Chapter 404
After thanking the tall male corpse in the coffin, the two quickly left the place.

At this time, the wound on Pei Na's shoulder became more itchy, and the split muscles and skin tissue were growing and recovering visible to the naked eye under the action of the mushroom.

And this mushroom was wriggling up and down strangely.

Looking at it like this, I am afraid that the gunshot wound on Pei Na's shoulder will heal before leaving this strange talk.

Following the direction in which Yang Guangshu and Yu Hao appeared, the two quickly approached the edge of the thin white mist. From here, the mist inside became thicker and thicker, and it was impossible to see what was there.

But Pei Na was sure that those two people came from this direction just now.

Wei An said: "We can't leave from the route the two came from just now, there must be more people over there, maybe there are already other people on the way at this moment."

The fog in front of him was relatively wide, Wei An lowered his head and carefully identified for a moment, and roughly determined the direction where Yang Guangshu and Yu Hao came from just now, so he and Pei Na chose another direction and plunged into the fog.

Starting from this place, the two of them left the strange story among the weeds in the valley just now, and entered the gap between strange stories.

After walking for a while, Wei An began to sense Lin Rui's existence in his heart like before.

He knew that as long as he opened his heart and felt Lin Rui, with Lin Rui's powerful and terrifying sensing ability, he should be able to sense his position very quickly, and then rush over to meet him through some strange talks.

As long as Lin Rui is here, his actions will be much easier.

Originally, the sensing effect was better when standing in place, but it was not long after leaving the strange talk in the valley just now, and this place is not safe yet, so Wei An could only sense while going deep into the mist with Pei Na.

The fog here is getting thicker and thicker, and you can't see anything if you walk a little farther or two steps.

Pei Na stretched out her hand to hold Wei An to prevent the two from getting separated, and when Wei An sensed Lin Rui, she carefully paid attention to the movement around her.

After another moment, Pei Na saw that Wei'an was frowning tightly and hadn't let it go, and asked, "Is there no feeling?"

Wei An said: "I have sensed it, but it is very weak. Lin Rui has been waiting in the gap between the strange talk and the strange talk in advance according to the plan, but I can feel that he has been trying to locate our location, but he can't do it , probably because of the distance."

"Then let's go a little further," Pei Na suggested.

Wei An's brows frowned even deeper. Apart from feeling Lin Rui, he could also feel an extremely fearful breath emanating from the mist, but the specific location was unknown, as if these fearful breaths had been mixed into the thin air that formed the mist. In the water droplet particles, they merged into one.

"Pay attention to the terrifying weirdness that may be hidden in the fog, and be careful of it suddenly attacking."

Pei Na nodded and took out the wordless book.

The effect of this book as a shield is several times stronger than Wei An's steel-frame umbrella. At least so far, no weapon has been seen to break through the defense of this book.

At this time, the gunshot wound on Pei Na's shoulder left only a shallow scar, and the bright mushroom had already withered and fallen off after the wound had recovered.

She moved her shoulders and found that there was no obstacle.

"If you are injured in the ghost talk, you can try to cover the wound with that piece of human skin, maybe it can heal the injury." After this experience, Pei Na suggested.

Wei An, who was quietly sensing, was taken aback. To be honest, he only wanted to use human skin to block the attack, but he never thought that this thing might have the function of healing.

Neither of them would have thought of this if it wasn't for the mushroom that was only attacking people and instead healed Pei Na's injury.

Nodding, Wei An didn't speak, he could sense that the communication with Lin Rui was strengthening, and that little guy might be able to locate himself soon.

At this moment, the dense fog in front of him suddenly swayed and disappeared without a trace.

"Uncle Wei!"

Lin Rui's voice suddenly rang in Wei An's ear, but in the next second the voice seemed to stay in the air, while the bodies of Wei An and Pei Na fell instantly, and the mist rolled over, quickly burying the place where they fell .

15 minutes after the two disappeared.

There was a sound of footsteps, coming from the direction Wei An and Pei Na came from, and soon four or five figures appeared, dressed in the same clothes as Yang Guangshu and Yu Hao just now.

One of them was Chen Sen. The scar under his ear was very obvious.

These people didn't go deep into the mist directly, but pulled a long rope behind them. One end of the rope was in their hands, and the other end was at the edge of the mist, that is, near the strange talk of the valley.

"Okay, stop here, you can't go any further!" Chen Sen's voice sounded.

"Boss, I haven't seen them all this time." An assistant beside him said.

Chen Sen pondered for a moment, then frowned and said, "Either they entered from here, or they returned to the entrance and exit of the valley and returned to the human world."

"We'd better not use the entrance and exit of the valley, it must be heavily guarded!" said a bearded man behind Chen Sen.

This person is Ying Kun, the captain of the former third team of the special bureau, and the eldest brother of the short-haired girl Ying Xi.

Chen Sen said: "There are cursed corpses in the valley. These two people won't stay there for long, and they will definitely find ways to leave. So they only have two paths, one is to enter the mist, and the other is to return to the human world through the entrance and exit."

"This place has been exposed. I asked the patriarch to send someone to take away the red coffin and cut off the entrance and exit here." Ying Kun said: "We can find this entrance and create another one, as long as we can get Wei An and Pei The threat posed by Na is lifted."

Chen Sen nodded: "Notify the Zongzhang to act quickly, this place can't stay for long, and we can't keep the strange talk of the valley, it will just collapse."

Then he glanced at the depths of the fog again, "I hope they didn't return to the entrance, but entered here."

"Boss, what is it after entering here?" The assistant asked curiously.

Chen Sen sneered: "It's a strange story, it has been listed as a forbidden area by the patriarch."

The assistant looked terrified, his lips moved, and wanted to say something, but it took him a long time to squeeze out four words: "That's... A-level?"

Chen Sen grinned, turned around and walked back with Ying Kun, saying, "I hope they choose this place instead of slipping back through the entrance with their tails between their legs."

"Boss, what is the name of this forbidden strange story...?"

The assistant was terrified and curious, grabbed one end of the long rope with one hand, and followed the two back.

Chen Sen popped out two words from his mouth without looking back.


(End of this chapter)

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