Chapter 427

Although Yue Long may know that Wei'an's strength is also good, after all, Wei'an is an investigator who has just risen recently, and has the experience of walking with the traitor Chen Sen.

So Yue Long probably wanted to continue to observe Wei An and Pei Na, and didn't let them join his newly formed strongest investigation team.

Of course, there is another reason, that is, after Wei'an joined the "Special Investigation Team on the Publishing of Strange Talks" headed by Zhang Shiqing, he showed amazing handling ability, which enabled Zhang Shiqing and his group to successfully dismantle the strange talks at the Central Hospital. , This shows that Wei'an is more valuable here, and Yue Long is not willing to arrange him in other teams.

After Wei An returned to the human world to understand the situation, he contacted Zhang Shiqing of the task force.

Zhang Shiqing is currently leading Yao Meishan, Dai Bin and others in the special case team to deal with a new case of ghost talk, but this case is much simpler than that of the Central Hospital.

Originally, Zhang Shiqing wanted Wei An to help him, but after learning that he was dealing with the incident of the ghost talk channel at the Gate of Hell, he asked Wei An to go to him after he had finished dealing with it.

At present, they themselves can solve this strange story based on the plot of the strange story. Not only that, Zhang Shiqing is also trying to solve the case of the old woman who died in the rich city and returned to the community.

Wei An rented an inconspicuous car, drove the car to an open space near the creek in the central city and parked it, then walked to the cave next to the creek, and returned to the strange story of the building.

After seeing him come back, Pei Na told him that the passage connecting the mezzanine space felt like it was about to be opened by the cursed corpse.

Because of the sunken wall potholes, a lot of mold and bricks fell again, revealing deeper potholes, but not completely penetrated.

Wei An took a closer look and found that it was indeed the case.

He even had a feeling that as long as he stretched out his hand to poke forward, the hole might be penetrated, exposing the space on that side.

Of course, the curse corpse said not to be in a hurry, so he quickly withdrew.

Later in the day, mother Wen Qiong also came to check, and then Pei Na switched places with her, going to "Death's Choice" to stay with Su Ya.

By the next day, bricks had fallen from the wall potholes again, becoming more penetrable.

Neither Wei An nor Wen Qiong left, they waited expectantly.


dark space.

The panting and growling of the beast hidden in the dark became louder and louder, and it seemed that it would rush out to attack Wei Zhengdong and Zhang Zuxia in the next second.

Zhang Zuxia stood in front and took out the metal stick, slightly surprised.

Because no matter what the weirdness was during this period of time, as soon as he met them, he would quickly choose to retreat, or even run away in embarrassment with his tail between his legs. This was the first time he had encountered such an aggressive weirdness.

When he was surprised, he saw a head protruding from the darkness.

It was a man's head, with long and fluffy hair, messy like a bird's nest, with a ferocious face, his mouth was open from time to time, and the upper and lower rows of teeth had been misplaced, but they were still making sounds from time to time.

After a while, the man's body also emerged from the darkness, but it was the body of a wild beast, not a human body!
The body of this beast is somewhat similar to that of a tiger or leopard, and it looks extremely sharp and strong. With the swing of the human head, it moved forward step by step and pressed on.

Wei Zhengdong was too frightened to look any further, and hid behind Zhang Zuxia, while Zhang Zuxia charged forward with the metal stick.

This monster with a head and a tiger body is extremely resistant to beatings. After being attacked by four or five metal sticks on its body, it is still alive and well. The head is shaking, and it always wants to bite Zhang Zuxia.

Finally, Zhang Zuxia hit the human head with a stick, and the monster let out a terrible cry of pain, and instantly retracted into the darkness.

Zhang Zuxia chased after him with another stick, and stabbed the opponent's butt that was exposed because of his escape. He heard the cry in the dark become more shrill, and then turned into a wail, and the guy with the head of a tiger disappeared.

"Strange!" Zhang Zuxia came back with a stick in his hand, and said to himself, "Why don't these guys run away when they see us, and attack instead?"

But he saw Wei Zhengdong staring at the end of the metal stick he had just stabbed the tiger's butt. After a while, Wei Zhengdong actually got down on his body and sniffed the end of the metal stick carefully.

"I'll wipe it, brother, do you have such a strong taste? What's so good about this?" Zhang Zuxia quickly retracted the stick.

While wriggling his nose, Wei Zhengdong continued to say: "I don't know what's going on, but I feel that this smells good."

Zhang Zuxia felt like he was about to throw up, he asked himself that even when he was insane, he wouldn't keep sniffing at a stick that had poked a weird ass like this, and it still smelled good.

What flavor is this?
"This weird level of strength is stronger than those we have encountered before." Wei Zhengdong said again.

It seemed that he had identified it from the smell just now.

Zhang Zuxia nodded: "Indeed, under normal circumstances, if this monster appears in the ghost story, it should belong to the monster of the C-level ghost story."

"Tsk tsk..." Wei Zhengdong smacked his lips, as if he was still recollecting and digesting.

Seeing his appearance, Zhang Zuxia didn't dare to think about it any more. He just felt that the old father Wei An looked so different, like a firefly in the dark night, but he couldn't describe what was different.

After a while, Zhang Zuxia became alert again. He turned his head and looked into the darkness on the other side. There seemed to be a person standing there, but he blended himself into the darkness and never approached.

Then Wei Zhengdong said: "That should be a monster too, it appeared half a minute ago, but its aura is equal to the monster with the human head and tiger body just now."

"Equal? ​​Not the same?" Zhang Zuxia asked with a frown.

Wei Zhengdong nodded: "Well, it's a different weird smell, but the level is the same."

After a pause, Wei Zhengdong said resolutely: "It should not dare to come over."

"Why?" Zhang Zuxia was surprised.

If this monster is at the same level as the monster with a human head and a tiger body just now, then it will definitely dare to come over and try it. It should be said that the other party will probably come over and try it instead of just standing aside secretly.

While thinking, Wei Zhengdong suddenly said, "Because I already understood their level just now."

At the end, he added: "If you don't believe me, go poke its ass again, bring it here and let me smell it, it definitely smells the same."

Zhang Zuxia stared at him dumbfounded, he never thought that smelling that breath would have such a miraculous effect on Wei Zhengdong.

At this moment, he really found that the figure standing in the darkness began to slowly retreat, as if one hand was still covering his buttocks, until it completely merged into the darkness and disappeared.

"What a pity!" Wei Zhengdong rubbed his nose regretfully, "Eh..."

He looked down at the shallow hole in the ground beneath his feet.

"Have you noticed that this shallow pit has become deeper now, much deeper than it was at the beginning?"

(End of this chapter)

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