this is not a joke

Chapter 401 Homologous

Chapter 401 Homologous
Because this red coffin with a special shape reminded Wei An of everything he had encountered in the strange talk about the plane.

Naturally, Pei Na also knew about this coffin, she glanced at Wei An, and saw Wei An made a silent gesture to her.

Although the coffin was very familiar, Wei An didn't dare to be careless. He didn't know how the red coffin on the plane got here.

Could it be that there is a connection between the two ghost stories?
Slowly approaching the coffin, I saw a tall male corpse lying inside.

Wei An immediately shifted his gaze to the chest of the tall male corpse, and stopped Pei Na as he was approaching.

"No, let's go!"

At this moment, on the chest of this tall male corpse, Wei An found that there was no damage at all, but it was intact.

You must know that the chest skin of the male corpse had been cut off when he was on the plane, and now it is on his body, which has played a big role.

But at this moment, the skin on the chest of the male corpse was intact. Although the cargo compartment under the plane was dimly lit at that time, Wei An couldn't see the appearance of the male corpse clearly.

And now it seems that the two corpses look very similar, and it is impossible to determine whether they are the same corpse just by their appearance.

But the wound on the chest couldn't be fake. After confirming that it wasn't the same one, Wei An dragged Pei Na and ran away, because he knew very well that the attack power of this kind of corpse was terrifying!
In the past, the corpse had at least had some friendship with him, and it was impossible to attack him as soon as he met him, but now he couldn't tell clearly about this one.

The two quickly ran into the grass.

At the same moment, Wei An felt his back start to itch, and his speed of escape accelerated. He glanced sideways at Pei Na, and saw her frowning too.

"My shoulders are itchy." Pei Na said.

"Come ahead of me."

Wei An switched places with her, took out a scalpel, and pulled the clothes off Pei Na's shoulders, only to see that the skin had broken open, and a small mushroom poked its head out.

Raising the knife in her hand, she swung the skin around the small mushroom with the scalpel. Pei Na felt a sharp pain in her shoulder, and the mushroom fell to the ground.

Wei An immediately switched places with Pei Na again, saying, "Dug out the bacteria on my back."

The two were still quickly moving away from the red coffin. Pei Na immediately took the scalpel and lifted the clothes behind Wei An's back. On the left side of his back, there was a piece of skin the size of half a fist that had been pushed up, but it hadn't broken yet. , and did not see that mushroom.

"Be patient!" Pei Na said.

As soon as the words fell, the skin was cut immediately, and an extremely bright and abnormal mushroom was exposed from the cracked skin.

Moreover, the rhizome below the mushroom is already connected to the subcutaneous tissue fascia.

The scalpel moved quickly on it, and Pei Na cut off the rhizome, causing the gorgeous mushroom to fall down, and then immediately pressed the wound to prevent too much blood from flowing out.

The two had already run back to the path just now, and continued to run forward.

At this time, the itching in other parts of the body had disappeared, which meant that the corpse had stopped affecting them.

Although the wounds on both of them were bleeding, they stopped quickly, and finally escaped more injuries.

"That's another corpse, not the one we saw on the plane last time." Wei An said.

He was very confused, there was more than one corpse of this kind, and he didn't know why it appeared here. Could it be that some people deliberately hid the corpse here?
A thin white mist has appeared in front of them, indicating that they are close to the edge of this strange talk. If they go further forward from here, I believe they will be able to get out soon.

At this moment, Wei An began to consider whether he should go back to investigate the strange corpse in the red coffin.

Now that he has come across it, if he gives up this opportunity, he believes that he will definitely regret it in the future.

And now it seems that apart from the red coffin and the tall male corpse, there are no other abnormalities in this collapsed ghost story, so it is considered relatively safe.

But after he expressed his thoughts, Pei Na stopped him immediately: "No, you will be very dangerous if you pass now, and you may die at any time!"

Wei An said: "What happened just now happened too fast, now you are trying to use your Dragon Tooth Saber to chop off my right arm, that's right here."

Pei Na froze for a moment: "Why?"

"Just cut it and you'll know." Wei An stretched out his right arm.

Pei Na didn't use all her strength, nor did she use chopping methods, but only used [-]% of her strength to cut the piece of arm skin he mentioned.

After removing the Longya Knife, I found that there was only a white mark on the skin, and it disappeared soon.

Wei An said: "This is formed from the skin of the corpse just now. I have some relationship with him, so I thought to go back and try again. Well, everyone didn't reveal their identities just now, there may be some misunderstandings."

Although Pei Na was surprised, she couldn't laugh or cry: "Think about the fact that we angered him just now, can the corpse still let you approach him? I'm afraid that before you see the red coffin, your whole body will already grow The horrible mushroom just now exploded and died."

"It's always right to try, let me try." Wei An said.

Pei Na pondered for a moment, and finally nodded.

She looked up and said, "I found that we have overlooked a very important thing."

"What's the matter?" Wei An asked.

"We forgot to ask that guy An Ziming how to return to the real world through the passage we just came over!"

Wei An said: "This was the next question I wanted to ask before he died, but it was too late. But it doesn't matter, have you forgotten how I got out? As long as Lin Rui is here, it is no longer a problem to leave Guai Tan." question."

Holding Pei Na's shoulder, the two mouths lingered for a moment, then Wei An turned around and walked in the direction of the red coffin just now.

After Pei Na lowered her head and followed him for a distance, she stopped and watched Wei An's figure disappear when she was about to approach the attacking range of the corpse in the red coffin.

One more step forward from here, and the itching will begin again.

At this time, Wei'an's back, arms, and thighs were already itching, but he ignored it for the time being, and accelerated his speed to approach the red coffin, but the weeds were too high, and he hadn't seen the coffin yet.

Soon there was severe pain in the chest, and a large mushroom in this place was about to burst out. This time, with preparations, Wei An immediately moved the piece of human skin in his body to the chest.

The original strong pain really began to subside until it disappeared completely.

When he lowered his head, he saw that the part of his chest that had bulged just now had completely calmed down, and the mushroom that was the size of a fist disappeared immediately.

Not long after, severe pain spread from the outside of the thigh again beyond the rest of the body.

Wei An immediately controlled the piece of human skin to be transferred to the outside of the thigh, covering the protruding part of the trousers. The pain disappeared quickly, and the place returned to its original state.

The method works!

Wei An trotted all the way, getting closer and closer to the red coffin based on his memory, and in the process, if there was a severe pain in a certain part of his body, it meant that mushrooms were growing. He first moved the human skin to that coffin. place, to stem the greatest harm.

As for other places, for example, pieces of mold have grown on his forehead, but the pain is not strong, indicating that it is not a big threat to his life.

But Wei An still controls this piece of human skin and cleans it up under his own skin.

Enduring all kinds of pain from his body, he saw the red coffin, approached it step by step, until he stood beside the coffin, and looked at the tall male corpse lying inside for the second time.

(End of this chapter)

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