this is not a joke

Chapter 400 Seeing the Coffin Again

Chapter 400 Seeing the Coffin Again
After a while, the careful Pei Na found a button on An Ziming's body. This button looked exactly like the other buttons.

But after being peeled off by Pei Na, a smaller tracking locator was found inside.

This is not a listener, but a locator that can locate the target at any time. If the target stays in a certain place for too long, it will attract the attention of the other side.

"No one observes our world in the ghost story, even if he can observe it, he can't control the device in the real world from the ghost story world, so the person who controls the tracking locator does not enter the ghost story when he sees An Ziming, but stays in the bedroom After sitting for too long, he realized that there might be something wrong, which triggered the explosion of the poison pill in An Ziming's mouth." Wei An said.

After thinking about it carefully, Pei Na thought that the facts were almost the same as Wei An's analysis.

And now Wei An's other speculation is that since An Ziming said that Chen Sen and others are predicting that there may be a strange story coming out in the near future, they may know that the large-scale inhalation of the strange story in the camp in the city of Everlasting Love is related to the appearance of the strange story.

From An Ziming's mouth, it can be known that this gate of hell has a better understanding of ghost stories than any other organization, and is able to forcibly open a portal between ghost stories and the human world.

Besides, it is unknown whether this is the only entrance or exit.

Although the things in the ghost story still cannot enter the human world, at least there is no problem with one-way traffic, which will also have a great impact on the world on both sides.

If he investigated carefully, Wei An guessed that he might still know what happened to his father at this moment.

After all, Chen Sen and the others won't know the news that the ghost talk will be released for no reason.

"What should we do now?" Pei Na looked at the master bedroom in front of her and asked Wei An.

Even though she asked, she had obviously guessed what Wei An was thinking.

"Go in and investigate this strange story that has collapsed." Wei An said: "If there is someone inside, the person who killed An Ziming is in the real world. He may not have the opportunity to immediately notify the person in this strange story to take precautions, or even If he wants to go in and notify, he may have to go through this entrance."

"Shall we go in now?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An shook his head.

Next, the two first notified Yue Long of the Administration Bureau to send someone to station here, and then notified Wen Qiong, Su Ya, and Professor Xiong Shihai about the situation here and the plan they wanted to implement.

Due to time constraints, it was already past four o'clock in the morning when everything was ready.

But fortunately, the moon is still bright outside the window, which meets the conditions for entering this strange talk. Even if the lights are not turned on in the bedroom, you can see clearly at this moment.

After the management team arrived here and re-sealed the villa, Wei An and Pei Na came to stand in front of the painting of the sunset.

The two held hands, and Pei Na took out the dagger she carried with her, and drew blood on the backs of their hands.

Then they said in unison: "The gate of heaven is open, I see Wei Nuo."

Under the watchful eyes of the working group of the management authority, the two stepped into the wall under the landscape painting, and they blended in strangely and disappeared.

Not long after they entered, this place was immediately set up by the Central City Management Bureau as a control location at the same level as that of Biluo City.

Moreover, the entry and exit of personnel responsible for this control point is much stricter than that of Biluo City, because it involves the activities of the secret organization Hell's Gate.


The scene in front of him changes, the sky and the earth are upside down, constantly rotating, and finally freezes slowly.

Pei Na was better, Wei An felt like throwing up later, but finally held back.

After seeing the scene in front of them clearly, they found that they were standing in a valley, and it was already daytime.

Only a small patch of sky is left overhead, and the rest is surrounded by valleys.

Surrounded by dense weeds as tall as a person, if you stand still in these weeds, you can hardly see people hiding inside.

But at this moment, Wei An and Pei Na just took a quick glance at the surrounding environment, and immediately put all their attention on the freshly cut wound on the back of their hand.

A piercing pain came from the wound, and when I looked down, I saw that the small blood hole suddenly tightened. Originally, there was still a lot of blood in the wound that hadn't flowed out, and the surface of the wound would solidify after a while, but at this moment, all the blood It was squeezed out, as if the wound had burst open.

The two were startled, and before they had time to deal with it, the wound on the back of the hand quickly dried up, and the skin immediately became wrinkled, as if it had lost moisture in an instant.

Pei Na looked at this scene in surprise, and said, "It feels like something has taken away our blood!"

Wei An nodded: "Perhaps this is the price of getting in through the way just now."

What is certain now is that the method of entering the ghost talk through the gate of hell is completely different from the method of entering the choice of the god of death that I have opened up. This has certain conditions and costs.

Therefore, Wei An speculates that the entrance and exit of the gate of hell must not be the only entrance to the Aohui Garden.

Fortunately, although the skin and muscles near the wound were shriveled, no more blood flowed out, and no more bodily functions were lost.

Wei An immediately checked his energy points, and found that the previous 1250 points had become 1550 points, that is, after successfully disposing of the male corpse in the morgue in the real world, he actually got 300 energy points!
You must know that a ghost story of this level in the morgue can only be regarded as an F grade in the world of ghost stories, and it is impossible to have so many rewards after completion.

That is to say, after the ghost talk comes out, if it can be completed in the real world, it will get more rewards.

Now this place seems to be full of danger and unknown, Wei An took out the killing ax and held it in his hand.

Pei Na took out her Dragon Tooth Saber. This was the first time Wei An saw her using this heavyweight weapon in a ghost story.

The two checked the traces of the road surface and found that there was a small path that people should walk frequently, so the weeds on both sides had been slightly oppressed to the two sides, and then they followed this path and walked forward cautiously.

I don't know what the plot of this strange story was, but now they don't need to know anymore, because this is a strange story that has collapsed.

And what Wei An is guarding against now is not the weirdness, but the gate of hell or people from Chen Sen's side who may appear here.

After walking for about half an hour, the two of them started to speed up, because they found that there was almost nothing here, it was empty, and it was much quieter than the options of the god of death, at least the fog in the options of the god of death There are also plenty of hidden dangers.

Now as long as you follow this road and find a place where the fog is thick, you can think of it as a way out of this strange talk.

After walking for a while, the two of them stopped almost at the same time, turned their heads and looked into the grass on the right, and a feeling of fear surged up.

Wei An looked at Pei Na in surprise, the two did not speak, but carefully pushed aside the bushes and sneaked to the right.

Not long after, a red coffin appeared in front of the grass, and the coffin lid was not closed.

This scene is so familiar.

Although he couldn't see the scene inside the coffin for the time being, Wei An was certain that it was definitely not empty, but a corpse.

(End of this chapter)

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