this is not a joke

Chapter 405 Losing the Goal

Chapter 405 Losing the Goal
A strong sense of weightlessness descended, and Wei An found that he and Pei Na were indeed falling.

With a plop, the two quickly fell into the water, and a bone-chilling feeling immediately enveloped their bodies.

I don't know where it fell, whether it was a pond, a river, or the sea, but the water temperature is so cold that it almost condenses into ice.

Although Wei An could swim, the moment he fell into the water, his limbs shrank suddenly due to the sudden biting cold, and his whole body sank into the water uncontrollably.

Pei Na reacted quickly, and immediately approached Wei An after falling into the water. The moment he sank, she grabbed his collar and lifted him up, swimming up to the surface of the water.

At this moment, Wei An saw something approaching them in the water in front of him. He was already swimming by himself, and Pei Na just stabilized his balance.

Trying to open my eyes wide, I saw that the thing was motionless, in the shape of a long strip, and there were some flocs floating around with the waves, as if it was approaching along the current.

The next second the two of them surfaced, and after taking a deep breath, Wei An didn't have time to look at the surrounding scene, and immediately said to Pei Na: "There is something approaching us below!"

Pei Na slammed into the water again, and Wei An sank himself into the water, and saw that the thing was less than two meters away.

At this moment, both of them saw clearly what that thing was. It was a stiff corpse, and her long hair was floating beside the corpse.

Pei Na immediately pulled Wei An to swim to the side, and saw that the body floating in the water did not chase after it, but continued to float forward in the same direction as before. It seemed that she did not come alive, but just followed the current direction.

Just when he was feeling surprised, there was a clatter, and a stick-shaped corpse passed along the water surface in front of Wei An and Pei Na, floating in the same direction.

This corpse is a man who also died a long time ago. Because he stayed in the icy water for a long time, his body has been completely stiff, and he may still maintain the appearance when he was dying, with a terrified expression on his face and eyes. He stared wide open, as if he was very resistant to something.

Wei An and Pei Na's hearts were pounding, and their eyes turned to the distance, and they saw that there were more corpses floating on the water, probably seven or eight.

And some similar corpses can be vaguely seen in the further distance.

The sky overhead was obscured by dark clouds, and except for thick black clouds, neither the sun nor the moon could be seen.

I don't know where this is, and I don't know whether the water surface is a lake or a river, but it should not be the sea, because it doesn't have that salty smell.

It's just that Wei An can't be sure that this is not the sea. The sea in the strange story is full of strange things, not to mention the salty smell, even if the water smells like cola, it may also be the sea.

It's just that the undercurrent under the water is surging violently, and it's not as calm as the water surface looks at all.

"Something must have happened here?" Wei An guessed.

Pei Na said, "We have to leave these waters, there are terrible things under the water."

"Go! Swim sideways!" Wei An's lips were already purple at this time, and if he didn't move for a moment, his whole body would be shaking.

If this is a very wide river, the trend of the underwater flow should be to go downstream. The two cannot swim in the direction of upstream and downstream, otherwise they will never find the river bank. They can only swim sideways in the shortest time. Close to the shore, assuming that the river bank is not very wide.

Pei Na's water skills are very good, while Wei An's is not so good.

After swimming for a while, Wei An supported Pei Na's waist with one hand, and paddled with the other hand as per Pei Na's request. Driven by Pei Na, the speed of the two of them increased.

But he never saw where the river bank was.

"If you support me with one hand and move the other hand in my direction, the speed will be faster!" Pei Na said suddenly.

Wei An was taken aback: "I've always been like this."

Pei Na turned her head and glanced at him: "But you are hugging my waist."

Wei An immediately stretched out the hand that he didn't support Pei Na to the surface of the water.

Pei Na's expression changed, and she shouted, "Who is the other hand?!"

She suddenly turned her body over, and Wei An saw the other side of her slender waist, a swollen arm grabbed her, and followed her to the surface of the water.

In the next second, followed by the edematous arm, there was a male corpse with swollen body. This guy had been soaking in the water for an unknown amount of time, and his limbs, stomach, and face were all swollen.

Even his stomach had ruptured, and his internal organs were rolling on the water surface, all soaked white.

"I wipe!"

Wei An pulled away the swollen fat hand, and found that the corpse's finger was stuck on Pei Na's jeans belt just now.

The corpse left Pei Na, and was quickly driven downstream by the undercurrent.

This scene seemed normal, and the corpse had been in a state of death and hadn't come back to life, but Wei An knew there must be something weird about it.

These corpses didn't look like living corpses, including the first corpse I saw just now, but they obviously came for me, but after being discovered, they quickly went down the flowing water.

Everything seems not as simple as imagined.

Wei An tried it just now, and found that because he has no identity here, the plot speculation still cannot be started.

However, after trying to activate "Position Character", the familiar red dot soon began to flicker.

This time Wei An positioned the character as the big boss in this strange story, but two appeared at once, and one, as Pei Na said, was right under their feet, which was the depth of the icy cold river.

And the other is at the far end downstream, which seems far away.

In short, this weird talk gave Wei An an extremely dangerous feeling. The corpses floating on the water surface and underwater seemed to be targeting them, but they didn't seem to be.

Moreover, the river was too cold. If he didn't go ashore as soon as possible or find an exit, he believed that he and Pei Na would be frozen into popsicles like those corpses before long.

"You can't stop, swim quickly!" Pei Na said.

Waving his already stiff arms, Wei An followed Pei Na closely and swam forward for about 50 meters.

Both of them were a bit exhausted at this time. The most important thing was that they couldn't see the target. Apart from water, they couldn't see any land in front of them.

"There is no text prompt, and we can't find the exit. It's not an option to go on like this. We will soon be unable to swim and freeze to death on the river surface." Wei An said.

At the end of the sentence, he saw another corpse floating not far away, and said to Pei Na with trembling lips: "Grab the corpse, let's go downstream."

At this time, the corpse happened to be close to them, Wei An and Pei Na swam to the two sides respectively, stretched out one hand to grab the corpse, and slowly went downstream along the waves flowing on the water surface.

The corpse was a middle-aged woman. She had a terrified expression when she was about to die, her mouth was wide open, and her mouth was completely filled with ice water.

(End of this chapter)

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