this is not a joke

Chapter 425 The 3rd Passage!

Chapter 425 The Third Passage!

After learning from the previous information, Wei An knew that not every ghost story could be used as a passage to the human world, so people from the Gate of Hell and the Zongfather Organization were looking for it.

He didn't expect that the place where this building was located was also a strange passage.

The Cursed Corpse has this ability, he can create a special channel between this strange story and other strange stories and even the human world, so his performance at this moment is different.

And this time is different from the previous ones. The strange talk channel established before was forced by the Cursed Corpse, because this is the source of his ability, even if he doesn't want to establish it, he can't help it.

That's why the people from Hell's Gate and the Zongfather organization will try to use various means to completely open up this passage, such as joining the Hell's Gate's passage ceremony and passage conditions.

But this time is different from the previous ones. This time, the Cursed Corpse took the initiative to display its ability after being aware of it, and began to independently establish a strange talk channel according to the area where the building was located.

Of course, the performance of doing this is that a lot of mold will be produced, but the consequences are not as the big guys guessed, those cracks that generate walls will not collapse and fall, but will form a hole after accumulating to a certain extent .

These openings are passages.

At present, the curse corpse tells Wei'an that he can probably establish two passages, and one passage opens up the human world, but the effect after entering and exiting is the same as that of ordinary ghost stories, and cannot bring out anything in ghost stories.Another channel is to establish an entrance and exit with other monsters, and this channel does not have so many restrictions.

Wei An thought about it for a while, discussed with Pei Na and Lin Rui, and decided to let the cursed corpse build the passage with the human world in the central city, and the other passage with the strange talk is directly established at the location of Suya in Biluo City apartment, that is, the strange talk of "Reaper's Choice".

In this way, it is no longer necessary to use the traveling spell, and directly connect the two ghost stories with the central city, making it much more convenient for people to come and go.

After reaching a consensus with the Cursed Corpse, Wei An retreated outside the corridor of the equipment room, and stood at the door quietly waiting for the mold to form and establish a passage.

Not long after, a large amount of mold suddenly fell off the wall about half a person's height, revealing a round black wall hole that seemed to have been corroded. Wrapped in mold, the mouth of the hole looks fleshy, like a wriggling wormhole.

This is the passage leading to another strange talk "Reaper's Choice".

Another moment, the ground not far from the coffin, the place covered with the most mold collapsed, but the space downstairs was not exposed, but a black hole also appeared, this hole is the central city leading to the human world.

Wei An had already asked the Curse Corpse in advance, and there was no need for any specific rituals or conditions before passing through these two passages. This was much easier than when they came in, and it was also the result of the Curse Corpse's active intervention. There was no need for the passive passage. All kinds of rituals can only pass through the situation.

Seeing that the two openings had been formed, Wei An was about to try it out, when suddenly the wall on the other side was covered with mold again and collapsed.

After the collapse, a shallow pothole was revealed. Although the wall fell off the surface of the pothole, a real hole was not exposed here, but it was sunken into the wall, as if a hole was about to form.

"This is……"

Wei An was taken aback, waited for a while and found that there was no response, then came to the side of the cursed corpse again, and asked in a special way of communication between the two.

After a while, the astonishment on his face not only didn't fade away, but became more and more intense, and even his breathing became short of breath.

Seeing something strange, Pei Na hurried to Wei An's side: "What happened?"

Wei An raised his head and stared blankly at the shallow hole in the wall, and replied: "Just now, the cursed corpse told me that he managed to communicate with another space through the special area of ​​this building. There is an aura very similar to mine in this space.”

Pei Na was startled, and then looked at the shallow hole on the wall: "Why does it have an aura similar to yours?"

Wei An said: "I suspect that my father is in that space."

After saying this, Wei An communicated with the Cursed Corpse again, and because the question was very detailed, it took a lot of time.

Lin Rui and the other weirdos left temporarily, only Pei Na was waiting outside the corridor.

After Wei An finally stopped communicating with the cursed corpse, he returned to Pei Na with a thoughtful face.

Seeing that he was still thinking, Pei Na didn't ask.

After a while, Wei An opened his mouth after thinking clearly: "I probably understand, the cursed corpse said that when he just opened the option of the god of death and the two passages on the central city side of the human world, he inadvertently felt the same I have a similar breath, so I checked that space. However, he found that the space is not like the human world or the ghost story world, but a very special space, similar to the gap between ghost stories and ghost stories.”

"Is Uncle Nawei in there?" Pei Na asked.

Wei An said: "It's possible, but you have to go in and check after you get through it. It's just that after the cursed corpse mentioned this space, it reminded me of one thing, the space between consciousness and material level that Zhang Zuxia entered last time It’s very similar to what the cursed corpse mentioned. My dad may have entered the interlayer space between the ghost story and the human world, but he still hasn’t really entered the ghost story.”

After a pause, Wei An showed a thoughtful look, and continued: "But the cursed corpse said just now, this mezzanine space is very weird, weirdness can appear in it, and humans can also appear in it, and there are very few rules and restrictions. In other words In other words, for humans and weirdness, this is a great harmony world, both sides can come and go freely, as long as they find a suitable method."

He raised his head and looked at Pei Na: "Do you remember what I said? My dad got into the strange story, and then the weirdness in the strange story came out."

Pei Na nodded.

Wei An said: "I suspect that my dad entered this mezzanine space. With his super high and extremely special spiritual power, he may have played some role in the mezzanine space, causing the isolation of this space to lose some effect, so Weirdness can enter the human world!"

"That is to say, Uncle Wei really went in, and then the weirdness came out?" Pei Na was speechless.

Wei An glanced at the shallow hole on the wall: "The Cursed Corpse said that the hole will fall off on its own after the mold has penetrated completely, otherwise it may not be possible to really open up the mezzanine space. So we have to wait for a while, don't be in a hurry. "

"Then I'll stay here and guard." Pei Na said: "You can go out through those two passages first if you have something to do, and I will notify you immediately if there is any situation on my side."

Wei An nodded, said a few words to the returned Lin Rui, then kissed Pei Na again, and then got into the strange talk channel leading to "Death God's Choice".

(End of this chapter)

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