so Wen Qiong didn't dare to enter the strange talk again, but waited in the command post in the blocked area.

If she hadn't been there this time, everyone in Su Ya's fishing team, including Su Ya, would have died unfortunately, and the fishing rod would have been snatched away steadily, and the headquarters suffered heavy losses.

Therefore, Director Liao's attitude towards Wen Qiong at the moment is simply better than that of his own mother. He arranged for someone to be dispatched by Wen Qiong, and even found that Wen Qiong was not an investigator. This kind of benefit attracted Wen Qiong and made her agree to join the big family of the Guidan Administration Bureau.

Wen Qiong still didn't agree, but tried to call Wei An and Pei Na every half hour.

She seemed to have an ominous premonition now that Wei An and Pei Na might have encountered special circumstances, but the two of them kept it secret from themselves.

Looking back carefully, it seems that when I told him that there was malice in the strange talk last time, Wei An's tone was a bit wrong. Maybe he also encountered a lot of trouble there, and I only blamed myself for not being careful at the time and not asking further what happened to him.

Wen Qiong was so upset that she couldn't fall asleep until midnight that night after she came out from the strange talk.

But two minutes after midnight, the phone rang, and it was Wei An who was calling.

Wen Qiong quickly answered: "Hey, son, why haven't you answered the phone? I called yours and Nana's, but neither of you answered. What happened?"

Wei An's voice sounded normal, and he didn't answer her right away, but asked, "Mom, how is your side, did you find out the source of that malice in the strange talk?"

"Found it." Wen Qiong nodded, "The malice was indeed aimed at Miss Su Ya. When I arrived, she was almost killed by that person, and the investigators and other staff who were with her... was killed."

"Who is that person?" Wei An asked with a frown.

Wen Qiong said: "The identity information of that person has been found out, and it was provided by the Brahma City Administration. It is said that his name is Hou Yun, and he is a former investigator with some mental abnormalities. The Brahma City Administration has been tracking him down. I didn't expect this guy to come. Biluocheng also quietly used the identity of a former investigator to enter the ghost story of the god of death."

"It's him!" Wei An froze for a moment.

He didn't expect that Hou Yun, who was as famous as Zhang Zuxia and even more sinister, would appear in the ghost story of death, and the purpose was Su Ya's fishing rod!

Whether there are other people behind this, no one knows, but Wei An once heard Yin Siyuan say that Hou Yun seems to have always been a loner, very selfish and vicious.

"Then are you alright?" Wei An asked with concern.

Wen Qiong said with a smile: "What can I do? Although that kid has good abilities, he can't kill me, but his very special weapon can't be taken away. It's a pity!"

"Okay, as long as you're fine." Wei An nodded.

After a pause, his tone seemed to become hesitant: "Mom, I want to tell you something now, don't be nervous or worry, because Pei Na and I are already investigating."

"What's the matter?" Hearing that Wei An's tone was not right, Wen Qiong got out of bed directly.

" missing."

Wei An said: "We found out that he originally went to a temporary camp near Heng'ai City to perform special missions, but just now we learned that everyone in that camp has long since disappeared, including Dad."

(End of this chapter)

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