this is not a joke

Chapter 392 Test!

Chapter 392 Test!

Knowing that the old man surnamed Guan died suddenly, Wei An's first reaction was that he was scared to death by his dead wife.

But from Jin Mingfei's mouth, he learned that although Lao Guan's corpse looked frightened, his body was fatally wounded, his throat and trachea were completely severed, and the murder weapon was a kitchen knife in his home.

According to the neighbor, he saw Laoguan's wife cut off his fingers with the kitchen knife and threw them into the wok to stir fry.

Although no severed fingers were found, the sheriff obtained some unfamiliar fingerprints on the handle of the kitchen knife.

By comparing with the fingerprints collected in the fingerprint library, it was found that these fingerprints came from Laoguan's long-dead wife, and she had indeed taken the knife.

This incident did not end with the death of Laoguan. The central city has sent experienced investigators to Fucheng, because even though Laoguan is dead, there are still neighbors in the community who keep reporting that they saw Laoguan. wife.

This woman looked unkempt, and would appear in front of the neighbor's door in the middle of the night, mechanically knocking on the door, and sometimes asking questions under the window.

The general meaning is "have you seen our old house", and "I'm looking for my comb" and so on.

At present, the residents of that community have been forced to move out, and the area covered by the community has also been blocked, and no one is allowed to enter.

Although the scope of the matter's fermentation is strictly controlled, so far all the employees of the Administration who know about it have a feeling that after being sucked into the strange story, they are facing a real strange story.

This matter was impossible to happen before, but it actually happened at this moment.

Wei An's speculation is that there may be something wrong with the rules of the world he is in, and there are loopholes in the rules, which lead to the emergence of Fucheng's strange stories.

What everyone is most worried about is that this is only the first case at present, and they are afraid that other strange stories will appear one after another, and the whole world will be in catastrophe.

Because here, there are no items that can deal with weirdness!

Five days later.

Fucheng, outside the gate of the blocked community.

This place has long been surrounded and patrolled by heavily armed personnel, and even the street outside has been emptied directly, just in case.

Some strange items were lined up and placed at the gate.

A dozen investigators and staff from the Authority stared at the items with their heads down.

There are standard pistols, knives engraved with charms, red brushes made of imitation cinnabar pens, and even black dog blood, black donkey hooves, mahogany swords, prayer beads, jade Buddha, Sanqing statues...

Some items are imitated weapons and props in Guai Tan, and some items are standard tools for killing demons and demons in this world.

Among these standing people, there was one of the male assistants of Professor Xiong Shihai. Weian had also met this person before, his surname was Huang, and his task this time was to operate the cinnabar stroke spells.

Everyone has their own corresponding weapons, and several of them are allocated according to the plan in advance, and after receiving the items, they walk to the gate of the closed community.

Several guards armed with live ammunition and wearing bulletproof vests stood on both sides. After one of them opened the small side door next to the main gate with a key, several people who were ready immediately filed into the community.

Among these investigators was the old investigator who recommended Jin Mingfei. Everyone called him Uncle Qian, and Uncle Qian happened to be in the same group as Assistant Huang.

After grouping up, several people spread out in the community according to the plan, found the room they had prepared to enter in advance, took out the key they had prepared earlier, opened the door, and then closed the door.

The time they chose to enter the community was also just right. Not long after the last group entered the room, the remaining sunset in the sky quickly disappeared, the earth was shrouded in darkness, and the lights on the street were lit, forming a strong contrast with the darkness in the community .

Since the community was blocked, all the lights inside suddenly went out, and no one dared to go to the electric room to check, but it must have something to do with the strange appearance of the old woman.

The investigator who came in this time wanted to see how to get rid of this weird and inexplicable old woman.

Now the old lady is only active in the community, but maybe she will go out one day, hidden dangers are always there, and everyone can't be safe unless she gets rid of her.

Two hours passed quickly.

Assistant Huang, who was sent by Professor Xiong Shihai, used the cinnabar pen in the ghost story to cast a life-killing spell on the entrance of the living room, and then placed two cinnabar pens on the pattern in a cross shape.

The Annihilation Curse's attack power in the ghost talk is very strong, and it has a counterattack effect, but I don't know if it will be effective in the real world. This is the main purpose of Assistant Huang's appearance here.

The old investigator, Uncle Qian, took out a self-defense dagger and prepared a plastic bottle of black dog blood.

Uncle Qian himself has three props and weapons in the strange talk, each of which is easy to use, and there is a lower-level defensive prop. How could he know that he can only use this thing in his hand to resist when facing weirdness? Know if it works.

At this moment, Uncle Qian is not sure, but generally speaking, there is a charm guarding the entrance of the living room here, which is a bit stronger than other groups.

Around ten o'clock, the earbuds of the other groups rang.

"The third group saw a figure outside the window, it should be the old lady appeared!"

The three groups are in the room on the first floor of the leftmost building in the community, while Uncle Qian and Assistant Huang are on the first floor of the building next to them.

The voices of the three groups soon reappeared on the intercoms of the other groups: "The old lady has not left, she is knocking on the door, knocking on our door, she seems to know that there are already people in the house."

About ten seconds later, the sound of the door breaking suddenly came from the first floor where the three groups were located, followed by a scream.

Immediately there was a gunshot, and some of the investigators in the three groups chose a pistol similar to the one that Wei An obtained in the ghost story, and used standard bullets that could be made in the ghost story.

But after the gunfire, the second scream came out again, and then fell into silence.

It can be seen that what they have in their hands is not working.

In fact, after the situation happened over there, all the people in the team were ready to act, but the situation ended very quickly. Just when Assistant Huang was about to open the door and go out, Uncle Qian stopped him immediately.

"Don't open the door!"

Holding the black dog's blood and the knife in his hand, Uncle Qian listened calmly, and then whispered: "There's no need to go, it's already too late."

Not long after the words were finished, a figure walked past the window outside the living room.

The two people in the room immediately lowered their bodies. Assistant Huang looked terrified and turned to look at Uncle Qian.

Uncle Qian looked at the life-killing curse that had been prepared behind the living room door.

"Hide it!" He winked at Assistant Huang.

The two quickly hid, one hid behind the bedroom door, and the other hid behind the sofa in the living room.

There was no movement outside the living room door. Just when Uncle Qian thought that the shadow outside might have gone elsewhere, an old voice suddenly sounded faintly in the living room.

"You guys, have you seen my Laoguan?"

(End of this chapter)

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