this is not a joke

Chapter 393 2st

Chapter 393 The Second

Suddenly hearing this sound from the room, Uncle Qian who was hiding behind the sofa and Assistant Huang who was behind the bedroom door were taken aback, a chill that had never happened before crawled all over their bodies, and goose bumps appeared.

Because not in ghost stories, but in the real world, this sense of fear becomes more real.

It wasn't actually cold in the room at the moment, but both of them felt cold in their hearts. Assistant Huang behind the door couldn't help but his hands began to tremble.

He could just see the scene in the middle of the living room through the crack of the door, and saw an old and blurry figure standing in front of the coffee table, the old man seemed to be holding a comb in his hand.

The old woman who has been looking for combs seems to have found what she wanted, but Lao Guan has not been found yet.

After she said a word, seeing that no one answered her, she raised her hand and began to comb her hair with a comb.

It was like a horn comb, scraping on the scalp and making a rattling sound, it tore off a lot of the dirty and messy hair on the old lady's head, a lot of hair was scraped on the comb, this scene made people panic .

The old lady turned her head to the corner of the sofa, as if she knew exactly where Uncle Qian was at the moment, and then turned her head to look at the door of the bedroom, as if she also knew where Assistant Huang was hiding.

She stayed for a moment and walked over to the corner of the sofa.

Uncle Qian's heart was in his throat, and as the footsteps gradually approached, he suppressed his trembling hands and opened the bottle containing the black dog's blood.

What he's not sure about now is that he doesn't know whether this thing will work or not, and the group next door just now obviously failed, which increases his chances of failure now.

The sound of footsteps approached, and a head with disheveled and dirty hair appeared from above the corner of the sofa, accompanied by a strange sound from its throat.

At this moment, several people's footsteps sounded outside the room. It should be that colleagues from other groups took this opportunity to come to support.

Uncle Qian's confidence strengthened a little. When he raised his head, he saw the black head on top of his head completely appear in front of his eyes, and the drooping hair almost touched his forehead.

He didn't care about anything, quickly stood up against the wall, and sprayed the black dog's blood on his head.

Almost half of the black dog's blood was sprinkled on the old woman's head and body.

At the same time, Uncle Qian quickly jumped over the back of the sofa, stepped on the sofa, walked around the coffee table, and shouted, "Come and help!"

At this time, he found that after the black dog blood was spilled, it was only stained on the old woman, and there seemed to be no other abnormal reaction.

Assistant Huang ran out right after. Uncle Qian had already opened the door, and he saw other investigator colleagues rushing outside the door at a glance.

When someone saw the old woman, they immediately raised their guns and fired three times in a row. Two of them hit the target. Come out and show it in front of the old woman.

The old lady was shot twice but acted as if nothing had happened, and she was indifferent to other objects. Just as she was about to catch up to the door, the investigator with a sharp knife carved with a spell stepped forward and stabbed the old woman in the chest, directly killing her. Its body was pierced, but no light flickered.

In the next second, he was hugged by the old woman and dragged into the house.

During this process, Uncle Qian saw with his own eyes that the old woman's feet had already stepped on the Annihilation Curse that had been drawn in advance, and even broke a cinnabar pen, but there was no effect.

After the panicked investigator was carried into the house by the old woman, the living room door shut itself with a bang, and the investigator let out a heart-piercing scream, during which the old woman's old voice could still be heard.

"Have you... seen Laoguan?"

No one dared to approach this room anymore, because everyone had used all the weapons and tools in their hands, but they couldn't see any effect.

A moment later, Assistant Huang, who hadn't had time to run out, yelled in horror. Uncle Qian kicked the living room door twice, and was immediately stopped by other colleagues.

Someone lowered his voice and said quickly: "It's useless, let's go! Otherwise, no one will be able to escape!"

Uncle Qian was quickly backed by two people and left the gate of the community.


In the early morning of the next day, the Central City Administration Bureau where Wei An was located received the result of the failure of Fucheng's operation.

Facts have proved that the method of dealing with ghosts in the real world is completely ineffective against this monster. It may really need the items in the ghost story to be effective, but this is unsolvable.

But fortunately, the old woman seems to have followed the rules of the strange talk, she only wandered in the current community, during which the sniper shot her twice secretly, although she could not be killed, she still did not leave the community.

As long as you don't come out and run around, you can regard this neighborhood as a strange talk area in the world of strange talk, and just block it all and don't get close for the time being.

But at this moment, everyone in the administration began to panic, because even if the weirdness is the most common and weakest kind, human beings are completely helpless.

Although Wei An is also paying attention to this place, he and Pei Na have been investigating the reason for Wei Zhengdong's disappearance these days, and trying to understand the mechanism of the strange talk that keeps breaking out in the city of Eternal Love, or what the rules are, and why they are different from other people. The ghost stories in the city are different, where is the special place?

He even went to the nearby city of Ever Love with the management team's convoy.

Through the telescope, I saw the currently empty camp from a distance, but because they were worried that the absorption range of the strange talk was expanding, everyone dared not approach it.

Wei An hesitated to take a closer look. He asked Pei Na for her opinion, but Pei Na flatly refused, saying that doing so would be dangerous, because even Wei Zhengdong, who had been unable to enter the strange talk for thousands of years, would be sucked into it. , This shows that the ghost stories here are extremely terrifying, and there may even be A-level ghost stories appearing in Ever Love City!
After calling Wen Qiong, Wei An expressed his thoughts, but Wen Qiong also rejected him, telling him not to take any risks. She was already worried about Wei Zhengdong's safety, and now she didn't want to worry about her son anymore.

After Wei An returned to the central city, he began to try to use the dream method to see if he could communicate with his father in the strange talk.

After all, Wei Zhengdong's physique is the same as his own, very special, maybe he can see him in his dream.

After trying like this for about a week, the search for Wei Zhengdong has not yet been resolved.

However, the Central City Management Bureau suddenly received a request for help from the Public Security Bureau, saying that it had received a report from the Central Hospital: something strange happened in the morgue of the hospital!

The Management Bureau contacted Fucheng's strange story as soon as it came out, and immediately asked the Public Security Bureau to block all news, and then emptied all the people in the Central Hospital and locked them up.

The newly formed task force quickly took over the hospital from the Sheriff's Department.

"Leader Zhang, I want to apply to join the task force." Wei An found the leader of the task force through the office director.

In fact, he had already submitted his personal information to the task force the day before.

Team leader Zhang Shiqing just finished reading his materials at this moment. According to the standard, Wei An is fully qualified to join the special case team, but he also needs to ask the bureau for opinions.

"Your conditions are actually fully met, but you are not an investigator in the central city, so I want to ask the opinions of the above."

Wei An nodded: "You can ask Director Yue, I'm sorry."

His idea of ​​choosing to join the task force now is very simple. Since the ghost talk can be published, can his own plot editor be opened in it?

Just because the item bar is unavailable does not mean that the editor is unavailable.

(End of this chapter)

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