this is not a joke

Chapter 406 Illusion

Chapter 406 Illusion
Because the corpse was floating on the water surface and followed the undercurrent below, the two grabbed the sides of the corpse and did not paddle hard, but took this opportunity to recover their strength.

"Downstream... I wonder if there is any danger?" Pei Na hesitated.

Wei An looked at the rolling water at the end, and couldn't see anything from this place, and shook his head: "Play by ear, it doesn't have to follow the corpse to reach the downstream completely, if the water starts to narrow, we might be able to see the river bank .”

At this time, the two of them were almost unbearably frozen by the freezing water. Although they were not paddling, they both kept moving their bodies while holding the corpse, so as to keep themselves warm.

Wei An couldn't stand it anymore. His physique was much worse than that of Pei Na who had been exercising all year round. He felt a little confused and his thinking began to slow down.

He immediately touched the head of the black cat in his mind twice, and Pei Na immediately turned to look at him with a surprised face, because she suddenly felt a sense of fear from Wei An, as if this guy had turned into something that made her afraid. things.

"What are you doing?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An stretched his head: "Phew, I finally feel warm."

The power of the fear totem radiated out, and Wei An quickly felt a burst of warmth spread all over his body, but this warmth was not long before it was completely enveloped by a burst of cold.

"River bank? I see the river bank!" Wei An was startled suddenly, pointing to the oblique front not far away and shouted.

Pei Na looked over and saw that the area was much higher than the water surface.

The two people's attention was diverted, and they didn't see the female corpse they were holding at the moment, a bubble came out of the mouth full of ice water, and then burst.

The two immediately paddled, bringing the female corpse and themselves close to the area above the water.

As I got closer, I saw that there was a river bank, but the bank looked too smooth, and it was not what I imagined.

Pei Na first approached the river bank, stretched out her hand to touch it, and said in surprise, "It's ice, the river bank is full of ice!"

At this time, ice scum appeared on her eyebrows and hair tips, and her speech was trembling, all in a trill.

"Go up and talk!" Wei An said immediately.

Because I can't see the end of these ice blocks for the time being, whether it's a river bank or not, at least I won't let the two of me soak in the water all the time.

However, the surface of the ice cube was too smooth, and Wei'an pulled it several times, but he still couldn't find a point of strength, and the whole body slid downstream with the ice water.

Pei Na was stronger than him, but still couldn't hold onto the river bank.


Wei An took out the killing axe, and the ax got stuck on the ice, and finally his body stopped moving downstream.

He grabbed Pei Na and said, "Climb over me."

Immediately, Pei Na used both hands and feet, and quickly lay half of her body on the icy river bank. Wei An pushed hard from behind, and Pei Na finally got ashore.

At this moment, a strong force came from behind Wei An, and he could feel something grabbing him.

Turning around, it was the female corpse!
However, the female corpse still maintained the appearance of being frightened to death, her mouth was wide open, her eyes were wide open, but she didn't look at Wei An, and her limbs were also stiff, as if she hadn't come back to life.

From her open mouth, a black tongue stuck out, wrapping around Wei An's ankle.

Pei Na stood up and took out the saber she got from Yu Hao from the inventory. This saber was longer than her original Dragon Tooth Saber, and it was suitable for this kind of attack at a slightly longer distance.

Holding a saber in both hands, he chopped off Wei An's tongue.

She could feel the tenacity when the blade touched the tongue, which meant that the tongue was not easy to break, but fortunately, this saber was of a higher grade, so it was still very difficult to cut off the tongue.

Pei Na immediately turned the back of the knife and handed it to Wei An: "Grab it!"

When Wei An was about to reach out to grab it, his waist tightened again, and he was entangled by something again.

Looking back, the same tongue protruded from the woman's mouth again. This time he looked carefully and found that it was more like a fleshy tentacle, not a tongue.

"There's something inside the corpse!" Wei An reminded.

Pei Na walked two steps along the shore, and after retracting the saber, this time she did not chop off the fleshy tentacles, but slashed at the neck of the female corpse.

In the next second, the female corpse's head was in a different place, and from the broken part of the neck, a group of curly and twisting tiny fleshy tentacles popped out, spreading out in all directions like an octopus.

At this time, Wei An had already grabbed the back of the saber that Pei Na handed over again, and before those tiny, slightly shorter tentacles could catch Wei An, he was already dragged to the shore.

A large number of fleshy tentacles on the ice bank were swinging, trying to climb to the shore, but there were no suction cups on their tentacles, so they were slippery and could not go ashore.

Soon the fleshy tentacles and the female corpse with the severed head slipped downstream, and they were no longer seen.

Wei An was gasping for breath, his body was wet, with a layer of icy scum forming on the surface, his whole body was numb from the cold, as if this body no longer belonged to him.

Pei Na was also resting while sitting next to him, her face was pale, and her ten fingers were like ice cubes, without any warmth at all.

"We can't rest all the time, or we will die here." Wei An struggled to stand up, stood on the ice, and looked in other directions.

He found that the river bank formed by the ice was so large that it couldn't see the end at first glance, while the icy cold water on the other side was still flowing slowly, far less than the undercurrent under the river.

Wei An rubbed his hands while jumping his feet, "Stay away from this river area and go to the ice to see if there is an exit."

After talking, he found that Pei Na was still sitting on the ice and did not get up. Wei An withdrew his gaze from the distance of the ice, turned his head to look at Pei Na, and his body shook violently.

The woman lying on the ice was not Pei Na at all, but the corpse of the middle-aged woman they were grabbing together just now.

At this moment, the head of the middle-aged female corpse has not been separated from the body, but is still intact on the neck!

Startled, Wei An turned his head to look around, and turned his eyes to the river again, but saw nothing.

Only the female corpse lay quietly on the ice, it seemed that she had never woken up, and she did not stop him from going ashore at all.

"Could it be..."

A thought popped up, and Vian's hairs stood on end.

He suspected that for some reason, it was this female corpse that came ashore with him, and Pei Na was treated as a female corpse just now, and after being injured, she followed the flowing river downstream.

Approaching this motionless female corpse, Wei An's heart was pounding, and he looked carefully.

It was found that the female corpse was still the same as when I saw it for the first time. There was no sign of breakage on the neck. Her eyes were round and her mouth was wide open. There was still a lot of ice water in her mouth, but she didn't see any fleshy tentacles or long tongue. weird stuff.

This female corpse has always looked like this, and has never changed!

(End of this chapter)

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