Chapter 408
Wei An also knew that he had to leave here as soon as possible, but he didn't know where to go. This place was too cold. Not only was the river cold, but staying on the ice was not an option.

Now Pei Na has not woken up, if she delays for a while, she may never wake up again.

He asked Lin Rui in his heart: "Tell me, where should I go?"

"Wait a minute." Lin Rui's answer sounded.

After about a minute, his voice came again: "Don't go close to your right, the rules over there are too chaotic and extreme. Uncle, you go to the left, the rules on the left are not so extreme, but you still have to be careful a little."

"it is good."

Wei An took off his coat and tied it around Pei Na's body, especially padding her back so that she could be dragged across the ice.

It is temporarily impossible to wake up Pei Na. We can only see if we can leave here as soon as possible. If we leave the ice layer, the temperature will definitely rise. This is the most beneficial for Pei Na's body to recover as soon as possible.

At this time, the extremely chaotic place on the right of Wei An happened to be those rivers that seemed to be calm but were actually turbulent.

On his left is the river bank ice which is temporarily invisible, mainly because the sky is too dark, and the distance is too gray to see clearly.

Wei An grabbed his sleeves with both hands, dragged Pei Na behind him and quickly walked towards the end of the ice layer.

At this time, the contact with Lin Rui was interrupted again, but the kid should come here soon after locating the strange talk, but I don't know how long it will take.

"The rules are very confusing, even Lin Rui has never seen it..."

Wei An murmured to himself while dragging Pei Na forward.

He had to ensure that his brain could think, otherwise the situation of falling into a hallucination like just now might reappear. This was because the brain consciousness was affected by the sharp drop in temperature.

Through Lin Rui's induction, he can know that the rules of this strange talk are very chaotic, which is also a situation that Wei An himself has never seen before.

So this strange talk is either very special, or it is of a high level.

"High? Is it an A-level ghost story?"

Wei An was taken aback, looked down at his feet, and found that the ice layers he had been walking on were interrupted at this moment, replaced by a large amount of yellow fine sand. Looking up, he found that the ice layer in front had disappeared, and the ground had completely turned into this. Kind of fine sand.

"There is no more ice, which means the temperature is rising!"

Wei'an was shocked, because the fine sand could not be dragged on the ground, otherwise it would sink deeper and deeper, so he directly picked up Pei Na and carried it on his shoulders.

"It's okay, Nana, I've come out, you wake up!" He could feel the other person's weak heartbeat and breathing, but he couldn't wake up all the time.

Go to the depths of the fine sandy ground.

At first, he couldn't feel Pei Na's weight, but after walking for a while, Wei An began to pant non-stop, but he could feel the heat generated in his body, and it was no longer the coldness permeating the air.

At the same time, the surrounding temperature is indeed rising, and I can no longer feel the coldness just now.

Really tired, Wei An put Pei Na down and sat on the ground to rest.

Tried to sense Lin Rui, but found no response.

However, Wei An noticed that there was already heat coming out of Pei Na's body. This was the reaction from the melting of the ice slag on her body just now and the increase in the temperature of this place.

Wei An stretched out his hand, and could clearly feel that the temperature was still rising. It seemed that it was right to choose to enter here.

He rested for a while, and carried Pei Na on his shoulders for another walk. During the second rest, the clothes on his body had already emitted a lot of white gas, and he felt that his underwear was starting to dry out.

The same was true for Pei Na, and she was showing signs of waking up soon.

In fact, she was not in a coma in the strict sense just now, but fell into a coma. Because the temperature was too low, the body was in a self-protection mechanism, and all the little temperature was concentrated to protect the vital organs of the body, so she couldn't wake up. Come.

At this time, the surrounding environment has warmed up significantly, and the body's self-protection mechanism has been cancelled, so Pei Na began to hum unconsciously.

Wei An immediately hugged her in his arms, and kept rubbing Pei Na's face, palms, and back.

After about five or six minutes, Pei Na slowly opened her eyes.

At this time, a large amount of white gas was evaporating from both of them.

When Pei Na woke up, the first thing she said was: "It's so hot!"

It was only then that Wei An noticed that the chill on his body had already been dispelled, and he was so focused on waking Pei Na up that he didn't even notice the beads of sweat on his forehead.

Looking at Pei Na again, her hair was also soaked in sweat, her face was slightly red, and she finally recovered.

"It's okay, it's fine." Wei'an fell down with a heart.

" did we leave?" Pei Na sat up and stretched, but felt pain all over her body.

But her strength is coming back quickly.

Wei An replied: "Did not leave, we are still in the strange talk just now..."

Speaking of this, he looked around, and there was no end in sight, but the ground was full of that kind of yellow fine sand.

At first, the fine sand looked ordinary, but now that Pei Na recovered, Wei An's attention shifted, and he suddenly found that the fine sand on the soles of his feet seemed to be quite warm, even giving people a slightly hot feeling.

I reached out and grabbed a handful of fine sand in my hands. Yes, the temperature was indeed very high, but it was bearable for the time being.

Wei An dug open the fine sand covered on the ground, and found that there was a thick layer of loess under the fine sand. The loess had dried up and cracked, and the cracks were filled with a large amount of fine sand. heat.

This shows that the temperature under the ground should be even higher.

At this moment, Wei An sensed Lin Rui again.

A voice quickly sounded in my mind: "Uncle, we are getting close now, you have to keep going, otherwise I won't be able to find you."


Wei An looked at Pei Na and asked, "Do you still need to rest? Lin Rui will find us soon, he may be right ahead."

"It's cold over there, but it's getting hotter here." Pei Na stood up, "This weird talk is too weird, it's best for us to leave quickly."

The two held hands and continued to walk forward.

While walking, Pei Na asked, "Why did I fall asleep just now?"

Wei An shrugged: "I fell asleep too, but I woke up earlier than you."

If Lin Rui hadn't shouted in his heart, he might not have woken up.

But the main reason is that Wei An also had the experience of communicating with Lin Rui in a dream, and the two were already familiar with each other's feelings, which was the key to Lin Rui's ability to find him.

After a while, the whole bodies of the two holding hands were drenched with sweat. Wei An turned his head and glanced at Pei Na, and found that her clothes were completely wet with sweat, her hair was also wet, and her face was flushed.

"These are two extremes. It's very cold over there, but it's extremely hot here. Where did we end up? What is this strange story?" Pei Na kept wiping her sweat.

As soon as these words came out, Wei An suddenly stopped and lowered his head thoughtfully.

Pei Na knew his action, this guy must have thought of something, so she didn't ask, but just stood beside Wei An and waited.

Not long after, Wei An said, "Hell? Do you think this place looks like hell? Just now it was ice hell, but here is... a little hot hell!"

(End of this chapter)

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