this is not a joke

Chapter 424 This is also a channel?

Chapter 424 This is also a channel?

The star chain is such a powerful weapon that it can even kill the tomb keeper, but there is one thing that Wei An doesn't understand, that is, Wang Zhenhai obviously had a lot of time to put this weapon back into his inventory, so Leave it to anyone, but he didn't do it.

Looking at it now, the only thing that can be explained is that Wang Zhenhai was in a mess at the time, and he didn't have the energy to take care of or forgot to take back the Star Chain, which made Wei'an cheaper.

But Wei An was still not at ease.

He noticed that the description of the star chain mentioned the special effect of making a wish, but he didn't know which node Wang Zhenhai had activated the chain to.

But when he angered the cemetery guards to use the timing of driving tigers and swallowing wolves, Wei An once observed through Lin Rui that Wang Zhenhai had a long release time before using the star chain.

This is like a cooling time, after a period of secret casting, after activating the star chain, the gravekeeper will be killed in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in order to truly exert the power of the star chain, the long casting time is an unsolvable problem, and the only way to do it is to rely on companions to delay the time.

Wei An took a closer look at the nodes of each chain. There was a piece of delicate circular metal at each node of the chain, and the metal surface had different patterns.

These patterns are small in size, but the carvings are very delicate, and they can be identified at a glance.

The first node is a pattern in the shape of a drop of blood. Wei An wonders if this is to make himself pay blood, that is, drop a blood on this node to activate the power of this node.

The second node is a piece of turned-up flesh pattern, which is exchanged at the price of flesh and blood, and the third node is a teardrop. The shape of the teardrop is different from that of the blood, and it is more slender.

Wei An guessed that it was necessary to shed emotional tears and drip it on it.

The fourth node is a pattern of gaseous matter, a bit like a cloud, or smoke rising above a freshly burned fire.

Wei An thinks that this may be in exchange for his own energy, energy and blood.

Looking at the fifth, sixth, and seventh nodes one by one, you can see that the price of each one is not low. There are patterns of smiling faces, which represent the joyful emotion that needs to be paid, and there may be no more joy in the future. .

There is also a pattern that is directly a character, with a big "shou" character written on it.

The word "longevity" is obviously to be exchanged with the user's Yangshou.

Looking all the way, the last pattern, that is, the No. 18 node shows a skull directly. Although this skull looks similar to other skulls, it gives Wei An a kind of eerie feeling.

After reading all these patterns, Wei An suddenly felt a little regretful. He secretly thought that he should understand clearly before deciding whether to exchange for this star chain, because after seeing it now, he knew that he would not be able to use this black one normally. arms.

Although this thing is extremely powerful to use, the price paid is too high, and it is too fatal.

I don't know how many nodes Wang Zhenhai turned on when he used this thing, but Wei An doubts that he has turned on the tenth node, which is the node that can fulfill the wish.

Of course, before getting this weapon, Wei An couldn't learn about it in detail. Only after knowing the information about the weapon can he decide whether to use it or not.

"No, this weapon can't be used, it's too dark." Wei An didn't look at it carefully, and put away the star chain directly.

"Why?" Pei Na was examining the crossbow she had obtained, and asked.

Wei An told her what she had learned, and Pei Na frowned and said, "Then it's best not to use it, no wonder Wang Zhenhai has never died in the underground space, the whole person has become thin and deformed, and his height has also become shorter. The price he paid."

Wei An nodded: "One more thing, now we don't know what Wang Zhenhai wished at that time. This weapon was placed on the ground like this, and he didn't take it back to the inventory. I suspect that this is a conspiracy."

Pei Na thought about it carefully, and said, "Then just throw it away! It would be terrible if it backfires on you."

Wei An comforted: "That's not the case. As long as I don't use it and don't even open the first node, this star chain will be equivalent to waste. Maybe in the future when the time is right, I will consider giving it a try again, but in the near future Won't use it."

"If it will shorten your lifespan, you'd better not use it, otherwise what will I do if you die?" Pei Na gave him a white look.

Wei An laughed, and wrapped his arms around Pei Na's fragrant shoulders. Just as he was about to bite his ear, Pei Na gently elbowed her and said softly, "Go take a shower first."

"Wash together." Wei An suggested.

"Two people wash too slowly, one by one."

"You can do a lot of things while taking a shower. You can go to bed directly after washing. The efficiency is so high, why is it slow?"

Pei Na looked at him with the whites of her eyes, and said in a reproachful tone, "It's getting worse and worse!"

While talking, he got up and walked to the small bathroom.

"Remember to bring a clean dry towel in."



When woken up by Lin Rui, Wei An and Pei Na were still fast asleep.

The two of them didn't know how long they slept this time, but their mental exhaustion was greatly relieved.

Lin Rui looked anxious, and said to Wei An, "Uncle, there seems to be something wrong with that cursed corpse!"

When Wei An arrived at the basement floor of the building, he found that the place was gloomy and cold, the temperature dropped several degrees directly, and the walls outside the entire equipment room were covered with large patches of black and gray mold.

Although I didn't see those big, brightly colored mushrooms, there were too many of these molds. When Wei An just entered the corridor of the equipment room, he saw a dense piece of mold that was about four or five layers thick. Cling tightly to the wall and the ground.

Many places have cracked!
"There are too many molds and the ground is fine, but if all the walls are cracked, the building may be in danger." Lin Rui said behind Wei An.

"How did this happen?" Wei An was surprised.

He remembered that the cursed corpse in the red coffin usually would not grow mold at will to protect itself or curse others when no one was around. It might grow mold by itself after coming to a new place, producing a kind of self-protection. But there is no need to grow so much at once, even the building is almost crushed!
I have to ask if the cursed corpse suddenly had any thoughts.

Wei An stepped on a large amount of thick and wet mold, and then approached the red coffin. When he took the second step, the mold where he stood on the ground spread to both sides by himself, making room for him to walk. Apparently the Cursed Corpse also knew he was coming.

Going to the coffin and looking inside, the tall male corpse is still as calm as before, but now even the inner wall of the coffin is covered with thick mold.

Wei An immediately began to ask questions, because the cursed corpse couldn't answer directly, and he had to keep guessing the topic until he got close to the correct answer.

Wei An has gradually gotten used to this method, and the previous exchanges were all done in this way, and the two sides seem to have formed a certain tacit understanding.

Including when Wei An puts forward his ideas on the curse corpse, if the curse corpse agrees, bright mushrooms will appear, but if the curse corpse is unwilling, there will be no movement, if he opposes, mold will grow in the coffin.

After asking for a while, Wei An's body shook suddenly, and blurted out: "This strange talk is also a channel?!"

(End of this chapter)

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