this is not a joke

Chapter 426 To Reality

Chapter 426 Back to Reality
This is the first time Wei'an has entered this passage, and it feels a bit strange, because it was formed by the cursed corpse, which is different from the passage formed by himself after the collapse of the strange talk. It was bright.

After Wei An got out and looked around, he found himself standing in a certain room.

When I came to the door of the room and opened it, I found that this was a room on the first floor of Su Ya's apartment building.

The elevator and stairs are right next to this room.

At this time, the lights of the elevator had just turned on, and the door opened. Su Ya, mother Wen Qiong, and several other staff members walked out of the elevator one after another.

When seeing Wei An, both Wen Qiong and Su Ya's eyes lit up.

"Brother An?"


When the two saw Wei An appearing here, they almost didn't react.

Wei An waved to them, and after Wen Qiong and Su Ya came over, the three of them entered the room Wei An had just walked out of, and closed the door.

Wei An pointed to the bottom of a large desk against the wall, where it looked like a hole, but it wasn't a real hole, it just looked darker, and he just drilled out of there.

"Mom, Su Ya, I just came here. The other side of the cave entrance is the Jiuyuan Building in the World of Strange Talk, which is where Xiao Linrui lives. We have temporarily opened up this passage, and you can go there too. Especially Su Ya, if you feel that you are in danger here, you can temporarily enter Lin Rui's side and let him protect you."

After a pause, after Wen Qiong and Su Ya finished digesting these words, Wei An continued: "Now there are two passages opened up there, you can even go directly to the central city of our human world through that building of Lin Rui , no need to take other means of transportation. But this is not the most important thing, Mom, I think I found the trace of Dad!"

Wen Qiong was startled, hurriedly pulled Wei An's sleeve, and asked, "Where is it? Where is he? It's been so long, where has he gone? Is there any danger?"

While talking, Wen Qiong's eyes have become teary. Although she has been here to guard Su Ya these days, and it seems that she has not gone to Eternal Love City to find Wei Zhengdong, but she has always been concerned about it in her heart, and has not expressed any concern for other people. People confide.

Even sometimes when Wen Qiong couldn't let it go, she cried secretly by herself and didn't want Su Ya to see her, for fear that she would tell Wei An if she knew about it, and Wei An would be distracted by worrying about herself.

Now that she knew that Wei Zhengdong would be found soon, she was so excited that she couldn't restrain it anymore, and her emotions poured out.

Wei An supported her and said softly: "Mom, it's okay. Dad didn't enter the ghost story at all. He shouldn't be in any danger. We detected that he entered a space between the ghost story and the real world. A person I know is also inside, and has been there for a long time, that place has more freedom of movement, and there are no fixed tasks."

"Really?" Wen Qiong was still worried.

Wei An said: "Mom, don't worry, Dad's horoscope is very tough. I don't think anyone can beat him except you."

Wen Qiong said: "Then can I go to that place to guard now, let's go in and look for it together?"

Wei An turned to look at Su Ya.

Su Ya hurriedly said: "I have no problem, I can go to that mansion ghost talk with you, anyway, it's the same wherever it's not fishing."

Wei An was a little embarrassed: "If you leave, the working group sent here by the Central City Administration will be very passive, but for the time being, I don't want them to enter the strange talk of the building over there."

Speaking of this, Wei An turned to Wen Qiong and said, "Mom, in fact, you can still stay by Su Ya's side. As long as Su Ya finishes fishing here, you can go to the building through this passage to see the strange talk. Pei Na is over there Watch, if there is a problem, she can notify you as soon as possible, so you don't have to worry about it."

Wen Qiong thinks about it carefully. At present, Su Ya's place is also very important to his son. One of the floors of this apartment building has been converted into a thermal weapon production line. Now this strange talk is like a special department serving the entire administration. .

Among them, Wei Anzhan has contributed a lot, so the administration will definitely distribute a lot of resources to him, Su Ya, Pei Na and others, which cannot be discarded here.

In addition, Su Ya can also stabilize the management here, and currently Su Ya only trusts Wei An, Pei Na and Wen Qiong.

Even after the catastrophe last time, the person Suya relied on the most was Wen Qiong who saved her life. As long as she caught a good treasure, she would immediately ask Wen Qiong if she needed it, and then hand it over to the management team. Allocation again.

Wen Qiong also got some good things in it and put them away temporarily, but now is obviously not the time to study those things.

After agreeing in this way, Wen Qiong and Su Ya decided to temporarily move their residence to this room.

Wei An soon returned to the strange talk of the building again, and found that the shallow pit on the wall was still the same, so he and Pei Na stayed here for a few days, during which Wen Qiong also came to look at it a few times, and Pei Na also ran to the "Death God" option" to meet Su Ya over there.

A few days later, Wei An returned to the central city of the human world.

The entrance to the central city is in the suburbs, in a cave beside an uninhabited creek, but after going out and climbing halfway up the slope, you will see the road.

Wei An first stopped a car on the road, arrived in the central city, returned to the temporary dormitory, charged his phone and turned it on.

Immediately, he saw several text messages, including a dividend notice from Zhoucheng himself who became a shareholder of the Jiang Family Group. The income was quite rich. He felt that he hadn't done anything, but kept collecting money.

Feeling a little sorry, he called Jiang Jialiang, and the two chatted for a while.

Then Wei An reported to the Central City Administration, saying that he and Pei Na had already come out of another ghost story after entering the ghost story channel in the garden of the villa.

This surprised the working group of the administration that was still there, and someone came to talk to him, but the working group that was still staying at the villa was not dismantled.

After the conversation, Wei An learned that the Central City Management Bureau has assembled a group of extremely powerful investigation teams to start a full-scale investigation into the Ever-Ai City Strange Talk incident. Investigators, not just Central City Authority people.

However, Wei An subconsciously feels that the establishment of this working group may not be as simple as it seems on the surface, and perhaps the people in the General Administration are also aware that there are still a large number of people lurking in the human world who want to use strange stories to plot evil.

It's just that Wei An is a low-key person in the Central City Administration Bureau, and cannot learn more about the information that the Administration Bureau has.

Another deputy director, Ma Xun, entered the strange talk and disappeared for the time being. At present, the management bureau is basically supported by the deputy director Yue Long alone. The strongest investigation team was also signed and established by him.

Wei An could feel an undercurrent being stirred up, maybe when these organizations lurking in the Administration Bureau, the Special Bureau or even other places would soon be revealed to everyone.

Because based on Yue Long's current behavior and Wei An's understanding of him, he doesn't seem to be a person who secretly colludes with other organizations, otherwise he will definitely suppress this matter first and continue his own plan instead of setting up a special organization. An organization to investigate.

(End of this chapter)

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