this is not a joke

Chapter 407 Establishing Induction

Chapter 407 Establishing Induction
I couldn't see Pei Na, and the woman who was supposed to be Pei Na turned out to be the corpse of the decapitated woman at this moment.

If the predictions were correct, the real Pei Na couldn't climb up the icy river bank at all just now, but continued to go down the river.

As for these corpses, it seems that they haven't changed since the moment they saw them.

Wei An somewhat understood the weirdness in the icy water of the river. These corpses didn't seem to be aggressive at all, but they could give him an illusion.

Pei Na is in danger!
He quickly ran downstream along the bank of the ice layer. The ice layer was very slippery, and Wei An quickly fell down while trotting. It was even faster for him to simply sit on the ice layer and slide forward.

However, after chasing them all the way, they didn't see Pei Na, but saw two other popsicle corpses floating in the river.

Wei An was even more anxious, and walked forward for a while, but suddenly he was taken aback, and turned his head to look in the direction of the river where the two corpses he had bumped into just now.

Not long after, the two bodies floated from the river one after the other.

Seeing that the corpse was some distance away from the river bank, Wei An hesitated, and fixed his eyes on the two corpses that were approaching continuously. It was obvious that one of the corpses was a woman, and she was wearing familiar clothes.

Wei An's whole body went numb, feeling that everything in front of him became unreal.

Before the corpse was completely close, he jumped down, jumped into the icy river again, and grabbed the approaching female corpse.

After grabbing the female corpse's clothes, Wei An felt the coldness coming from her body, his heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and he turned the corpse's head to his side for a closer look.

The guess just now was confirmed, looking at the corpse in front of him, his eyes fixed on Pei Na's face, Wei An felt like a thunderbolt!
Pei Na's body had already been frozen into a popsicle, her whole body was stiff, her eyes were closed, and she was no longer breathing.

Wei An's hands and feet were trembling, he felt that he could no longer breathe, his whole body seemed to be dead, he just kept shaking Pei Na's body to make her open her eyes.

"How could this be?"

Wei An kept asking.

He tried to use the spirit totem to see if he could wake up Pei Na, who should have died not long ago, but found that the black cat in his mind just now had disappeared. No matter how he summoned it, it never appeared, as if it had never existed .


Wei An was a little puzzled.

At this moment, he suddenly saw Pei Na's lips open, filled with a large amount of cold water, but soon a long tongue like that of the female corpse appeared, and slowly stretched out, getting longer and longer.


A voice suddenly sounded in his mind, the voice seemed to fall from the very high sky above his head, drilled into his brain, and rang in Wei'an's ears.

He looked around in surprise, but there was nothing but Pei Na's body beside him.


This time, the sound was much louder than before, and it exploded in the ear, making a rumbling sound.

Wei An's body shook violently, everything in front of him became blurred, and he found that the body of Pei Na that he had been holding on to suddenly disappeared!

When the surrounding environment became clear again, Wei An could hardly feel his body, his reaction and thinking became very slow, he just knew that he heard someone calling him just now.

He slowly opened his eyes, and found that he was still soaking in the icy water, but he couldn't feel the existence of his body, because his body had already been frozen and numb.

He found his hands resting on a floating corpse. The body was swollen all over, and the stomach had been ruptured, but the internal organs had not yet flowed out.

On the other side of the swollen corpse, Pei Na was also floating beside her, her body curled up slightly, her hands unconsciously clutching the corpse's arm tightly.

A strong feeling of coldness finally descended, and Wei An had never felt so cold before!

He only became conscious at this moment. Everything he saw just now was just a dream or hallucination. It seemed that he had long since fallen into a coma from the cold, and something woke him up, otherwise he might never be able to wake up again.


Wei An moved his eyes with difficulty, and looked at Pei Na who was curled up and floating on the water.

At this time, Pei Na's body was covered with icy slag, which almost completely froze her, but she did not become a corpse, which was completely different from what Wei An, who had just fallen into hallucinations, saw.

And Wei An's body was also covered with a thin layer of ice slag, and as he started to move, these ice slags were falling off.

At this moment he remembered, he seemed to hear Lin Rui's voice in his mind, Lin Rui was calling himself.

I don't know when I fell into a dream hallucination, and Wei An didn't dare to delay any longer, otherwise he and Pei Na would be trapped to death like these corpses and frozen into horrible human sticks.

Turning his head, he saw that the icy river bank was not far away. Wei An slapped the cat's head fiercely, feeling the power brought by the spiritual totem, he pushed the swollen corpse away, and at the same time put the unconscious Pei Na pulls over.

Although Pei Na was unconscious at this time, she was suspended like those corpses and did not sink.

Wei An didn't expend much effort. In fact, his own strength was not enough. He pushed Pei Na to the bank of the ice layer with difficulty, took out the killing ax and slashed on the ice layer, fixed the axe, and then sent Pei Na Pushed ashore.

These icy river banks were not the same as what he had seen in the dream and hallucination just now. They were not so smooth, but had many cold burrs on the surface, and if they were not careful, they would scratch their hands.

Wei An's hands soon had multiple wounds.

After pushing Pei Na to the shore, he slowly moved to the shore with the hatchet in hand, and finally landed with a sideways roll.

Wei An didn't want to do anything at this moment, he just panted heavily.

But after a few seconds, he still forced himself to act, otherwise he would really die here.

Climbing to Pei Na's side, he touched Pei Na's face, and found that it was still elastic, instead of being frozen into ice. He felt for the pulse, and it was still beating.

"No, you can't let Pei Na fall asleep, otherwise it will be difficult to wake up!" Wei An was a little anxious.

At this time, he could feel the totem in his mind again, and touched two cat heads. The energy of the totem made him feel warm. Although this was only on the psychological level, it played a key role, as if the body also It's not that cold anymore.

Pei Na didn't have this kind of psychological support, even though she was physically stronger than Wei An, she collapsed before him.

He kept patting Pei Na, but she didn't move. Wei An wanted to use his own body temperature to warm her up, but at this moment his whole body was also icy cold, even his clothes were covered with ice slag.


The familiar voice in my mind reappeared.

Wei An immediately stood still without moving, and at the same time tried to reply in his heart: "Lin Rui? Can you hear me?"

About five or six seconds later, Lin Rui's voice sounded in his mind: "Uncle, I can feel you, the place where you are is hard to find, it's too hidden. I'm trying to get closer to you now, but you have to get out of there first , or you will all die."

"What else did you sense?" Wei An intuitively felt that Lin Rui must have known other things here, otherwise he would not have said so.

Lin Rui's voice sounded again: "Your rules are extreme, and all rules exist in extremes. I have never encountered such a strange talk. You have to leave quickly, leave first, I am approaching you!"

(End of this chapter)

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